A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1243: Money is stupid

Are you friends with the Angel Mercenary Corps? Gao Yang thought about it seriously. It seemed that he was really not a friend. At best, he was only an acquaintance with a good relationship, and he still didn't play acquaintances he didn't know.

Gao Yang felt a little guilty about the Angel Mercenary ’s innocence, although Gao Yang had nothing to do with him, but apart from his guilt, Gao Yang really wanted to know how big the gap between Satan and the angels was. .

The reputation of the mercenary group directly leads to the gap in the commission, so the amount of the commission does not reflect the real strength, but it can reflect the gold content of the name of a mercenary group.

Regarding Koyang ’s question, Clooney did n’t know how to answer it. He looked embarrassed: “This, I think, where your name is in Shah, it should be worth 20 million, no, maybe It is possible to reach 40-50 million, after all, is Satan the first ultra-small mercenary group, but the angels, um, they are worth 100 million, pay a deposit of 50 million first, and then pay the remaining five after all is settled Ten million. "

If this is not in a negotiation involving many lives and deaths, if Gao Yang is not trying to maintain his restraint, he must have jumped.

"Fak! Are you **** kidding me? One hundred million? Are you **** teasing me?"

Gao Yang immediately became unbalanced.

Seriously, Gao Yang has always thought that he is very profitable, very profitable. In just over two years, he has led a large group of poor light eggs to turn into millionaires, which is powerful enough and exaggerated, but a billion He still dare not think of this kind of number.

The entire mercenary regiment worked hard for several years, and all of them earned less than 100 million yuan, but the angels were good, and a mission was worth 100 million yuan. This kind of thing was a blow to high self-confidence.

So Gao Yang does not believe in Clooney, he is just unacceptable.

"Er. It's 100 million, but for angels, it's only 30 million at most. Maybe it can be as much as 40 million, or 50 million. It's possible. But if 100 million is for angels, joke, Tomler doesn't earn What's the point of money doing this. "

Gao Yang let out a sigh of relief, and Clooney continued to laugh: "In addition, doing business with Shah always costs more money. Shah money is silly. Are there any better customers in the world than Shah? "

Gao Yang said helplessly: "It should be asked if there are any customers in the world who are better than Shah."

Clooney said with a smile: "Of course it's right to say that. No matter what business, the Shah people always pay more. If even the Shah people can't hang, then what kind of business, Shah's money. They did n’t fall from the sky, but their money came out of the ground. It ’s easy to get money anyway. Of course it will be more generous to spend. "

After he finished speaking, Clooney spread his hands and said helplessly: "Of course. This time Tomler failed to pit the Shah, but in the final analysis, things still did not happen to the Shah."

Gao Yang knows what it means to be really stupid.

Shook his head. Gao Yangsheng said: "Okay, now talk about your plan, you chose to surrender, but I may not accept your surrender."

Clooney gritted his teeth and said, "If you want to surrender, you have to do it thoroughly, and you have to be a captive. Of course I understand this and listen to me. I can do many things for you, and I'm not hurt The mastermind of the dead test tube. I ’m just a trivial pawn. Tomler can send me. He can also send someone else, right? So you can definitely find a reason to accept my surrender.

Now, let me explain what I can do. First of all, most of the manpower arranged for you has been removed, and a limited part is left for the Virgin Iron and Shah. I have to say that I still I'm trying to get rid of you, but you can rest assured that I will never leave the person who monitors Downey little, and you can let Little Downey leave at any time without worrying about any danger.

Next, I am willing to cooperate with you to do everything. Now Satan and the Madonna of Steel are destined to have only one mercenary group to stay, and I can help you solve the Madonna of Steel. I have the information of the Madonna of Steel, which is not too comprehensive, but I There must be more things than anyone else. I want to know what I want to tell you, what traps do you want to arrange, and I will help you.

And then, it ’s about Shah ’s side, now you already know, Shah ’s side urged me to be very tight, but your Satan is not in any danger, as long as I do n’t say, the people on Shah ’s side are absolutely I do n’t know if they really want to deal with Satan. "

Gao Yangsheng said: "No, there is an omission. Our Lady of Steel knows our identity, and they are also dealing with Shah. You can't justify yourself."

Clooney smiled and said, "What are mercenary brokers doing? Man, don't forget, I'm in charge of the business of the Iron Madonna. Shah has any requirements and will only tell me if I let the employer Free contact with mercenaries, aren't we middlemen no longer eating, so you can rest assured that even if the Iron Madonna knows your identity, there is no chance to tell the Shah side. In addition, there is a very important question for you Ignore it. "

"what is the problem?"

"The Shah people's money is best to earn. Basically, in any aspect related to the war, the Shah people are Kaizi. You certainly will not deny this?"

"Of course ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Then this question is easy to understand. If, I mean, if the Madonna of Steel really put aside my agent and took over with Shah, then you think they will choose to poke To break this matter, would you choose to conceal the truth like us, so where can you get more money from Shah? Man, Kaizi everyone loves, for scum like thieves and rogue mercenaries, too Smart people are not flattering. Kaizi who is stupid and rich is the most popular good friend. "

Clooney spread his hand and continued to laugh: "The Shah people all decide how much to pay based on their fame. Hearing the name of the angel, the Shah people are happy to give out how much money, one hundred million. Do you think a lot? But to the Shah people It ’s trivial, and when they hear the name of Satan, they may make 20 million, 30 million, even if they are willing to pay 50 million to kill Satan, but if you get 100 million to kill the angel, you will choose Which? "

Gao Yang couldn't help laughing, and said, "Is it so exaggerated?"

Clooney shrugged: "Man, you have to know one thing, that is, Shah's intelligence is always outdated, why? Because the intelligence sellers are not stupid, why should Shah have the latest information, right? Take Where is outdated information that everyone knows selling high prices in Shah, who is not willing to do such a thing? "(To be continued)

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