A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1172: Reasons for not leaving

Fleila held Ella, and ran to where he parked. After looking back at the chasing Gao Yang, he and Ella got into the car and quickly reversed the fire. As the tire made a loud noise, the The car drove on the way home.

When Fry drove away, he raised his fist resentfully, and then shouted to Yelena beside him: "Let's drive and chase him!"

With his belly full of fire, he couldn't hold back his anger.

After sitting in the passenger seat, Ye Lanna said worriedly: "My dear, what happened?"

Gao Yangsheng said: "Nothing, wear a seat belt!"

Gao Yang drove the car out of the parking lot and chased towards Fry.

The high-lifted car is a coupe, a Mercedes-Benz cls63amg, and the car that Fly drives is just a scooter for his mother and Ella, a very common cheap car Civic.

In terms of performance, the high-end car can throw Fry's car out of eight streets.

Gao Yang was in a rage, and for the first time he should drive his car out of the speed it should have, but the place was wrong.

On the high-traffic street, the high car started to shuttle through the traffic. He knew that Frye would go that way, so he hoped to catch up with Frye.

Soon, within a few minutes, Gao Yang saw Fry's car.

Accelerating again, flashing left and right from the traffic, shouting out loud, surpassing Fry, and then braking hard in front of Fry's head, trying to stop Fry.

Fry's car braked in time, but Fry hit the steering wheel, and then speeded up from the adjacent lane. After speeding up, he began to shuttle through the traffic.

Gao Yang scolded, and stepped on the floor oil again.

Ye Lanna said nothing. Just looked at Gao Yang with a worried look. She knew that something happened to make Gao Yang angry, but she didn't know what it was, and Ye Lanna would never scream to stop Gao Yang.

Gao Yang relies on the advantages of vehicle performance. He approached Fry again, and the two cars began to sprint in tandem on the busy street.

Gao Yang didn't rush over Fry. Although he was furious, he didn't want to impress innocent passersby because of his emotions, so he kept controlling the speed of the car, just to be able to follow Fry.

After two junctions. Fry drove on a road with few vehicles. When he saw that there was no car in the front and back, he raised his feet quickly, caught up with Fry's car again, and then hit the steering wheel. Directly hit the front of Fry with the side tail.

Gao Yang learned special driving and he knew how to force a car to stop, but Fry also learned special driving and he knew how to avoid being forced to stop.

Therefore, Gao Yang can only stop Fry in the most intense way. After he hit the front of Fry with the side of his car, the two cars drifted to the right together. Finally, the body of Gao Yang's car was on Fry. In front of the car. The two cars stopped together.

Goyanla got out of the car by the door, and then he pulled out a pistol around his waist and pointed it at Fry sitting in the car. Shouted: "Give me down, roll me down!"

It was impossible for Gao Yang to shoot at Fry. When he shouted at Fry, he lowered his muzzle and aimed at the left front wheel of Fry's car, but Fry drove backwards quickly. After retreating for more than ten meters, he accelerated and rushed past Gao Yang.

Frye was determined to refuse to get off. Gao Yang twitched the trigger's finger a few times, but eventually did not pull the trigger.

"Fak, Fak oil!"

After yelling at Frye's taillights twice. Gao Yang angrily inserted the pistol back into his waist, and then got into the car again.

When Gao Yang drove out of the car again, Ye Lina finally whispered: "My dear, don't do this, it's too dangerous."

"I know."

Although he said something in a muffled voice, the angry highs slowed down the car.

Gao Yang stopped talking, but gritted his teeth back at the slowest speed he could hold.

Gao Yang drove the car back smoothly, he patiently parked the car before getting off, but his face was already green.

Yelena took hold of Yang Yang's hand and shivered: "Honey, no matter what happens, calm down, you have to calm down."

Gao Yang nodded silently, but didn't say a word. His mind was very confused and he didn't know what to say.

Going upstairs and out of the elevator, Gao Yang reached out and knocked on Fry's door. After the first knock on the door did not receive a response, Gao Yang immediately smashed it with his fist.

The door opened immediately, and behind the door was a frightened Ella, while the door was opened by an anxious Mrs. Smith.

"High, what happened?"

Ye Lanna shouted: "Go and call my father and Tommy, go!"

Ignoring the anxious Mrs. Smith, Gao Yang walked past Mrs. Smith and saw Fry's door closed tightly. He stomped up and kicked the door open.

Fry lay on the bed, covering his face with his hands, and when he lifted his hands away to see Gao Yang, he immediately sat up, and by this time Gao Yang had come to him.

Gao Yang grabbed Frye's neck collar, opened his right hand, and slammed a big mouthed mouth, then returned his hand, with another big mouth on the back of his hand.

"You bastard! Can you run there? Ah! You can run there!"

There were two slap marks on Frye's face, but Frye twisted his head and clenched his teeth, but said nothing.

