A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1231: Gorgeous turn

Gao Yang and a few of them were playing in the Scottish highlands, while the rest of Satan lived casually in London.

When you arrive at Jensen ’s house, Loch Ness is definitely a must-see, and then the magnificent scenery of the Scottish Highlands must also be taken a look. Although it is still a bit cold in February, this cannot stop their interest in playing.

The reward order has been issued, but no news has been returned. Most of the Satanic people have assembled in London. Several people in the United States have not arrived yet, but their time has been determined. Only Grolev Li Jinfang and Cui Bo The time of the three of them is still uncertain.

On the third day of arriving in the Scottish Highlands, Taylor, Frye, and Satan ’s new military doctor all arrived in London.

And on this day, a major event also occurred, and the independence of Ukraine ’s western city Lviv was declared.

The situation in Ukraine is developing at an incredible speed. Gao Yang feels that there should be no problem in the Ukrainian government for at least another half year, but the fact is that Ukraine is sliding fast into the abyss, and it is getting faster and faster.

Now Gao Yang feels that Raphael is right. The situation in Ukraine does not need to wait three months or half a year to see the results. Maybe he will see the chapter in a week or two.

It's just that the attention of all members of Gao Yang and Satan now has to be placed on Clooney, which is related to their rear security. He can only pay attention to the situation in Ukraine, but he cannot go to Ukraine.

On the fourth day, Li Jinfang and Cui Bo also arrived in London. At this time, all the members of Satan had gathered together. On this day, they exalted them and left the Scottish Highlands to London.

The situation this time is very different from the past, because several of Satan's people came with their families, but those with their families are those who live in London. Like the Fry family, the Grolev family, and Tommy's girlfriend Vita. They had always been together, and when they arrived in London, they just changed their daily meeting place from home to hotel.

Satanic people did not stay in the same hotel. Instead, they lived in several hotels. As for those family members, of course, they lived in luxury hotels, and the housekeepers and bodyguards of the Morgan School also came in handy. They were arranged right next to Yeliana.

After Gao Yang arrived in London, the first thing was to find another hotel so that Satan's people could gather together.

Instead of staying in a luxury hotel, Gao Yang and Irene have been searching for them for a long time. Only found a small family-style hotel that meets the requirements and then all of them were packaged.

The hotel under the package is very small, only a total of 15 rooms, and the rooms are still small, only the sanitary conditions are not bad, but the price is not low, a room has to cost one hundred pounds a day, and all The room was all packed, but the hotel owner refused to give him a pound.

"The keys, fifteen are all here, and the entire second and third floors are now your space. As long as you are not too noisy, then there is no problem, unless you come down and ask for cleaning services. We will not go up. of."

The owner of the hotel is an old man who is almost 70 years old, and there is only one service staff, a woman in her 60s. The only requirement for the hotel to be packaged by Gao Yang is that no one should disturb them, and this request makes the boss very happy.

After handing over the key to Gao Yang, the old man picked up a full sign and hung it on the glass door of this family hotel.

On the second floor, Gao Yang randomly opened a door with a key. Several people went in and sat down, Gao Yang looked at his watch. He said to Eileen: "Okay, call and call everyone."

Irene started to call one after another. People scattered all over London began to converge to the small hotel where she was. When they arrived at the front desk, they only needed to report the fake name they left during the registration.

The first to arrive was Andy Ho. He lived close to this small hotel. When Andy Ho carried a small bag and entered the room to see a few of them high, Andy Ho was obviously stunned. Then he said silly to Aileen: "Are you a Tyrannosaurus Rex? Am I right?"

Yes, Irene is still in a fashionable dress. Although I changed my clothes, it is still the same beautiful and the same atypical. In fact, Irene's dream was to be a model. There is really no reason and cost.

After smiling sweetly to Andy Ho, Irene said in a greasy voice: "Hi, Dragon Knight, do you think I'm pretty?"

Andy Ho couldn't help but shudder, and Gao Yang couldn't help but shudder, and Andy Ho waved again and again: "Please, don't talk to me in this tone, I can't stand it! Hey, my chicken skin Pimples are up! "

Aileen stretched her **** at Andy Ho angrily and said angrily: "Go!"

Andy Ho looked relieved, sighing: "You are still better, so I am more used to it."

While a few people were talking, there were footsteps again. Immediately after Fry and Taylor walked to the door of the open room, they just lifted their feet into the door. When Irene, who was blocked in the porch, turned, Fou Rai immediately raised his hand and said, "Sorry, I went wrong."

Fry and Taylor turned their heads away, and Irene said angrily: "Come back!"

Fry and Tyler turned their heads together, and the two looked at Irene stunned. Then Fry looked at Irene several times. He didn't look at him until he heard the laughter of several people in the room. : "Tyrannosaurus Rex! How did you become this ghost?"

Taylor said with a look of surprise: "Wow! I don't know what to say, I'm not very used to it."

The room was too small. After a few more people came in, there was no place to sit. Fry and Taylor simply stood in the room, and they talked and laughed with the first Gao Yang. They waited for about half an hour and came again. Footsteps.

As soon as Gao Yang heard the voice, he knew that Li Jinfang and Cui Bo ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Li Jinfang's footsteps were different from others.

Sure enough, Li Jinfang and Cui Bo entered the door quickly, and it was not long before they both got off the plane. They came directly in a taxi, entered the door, and threw the bag on the ground. They just greeted Gao Yang. , Cui Bo looked like hell, really jumped up under his feet, and pointed to Irene and said loudly: "I, I ..., Irene, what's wrong with you?"

Irene had no energy to express anything, just looked at Cui Bo weakly said: "What do you want to express?"

After Cui Bo froze for a moment, he nodded and said, "You are beautiful, um, very seductive, Irene, you are here in a gorgeous turn!"

Elin laughed and shouted, "Finally speaking, someone who can speak, thank you."

Cui Bo also smiled: "No thanks, what are you thanking? But Irene, I always treat you as a brother. You suddenly become like this, making it difficult for me to adapt. This makes me still get along with you happily in the future. Well! Are you still going to be a man-in-law, okay? "(To be continued)

ps: I met some unexpected situation today and it was very late to go home, so the update was very late, sorry, the second one will be very few, apologize again.

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