A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1190: Satan, Satan of the Rams.

What Albert said moved Gao Yang.

It is not uncommon for three generations of a family to be all soldiers. Israel is more common, because Israel has a compulsory military service system. Everyone must reach military service at the right age, but all three generations are professional soldiers, and they are all medical care. Bing, this is too rare.

Albert's grandfather experienced the first Middle East war and died in the second Middle East war.

Albert's father experienced the third Middle East war and died in the fourth Middle East war.

Albert's brother died in the fifth Middle East war in the first battle.

Gao Yang didn't know what to say. The Albert family experienced the five most critical wars against Israel, and they all participated as medical soldiers. Such a family of three generations and four people deserves respect.

In particular, Gao Yang lamented that Albert even served in the 202 Paratroopers Brigade for a year. You know that when Satan studied skydiving, he was studying in the 202 Brigade. In a sense, they and Al Burt is a bit of a comrade in arms.

And what made Gao Yang just interested, or excited, is that since Albert has served in the 202 brigade for a year, it means that Albert will definitely skydiving, and the skydiving is still very good. In addition, the 202 paratrooper brigade and Ge The Lan Brigade is Israel ’s troop troop, and it is needless to say that Albert can be a medical soldier in these two troops.

Looking at Gao Yang with excitement and emotion, Albert said proudly: "The reason why I want to tell you about my family's military history is not to show you anything, but to tell you. If you are a medic, you have at least anything to worry about in my attitude, as long as it is my comrade. Even if I do n’t know him, I will save him at all costs, because this is my The duty of medical soldiers. It is also the tradition of our Albert family. "

Gao Yang nodded and said with a very emotional tone: "I believe what you said. In addition, tell you one thing, I was trained in the 202 brigade, in fact, almost all of my team studied in the 202 brigade Parachuting. "

Albert looked at Yang Yang in surprise, "You guys? How is it possible, are you bragging?"

Gao Yang shrugged and smiled, "No bragging, huh. We were trained in another army and then went to 202 brigade to learn skydiving, but I can't say too much, confidentiality regulations, you know, but, I think You must have participated in the flag capture exercise? "

Albert was even more surprised. He widened his eyes and looked at Gao Yang. After sweeping Gao Yang up and down several times, he was surprised: "How is it possible? How is it possible! How could you have the opportunity to participate in the flag-grabbing show? ! Dude. Who the **** are you? Are you a yellow Jew from Israel? "

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "No, no, I am neither a Jew nor an Israeli. We are just going to be trained."

Albert was extremely puzzled and said: "Then are you or the US special forces? Impossible! Even if the US special forces are going to participate in cooperative training, you have no chance to participate in the flag-grabbing show!"

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "Did I reveal too much information to you? Ok guys, if I accidentally said what I shouldn't say, you shouldn't hear it. In short, I participated in the flag capture exercise and finally At the exercise site of the 202th brigade, we also captured the flag. Man, your 202nd brigade was defeated by us. Haha, at your exercise field! "

Albert looked at Gao Yang with awe. He said in a deep voice: "If you can say the capture flag exercise, it means that you have really been there and you really won? Impossible? Oh, I correct you a little, I am not a 202 brigade, they all put I ’m fired, do n’t you guys, I ’m from the Golan Brigade! "

After speaking, Albert shrugged: "But then again, my feelings for the 202 brigade are also very deep, and it is indeed my fault to be expelled. Well, you have to call me a senior."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "No, I think you should call me an officer. You served only one year when you were expelled. Are you definitely a soldier? Man, my rank there is an ensign!"

Albert grew his mouth again. After opening and closing several times, Albert said startled, "Really, are you kidding me?"

Gao Yang smiled slightly and said, "I'm never kidding in this kind of thing. If you can join us, you will understand a lot of things, and you will also know if I lied to you."

Albert shook his head, and finally he said helplessly: "When I retired, I was a sergeant, indeed not an officer, so, well, I really have to call you sir."

Albert took a half step back, and after standing upright, he raised his hands to salute Gao Yang and said in a deep voice, "Sir, good sir."

Gao Yang saluted a military salute, then smiled: "Hello soldier, I am very happy to see you today."

