A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1246: Complex plan

"Our Lady of Steel is currently in Ukraine. What is certain is that Our Lady of Steel has played a large role in the process of messing up Ukraine, but now that the chaos in Ukraine has been caused, and the Mother of Steel has done most of the things that should be done When you are done, according to the plan, Clooney will issue employment to Our Lady of Steel, and the name of hiring Our Lady of Steel is to destroy us. "

Gao Yang ’s words caused a confusion. Faced with a stunned group of people, Gao Yang spread his hands and said: “Yes, the plan is like this. If everyone thinks that it is too difficult to eliminate part of the Iron Madonna, we have a second option, that is Find a less powerful mercenary group, let them enter our ambush circle, and let us kill it. "

Grolev shook his head: "Chaos, too chaotic."

Fry raised his hand and shouted, "I'm sorry, but I always think we are making a conspiracy."

Gao Yang sighed and said helplessly to Fry: "Man, the illusion from you makes you think that we are not a conspiracy? Please, this is a conspiracy, okay? Last time we were tom and steel The Virgin was a yin, and this time we are going to be with the Clooney Virgin Mary, that ’s it. "

Fry froze for a moment, then waved his hand: "Well, I have nothing to say, but I'm not very comfortable with finding other mercenary groups to take the place of dead ghosts. I still hope to kill some of the Iron Madonna, I ’m not afraid of the Madonna of Steel. If I ca n’t solve the Madonna of Steel at once, then it ’s good to kill the Madonna of Steel piecemeal. ”

Gao Yang pointed his finger at Fry and smiled, "Yes, Satan and the Madonna of Steel, only one of us can survive, so even a piecemeal weakening of the strength of the Madonna of Steel is a good choice. I plan to let Clooney hired ten to fifteen people from Our Lady of Steel, a small group of people, of course. If this is a trap we carefully set, then the number of local people is not afraid of more. I think if it is less than thirty people There is no problem in completely destroying it. "

Li Jinfang frowned: "We and the Madonna of Steel have become dead enemies, and we have to do everything we can to do them, so we no longer have to find any weak points to replace the dead ghost. We will do the Madonna of Steel, but Clooney intends to go in what name Looking for Our Lady of Steel? "

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I just said that I will hire the Virgin Steel in the name of eliminating Satan. I think the Virgin Steel should divide some of the people to destroy us. Just like we have to kill the Virgin Steel, the Virgin Steel also I have to find a way to kill us, and I still have money to take. I do n’t think the Madonna of Steel will refuse. ”

Grolev said with some worry: "The Madonna of Steel is not a small mercenary group, they will only send some people. I always feel that the follow-up part of this matter will be very troublesome. Clooney cannot trust and put everything in This is too dangerous for Clooney. "

Gao Yang had the same concerns, and he waved his hand. Tao: "Yes, Clooney is not trustworthy, otherwise we are already discussing how to do it. Instead of whether to do it or not, Clooney explained it this way, we took the work of destroying angels in the name of Satan , And then replace the angels with the Virgin Mary, and for the Virgin Mary, they took over the work of eliminating Satan, but they will be directly led into our trap, for the Shah That is, they paid for Satan to destroy the angels. After that, they paid for it, of course. This is the ideal situation. Whether this plan can be achieved. First of all, it depends on whether Shah agrees with Cluny ’s request. "

After speaking, Gao Yang raised his hand and said in a deep voice: "In addition, according to the news from Clooney, Our Lady of Steel cooperated with a guy named Arseny Pavlovich in Ukraine, and they are all now in Kiev. And the angels are also in Kiev, but no one knows who hired them, but to complete our plan, we have to go to Ukraine. "

Cui Bo laughed and said: "We have planned for entering Ukraine for so long, who knows that it is because of this reason that we finally went to Ukraine."

Except for Albert, everyone laughed lightly. Albert didn't laugh because he didn't know what happened.

Andy He said carelessly: "I don't care about the plan, all I care about is how to put the Madonna of Steel together, guys, when will we start to really get started?"

