A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1219: Identity is important

What to talk about, Gao Yang had no plan at all, and Irene didn't say that she would meet her father, but she still had to say something. You can't watch Irene and her parents completely fall out.

Gao Yang is totally kind. For him, Irene has no problem even if he wants to quit Satan. He is happy to see that everyone in Satan can have a good home. What is the purpose of being a mercenary, not to make money, now they Everyone made enough money and took the money to live peacefully and peacefully, which is better than nothing.

Gao Yang is kind, but Erin's father doesn't think so. In Fritz's eyes, Gao Yang is the culprit of abducting his daughter. It would be strange to have a good face for Gao Yang.

"Bernd, you go out and wait for me."

Looking at Gao Yang bitterly, Fritz chose to let his guard leave. The soldier who was thrown out by Eileen picked up the parts of his pistol from the ground. The action was very fast. After reassembling it into a pistol, he went out, and when he left the room, he took the door with him.

Irene still stood at the door and refused to move. Yelena took her a hand and dragged Irene to the back room. At this time, Irene ’s mother pulled Irene tearfully and dragged Irene into her throat. Her bedroom.

After Eileen and them all left, Fritz stood in the center of the living room, looked at Yang Yang with an angry look, and said in a deep voice: "What do you want to say?"

Gao Yang didn't know what to say.

After thinking about it, Gao Yang pointed to the sofa and said in a deep voice: "Let's sit down and talk."

Fritz strode back to the sofa and sat down. Then Yang Yang sat opposite Fritz. At this time, Raphael was originally sitting on the sofa, on a single sofa between the two. But after the two of them sat down, Raphael stood up quickly. Then stood behind Gao Yang.

Fritz did it straight, staring closely at Gao Yang with a very angry and hateful look.

I have to say that Fritz is really aura, after all, he is a lieutenant general. Although the title of Deputy Army Chief sounds odd, it is a de facto Deputy Commander of the Army. It would be a problem if there was no aura.

Gao Yang's expression was much calmer, but he didn't feel nervous under Fritz's glare.

People are so high, anyway, they are also major generals ...

"What do you want to say!"

Fritz questioned again, Gao Yang stretched out his hand a little, and after making a helpless gesture, whispered: "In fact, I don't know what to say, I don't know your relationship with Irene is so bad I just think that if I do n’t do something, Irene should go. In terms of her personality, it ’s not easy to come back. ”

Fritz was even more angry. Although Gao Yang felt that Fritz's anger was wrong, he was understandable.

Fritz stared high and slowly said: "I am a soldier, I like to say something straight, if you do nothing, it is the best way, now get out of my house. Get out of Germany, no more Harass Irene, stay away from her! Otherwise I will make you never leave! I have nothing to say other than that. You are not qualified to talk to me. "

Fritz speaks German, and Gao Yang can understand a rough idea, but Raphael is not good, because Raphael is not interested in learning German with Irene, so he does not understand what Fritz is talking about.

Gao Yang understood, probably, it's okay to understand the meaning.

Fritz is very polite, but Gao Yang is not very angry. He just spread his hand again and smiled: "My German is not very good. If you don't understand, I can repeat it several times or change the language. Alle Mr. Berg, I would like to ask you something. Irene is your daughter, but do you really know her? Also, I am neither good nor totally interested in mediating family disputes, but Irene is now me Person, she is my subordinate, I have to be responsible for her, although this kind of thing is beyond my scope of responsibility, but I attach great importance to my family, I ca n’t return home, I do n’t want Eileen to do the same, so I Still willing to do something, of course, this requires your cooperation. "

After speaking, Gao Yang smiled, then stretched out his hand to strengthen his tone, and said in a deep voice: "In addition, I am qualified to talk to you, your rank is lieutenant general, and my rank is major general, I One level lower than you, but at least we should call each other a general, what do you think? "

Fritz smiled disdainfully and said, "Major General? Is the mercenary a self-styled general? I don't think a mercenary general needs to be taken seriously."