Gao Yang was even more angry. He grabbed Frye's neck with his two hands and stood up, shouting: "You know how many talents I've found. Damn, you have the opportunity to scout Are you watching? You **** ca n’t talk to the scouts? Falk oil! What do you run! What do you run! Did n’t you **** hear you let me stop? "

Fry twisted her face back and shouted, "Did I ask you to find a scout? Did you ask me what I meant? I don't need you to find any scouts for me, I **** said, I do n’t play baseball! "

Gao Yang's complexion turned from green to white, and he grabbed Frye's neck collar and said, one word at a time: "You **** kind, tell me again!"

Fry tilted her face and said nothing.

"High! What are you doing! Let go, let go!"

"Boss. Have something to say, are you crazy, let go, he can't breathe!"

Grolev and Tommy had already run over, and they hugged their arms high and left. Forcibly pulled Gao Yang away.

Without his high hands, Fry took a step back and shouted at them: "We said yes, you don't talk about credit, you said you wouldn't force me to play the **** baseball!"

Gao Yang pointed at Fry and trembled, "I brought you out of South Africa. I want to give you a good life. It's not that my mother has a day today and no tomorrow. As soon as I arrive on the battlefield, I start to panic. I ’m afraid you ’ll be hit by a bullet. My mother is afraid that you ’ll be interrupted by arms and legs. I promised your mother that you would n’t be turned into a body and sent home. Talented person, you can obviously become a star and live the life of a superior person, why not!

Gao Yang pointed his hand at Grolev and shuddered: "What else would he do besides fighting?"

Gao Yang pointed his hand at Tommy again and shouted, "What can he do besides fighting. What else can he do? Also me! We people, what else can we do without fighting, my mother doesn't want to be a waste person who does nothing! We have no choice. We have no choice but to take risks! You are different from your mother, you are wasting your life and talents, Falk oil! You **** bastard! "

Fry stepped forward, waving his hands and shouting upwards: "What about me! Have you ever thought about it for me? You go to war and take risks! I go to enjoy cheers and flowers. I go to live in the spotlight , Can I stand it! It ’s not the battlefield that I ca n’t give up. It ’s my brothers who live and die! It ’s you! It ’s you! Can I leave? I ca n’t live without it! My favorite is baseball, but your life is mine Life. It ’s all gone, what more baseball, what more baseball! "

Fry was also very excited. He waved his hands hysterically and slapped his chest. After the roaring hissing, Fry was already in tears, and then he took two steps back, and then pulled out his pistol from his waist. .

"What are you doing? Put down the gun!"

"Put down the gun!"

In the roar of Tommy and Grolev, Fry pointed his pistol at his left arm, and then cried, "Don't come! Don't force me, boy! Don't force any of you!" Me, I interrupted my arm, you never want to force me to play baseball, don't think! Don't think! You don't want to force me to leave Satan, I interrupt my arm! "

Grolev's face was pale, and Fra's fingers were trembling nervously, and the gun he was aiming at his arm would ring at any time.

Grolev and Tommy took two steps back immediately, and Tommy shuddered: "Fry, calm down, put down the gun, high, head, calm down."

Gao Yang pointed at Fry and shouted, "Put down the gun! I order you to put down the gun!"

For the first time, Fry violated Gao Yang's orders, he gasped: "I ..., I ..., you ..., you ..., you think about it, you think about driving me away, you think about driving me away , I broke my arm, so do n’t think about letting me play baseball ... "

Gao Yang trembled: "Survivor Robert, no, Harrison used his life to protect your arm from baseball. Are you **** going to interrupt yourself with a gun now?

I know that you like metropolises. In order to make you change your mind, I hope that the metropolises can give you a trial training and send you an invitation. UU reads the book www.uukanshu.com. My mom runs around asking for help. The metropolis will try to train you. I ’m **** like a dog, and they are ridiculed by metropolitan bastards. They laugh at me. It does n’t matter. I do n’t care, but they laugh at you. Slap like!

Yes, I do n’t have the ability, I ca n’t let the Metropolis send you an invitation, I only found the scouts of the New York Yankees, I did n’t expect you to join the New York Yankees, I just hope you can recognize your ability and value Your arm is a gift from God, your future. Now, do you aim your gun at your arm? Are you going to shoot yourself? You shoot, you **** shoot! "

Fry froze, motionless, but he slowly dropped the muzzle, then Grolev stepped forward to grab Fry's arm and grabbed the pistol.

After letting Grover take the pistol away, Fry stared at Gao Yang and swallowed hard, then gasped and said: "Boss, you said, the New York Mets laugh at you?" To be continued)

ps: I was writing this book with my heart. Well, at least most of them are written with heart.

At the time of writing this chapter, it was too deep to enter the scene, and the scenes of the brain filling, even when it was written, began to burst into tears. Why is it so sad ...

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