A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1144: Understandable

He finally stopped talking, and after no longer eating anything, Gao Yang was free to ask questions he cared about more.

"What about Peter? Are the Russians still here?"

Farooq shook his head and said, "Peter left long ago, not long after you left, he was sent back to Russia, and the remaining instructors left about twenty days ago."

After speaking, Faruk whispered: "General, before Instructor Peter left, let me convey a sentence to you. He said that he still owes you a favor. If he has the opportunity to meet in the future, he will invite you to drink. If If you do n’t see it, then you ca n’t drink it. ”

Gao Yang felt a sense of sorrow, and said in a deep voice: "Is his leg later determined to be the case? Are both legs broken, or can I keep one leg?"

Farooq said softly: "Fortunately, I can still keep one leg."

Li Jinfang also sighed with regret. He was the most empathetic person for Peter's experience, because the two of them were originally a kind of person.

"He only left one sentence, did not leave the contact information?"

After hearing Li Jinfang's question, Farouk shook his head and said: "No, I think, instructor Peter should not be able to leave contact information."

Andy He sighed and said: "It's a shame, I still want to take that bottle with him ... Well, forget it, it seems there is no chance."

After asking Peter ’s situation, it did n’t matter much. They talked to Kutli, and they talked about the situation in Aleppo prison. Let Kutley and Dani have them. At the same time when people were sighing, Gao Yang was only eating.

This slow. It was slow until dawn.

After more than an hour. Gao Yang dared to try to stand up without making his stomach hurt too much.

Not dare to straighten his waist. The bag couldn't be taken. After Gao Yang slowly stood up, he said cautiously: "I'm going to take a rest. Everyone should be busy, just leave us alone."

Andy Ho yawned, "I'm going to bed, oh, my stomach hurts. Overeating is harmful to the body, but I still can't control it."

Hassan quickly said to Gao Yang: "General, are you going to take a shower?"

Gao Yang shook his head and said softly, "I can't wash it because I can't wash it. I can't move at all. I'll go to bed first and wake up."

Regardless of the others, Gao Yang stretched his stomach and returned to his house. After lying **** the bed, I found myself uncomfortable falling asleep because I was eating too much.

I don't know how long I waited. Gao Yang finally slept deep.

Although he was very tired and sleepy, Gao Yang was very self-controlled, and got up after twelve noon.

After getting up, it ’s definitely impossible to get hungry. What I ’ve eaten in the morning has n’t been digested. Gao Yang just recovered his ability to move. I want to finish the second big thing of eating another meal. .

Climbing up from the bed, he found a piece of clean clothes, and dizzy out of the bedroom. After seeing Hassan waiting for him outside, he said feebly: "Hasan, I'm going to take a shower, you go to see See if Lieutenant Colonel Dani is in his office. If so, ask him to wait for me in the office. I have something to find him. "

Although hot water is not available 24 hours, Gao Yang took a pleasant cold shower in the public bath at the airport.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, I feel that the whole person is alive. Goyang went to Dani ’s office with ease and found Dani waiting for him. Another important thing after Damascus is coming. .

After sitting comfortably across Dani's office, Gao Yang whispered to Dani: "Man, can I do the thing I told you?"

Dani waved his hand and said, "Of course, it's not difficult at all, but do you have to do it? Major Sedev has been in prison for a long time. As soon as he came out, he was a hero, no, he has now become Hero, but if he sends all his family abroad, it will be bad for Major Sedev's reputation as soon as such a thing is spread. "

Gao Yang nodded and said, "I also know, but you don't know what is going on in the prison, so to speak, Major Sedev didn't expect to be alive, and you know what happened when they were surrounded, frankly speaking , I think it ’s normal for Major Sedev to be pessimistic about the form, so it ’s understandable that Major Sedev wants to send his family to a safer place. ”

Dani said in a deep voice: "Yes, I understand, but his approach, forget it, we still respect the choice of Major Sedev, I will explain to you, as far as possible to keep the secret of Major Sedev, if Major Sedev Unfortunately, the war is dead, so there is no need to mention anything. If he comes back alive and becomes a hero, I will help him quietly take his family back. "

Gao Yang solemnly said: "Thank you ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ man."

Duniken did so in the face of high-spiritedness, otherwise he would not do such a thankless job.

To thank Yang, Dani just waved his hand and said, "When are you going?"

Gao breathed out and said, "We are going to leave now, take a day off today, and leave early tomorrow morning. I have to make a phone call and let the plane go to Lebanon to pick us up. I think it should be fine tomorrow."

Dani frowned: "So anxious? Mr. President is still waiting to meet you, but the time has not yet been determined. However, you are leaving tomorrow. It is certainly too late."

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "Man, I just want to go home now, I can't wait."

Dani scratched his head and finally said with a distressed face: "Well, I will convey the news that you will go tomorrow, and see how it is arranged above. If Mr. President has no time, then forget it, let's go, we are now Go to the city. "

Gao Yang thought for a while and said: "We have to take a helicopter to go to the city. I went to Colonel Kutley and asked to arrange a helicopter. Let's go to the hospital in the name of visiting the seriously wounded, go to the hospital, and then drive away, how? "

Dani shrugged and said, "But I also planned that. Major Sedev pleased you. The fewer people know, the better. After all, this kind of thing is always a bit bad, oh, this one I did not report the matter to anyone above, nor did I tell anyone. "

Gao Yang stood up and said in a deep voice, "Okay, let me make a phone call first, and by the way, please ask Colonel Kutley to arrange a helicopter for us, and then come over to find you, oh, yes, those who picked us up Where are the pilots? Before we go, I have to talk to them first. "(To be continued ...) R1292

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