Gao Yang said seriously: "No, this is not my self-styled. If you really understand us, you should know that I received the title after a complete set of procedures, which belongs to the real major general, If there is a need, the number of troops I command is not less than that of you. Also, you are the deputy director of the army and the position is much higher than mine, but you have never participated in actual combat? Any time! Is there? And I am different, I This major general was gradually gained in the war due to credit. I have participated in actual combat, served as the highest commander in many battles and even at the battle level. You have not! "

After speaking slowly but seriously, Gao Yang said to Fritz very seriously: "We are not politicians, but soldiers! As far as soldiers are concerned, my combat experience is richer than you, so even if you do not recognize my rank, You have to call me a veteran, so even if I am a major general, you are a lieutenant general, but here, our identities should be equal, do you agree? "

After a moment of silence, Fritz said with a sullen face: "I think the 20-year-old major general is ridiculous, but I agree with you, but I have not heard that you are a major general, and I don't think that everything you say It may be true, so I think you are lying! "

Gao Yang raised his hand and shook his index finger again and again: "General Aleberg, it is a bad habit to question others at random. Now there is a question. Do you know my name?"

Fritz said without hesitation: "If you are the head, then your name should be called Ram."

Gao Yang nodded with a smile and said, "The pronunciation is correct, it is Ram, but the real ram means English. My name is Ram, General Albergo. How did you hear about Irene? How did you know us when you were mercenaries? "

After Fritz was silent for a moment, Shen said, "The Angel Mercenary Corps, which contains my former subordinates."

Gao Yang sighed and said: "It really is this group of bastards, I will say, no one knows our details except them, okay, Angel Mercenary Corps, it seems that your information is outdated, Mr. Albergo , Can you ask when you knew that Irene was a mercenary? "

Fritz said with a sullen face: "You should be glad, I haven't gotten this news for long, otherwise, I've already found you and brought Irene home, if you dare to stop, I will use it without hesitation All strengths, a father for his daughter, can do anything. Whether you understand it or not, you must know that I am not scaring you! "

Gao Yang spread his hand and said, "You still haven't regarded me as an equal conversation object, which is not good, and it will make you make a wrong judgment unconsciously, General Albergo, I want to help you, help You and Irene, but before we start talking about the business, I think it is necessary to let you know if I am qualified to have an equal dialogue with you. "

Fritz sneered again and said, "Why, is a mercenary a self-styled general? Sorry, I don't think a mercenary is qualified to sit here and talk to me. If it's not because of Irene, you are not qualified to enter. My door. "

Gao Yang sighed and said, "Do you recognize the rank of the Syrian Defence Force?"

After thinking about it for a moment, Fritz nodded: "The Syrian army is a large-scale army, and the Syrian rank system is also very strict. I recognize the rank of Syria."

Gao Yang immediately said: "Very good, I don't have anything like an officer's card, it doesn't make sense to me, but generally speaking, if a soldier is promoted to a general, then there will be at least a complete process and a ceremony of award , Even if the specific position is strictly confidential, but a country has a new general, ordinary people may not know, but for the intelligence department, this is not a secret at all, I do n’t know if Germany is concerned about the situation in Syria, but I think You can find out if there is a general named Ram, or Ram, in Syria. If you can find out, it is me. With the current situation in Syria, perhaps Germany will not pay attention to Syria, but NATO will definitely, Your job title and identity should be accessible. "

Some things can't be kept secret, and confidentiality doesn't make much sense, so Gao Yang made no denunciation of the rank he got in Syria, and Fritz could find out that he didn't brag as long as he checked.

Now Gao Yang is very satisfied with the rank he obtained ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ It was originally useless, now he thinks it is still very useful, let alone say, it is really easy to pull the name out to bluff people.

Looking at Yang Yang's confident and indifferent expression, Fritz finally nodded and said in a deep voice: "I will check, but I believe your words for the time being, well, you really have the qualification to talk to me on an equal basis."

Germans are usually very serious and stubborn, and they are stubborn to the point of being rigid, but it is also beneficial to be serious, that is, after recognizing your own mistakes, whether you are happy or not, you must act according to the rules.

Although the rank was higher, Fritz was the wrong side, so Fritz still had an angry expression on his face, but he stood up.

After waiting for Gao Yang to stand up, Fritz gave a military salute to Gao Yang and said with a deep voice: "Lieutenant General of the German Bundeswehr, Fritz Alberg, General Ram, you do have an equal dialogue with me Qualification, I apologize for the rudeness just now. "

Gao Yang immediately responded to Alepok with a military salute and said in a deep voice: "Major General Syrian Defense Force, Ram, I accept your apology, General Alberg." (To be continued)

ps: Seeking monthly tickets.

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