Albert pouted his lips, then reached for his ears, and finally said helplessly: "I really don't understand. You are neither an Israeli, but you have the rank of the National Defense Force. It ’s not a lie to me, but forget it, maybe there are new changes in the IDF now that I do n’t know, which is really strange. "

Gao Yang wanted to say that I am still your instructor, but he finally refrained from saying it, and then it would be a real leak.

Failing to continue to show off, Gao Yang said with regret: "After you retire from the army? What else did you do, is it related to combat?"

Albert shrugged and said, "No, after I retired, I went to the health school to find a job in the hospital, but after a short time, I couldn't go on, um, and then I felt that Israel was not suitable for me, Then I immigrated to the United States. In the United States, I first planned to obtain a doctor's license, but unfortunately I didn't pass the exam. Then I worked as an emergency ambulance in the hospital for a while, and then went to work as a wrestler for a while, but my job I did n’t work very long. In the end, I felt that the police job was quite suitable for me, so I became a policeman. In 2000, from 2000 to now, I have been receiving some odd jobs in recent years. My policeman My identity has provided me with a lot of conveniences, and I can get some extra money. You know, the salary of the police is not high, and I have to support a lot of people. "

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Your experience is quite rich. Can I ask you what you do to do odd jobs?"

Albert touched his bald head and said in embarrassment: "Dude, don't you need to be so clear?" Well, for the sake of high salaries, well, it's just to provide some people with some refuge, for two. The gang is a peacemaker or something, nothing too special, just a little money. "

Gao Yang shrugged: "Okay, I got a rough idea, so tell me about your family, are you married, right? Do you have any children?"

Albert put a face on his face and said in a deep voice: "Man, you are crossing the line, why ask these."

Gao Yang spread his hands and said in a deep voice: "I'm sorry to ask you these things, but man, my team is a whole. In my team, all of us can trust each other's lives, and you are an outsider, I need it. Know more about you. "

Albert said with a sullen face: "That is to say, join your team and you will not be able to leave from now on. If you leave, you will harm your family, right? Man, you cross the line, believe me, you are following me on the street. Stopped, if you are following me near my home, or if there are my family in my car, I will never stop you and say so much, I will shoot you directly! "

Gao Yang shook his head and said: "You misunderstood, you can join us, of course, you can also withdraw, provided that you can not reveal any secrets about us, man, I ask you these, not trying to use your family to threaten you and the like, I I just want to know if you die in battle, will you have any worries? "

After speaking, Gao Yang spread his hands and smiled: "If you are married and have children, then we will take care of them once you die in battle. I asked this question too early, okay, wait for you to understand After we are some people, you will naturally say, now, I really should n’t think too much about your problem, not to mention that I do n’t have the obligation, you collect money to help me, then I paid the money naturally. I have fulfilled my responsibility. "

After speaking, Gao Yang smiled remorsefully, and then said to Albert: "Sorry, I sometimes think too much."

Albert nodded sullenly, and then said blankly: "I'll just say what you said is true, but buddy, please don't ask if you shouldn't inquire in the future, I will work for you, but not necessarily Willing to share my privacy, we are not engaged in any safe occupations, nor are we living in peacetime, and there are some things that we only need to know. "

Gao Yang raised his hand and said in a deep voice: "Yes, I did think too much, and I have always considered too many things for others recently ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Well, I really crossed the line, sorry again."

Albert waved his hand, and then said in a deep voice: "Well, if you are a mercenary, then tell me which mercenary regiment you are now. I introduced myself. Now it ’s time to talk about your mercenary regiment, Then see if I am happy to work for you. "

Gao Yang smiled: "Have you heard of Satan?"

Albert opened his mouth slightly and lost his voice: "Satan? Satan Mercenary Corps?"

"Yes, the Satan Mercenary Corps."

Albert put his hands on top of his head, opened his mouth wide, froze for a moment, and vigorously touched his bald head before trembling: "Satan! Is that the Satan of the Ram?"

Gao Yang gave Albert a surprised look, then nodded and smiled, "Yes, that Satan mercenary with a ram."

After he finished speaking, Gao Yang hesitated and smiled: "I have n’t told you what my name is. It ’s time to introduce myself. I am the head of the Satan Mercenary Corps. That ’s right, I It's the ram. "(To be continued)

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