"Tomorrow! Tomorrow I will go to Austria with Clooney to see Ben Suharitan. I will finalize the plan first. As long as Ben Suharitan is willing to pay, the next thing is how Clooney will come out to find the Madonna of Steel. Now. "

Tommy suddenly said: "There is still a question. Since Clooney surrendered because he was afraid of death, is he not afraid of revenge from the Iron Madonna? This is but he came forward to contact the Iron Madonna and send some of the Iron Madonna into him. Trap, is n’t he afraid of the revenge of Our Lady of Steel? "

Gao Yangsheng said: "Cluney explained this way, first of all, because of the relationship between Tomler and the Iron Madonna, the Iron Madonna still trusts him. Then, the Iron Madonna is sent into the trap, which of course needs to be done a little bit better. , Ca n’t be seen by the people of Our Lady of Steel, and a mercenary group was killed because of their poor strength. You ca n’t blame the agent to introduce them to a business, so it ’s us who wants to retaliate. Is the enemy. "

Tommy nodded and said, "This explanation sounds reasonable, but I don't understand. In any aspect, the Iron Madonna is stronger than us. Clooney is a person who is afraid of death. Why did he surrender, Then choose to completely fall back to the weaker us? "

Gao Yang shook his finger and smiled: "There is something you said wrong. There are more steel virgins, more money, and stronger fighting strength. In terms of pure combat strength, it is indeed stronger than us, but on the one hand, we are definitely better than steel. The Virgin is much stronger. "

Tommy frowned: "Which aspect?"

Gao Yangsheng said: "Cleaners!"

Before waiting for others to ask, Gao Yang said in a deep voice: "I must explain to you, cleaners, this organization is very mysterious, powerful, and weird. No one except the cleaners knows what is happening inside this organization. It works, but this organization also has limitations, that is, they can only operate in an orderly and rule-based area. It is very simple. If there is no lawless place, such as a place like Somalia, killing and setting fire is done, who Is there anything else to cover up?

Therefore, there is almost no intersection between the cleaners and the mercenaries. According to Clooney, the Virgin Iron does not have any intersection with the cleaners. The Virgin Steel does not even know the existence of the cleaners. The Satan mercenary group is likely to have been The first mercenary group to have a long-term cooperative relationship with cleaners. "

Cleaners, everyone in Satan knows that no one takes cleaners too seriously, because the deal with cleaners is nothing too special. Give money to do things, and if you do n’t have money, it ’s normal.

Grolev frowned, "Why is it related to cleaners again? Cooperation? We don't have any cooperation. We pay them to do things, just like someone spends money to hire us to fight. We collect money and help others." There is nothing to say about cooperation in fighting. "

Gao Yang smiled and said, "No, it's not like this. In fact, it's like this. The cleaners also have a choice. If any underground organization wants to survive for a long time, it must understand what can be done, what is not. You can do it, understand where is the insurmountable red line, and the same is true of the cleaners. They will not pick up the business with too much risk. For example, the biggest fight after 911 was staged in downtown New York, and the cleaners can The makers of this big event that attracted worldwide attention wiped their **** clean. "

Frye said stunnedly: "This is what we mean? But we paid a lot of money."

Gao Yang shook his head and said: "It's far from a simple problem of a large sum of money. Trust me. Even if Tomler is willing to pay twice as much as us, the cleaner will never take over this business. Do you know why? Because Tomler is a Tier 5 customer, and we, to be exact, I am a Tier 2 customer at the cleaner! Guys, this Tier 2 customer is the most precious gift that Big Ivan gave us! "

Grolev murmured: "I can't imagine it!"

Gao Yang exhaled and said, "Guys, everyone who knows the existence of cleaners knows what this organization means, and Clooney knows it, so he thinks that we have more powerful strength than the Virgin Mary Simple, Notre Dame does not know the existence of the cleaner, but Satan is a senior member of the cleaner! Yes, you heard it right ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The cleaner is a membership organization, and there are individual customers, but The main business comes from the members, some sensitive business can only be applied by the members, and the cleaner will only decide whether to accept the commission after the evaluation, and we are high! V! I! P! "

After saying the words one by one, Gao Yang took a deep breath and said loudly: "Guys, we are second-level customers, we do n’t have to apply, as long as our entrustment is within the cleaner ’s ability, they must Take over our business! The cleaner can only talk to us about the price, but cannot refuse our business, this is the difference! "

A group of people are all in a sudden realization. Only Albert is blank: "The cleaner? What is a cleaner, who can explain it to me?" (To be continued)

ps: Actually, I really want to write about cleaners in detail. I originally thought about writing a cleaner's story, but I don't dare to write it. The reason is very simple. Who needs a cleaner?

Alas, let ’s give up the story of the cleaners, let ’s put the mercenaries down first, and start filling the pits, and the ideas have been straightened out. There will definitely be a small outbreak in the next few days. The time is uncertain, but there are definitely more chapter.

Finally, ask for the next monthly ticket. The monthly ticket is just like the Korean credit soldiers.

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