A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1139: Sight

Sedf ’s shooting in actual combat is much stronger than his practice. Some people are like this. You let him hit a fixed target with a very low difficulty, but you ca n’t hit it. However, it is a lot more difficult to move a target, but instead Can hit the gun.

Sedev still can't be a qualified sniper or accurate shooter, his shooting method is too limited, but anyway, seeing Sefif who is difficult to hit a fixed target in actual combat, you can use a svd shot One hit, Gao Yang was surprised.

"Can you go further?"

Gao Yang asked curiously, while Sedf said in a deep voice: "No, if it exceeds 300 meters, it will not be hit."

Gao Yangsheng said: "Oh, this way, then you just want to be good at the target, slowly practice."

After saying a few words, Gao Yang put down akm, put his Satan blade back, and began to hit the enemy at long distance.

The rebels have never evacuated because of the offensive resistance, and the number of rebels is too much. Although at least four or five hundred bodies have been dropped around the prison, the rebels ’confidence has not been shaken by this.

"Boss, the enemy's confidence must be knocked down to make them give up the attack, and find a way!"

Irene yelled on the intercom. The reality is indeed what she said. It is unlikely that the rebels will take Aleppo prison, but as long as they do not realize this, they will continue to attack.

"There is no good way to see if we can beat the enemy to attack the will."

There is really no good way for Gao Yang. He ca n’t tell the rebels that you will withdraw. You have no chance. You withdraw so that we can take a rest.

Although it is unlikely to take prison. However, the casualties caused by the rebels to the defenders are still very large. The people of Satan have played a key role, but the people of Satan are in a relatively safe position. Those positions that are dangerous and cannot be given up can only be The guard of the prison went up. Therefore, Satan ’s people are not injured, but it does not mean that the casualties of the prison guards will be small.

At this moment, Tommy shouted again on the intercom: "Boss, our shells are about to run out! I only have six shells left!"

The enemy's offensive is very fierce, and of course the defender can only use the maximum firepower to fight back the enemy, and it is not yet at the point where he can't run out of food. The bullets of the rifle were not in a hurry, but the heavy-fire ammunition had already been polished, the mortars, the rockets had run out, and the bullets of the heavy machine guns were few.

There are only two shells left. This has to be kept, in case of any problems that must be solved with mortars, but it is depressed without shells.

Gao Yang thought for a while and said on the walkie-talkie: "Worker Bee, leave the shells and don't fight, birdie, you come to me, I need to see the battlefield situation."

Jason ’s position is not fixed, he has been moving. When it is necessary to report the coordinates to Tommy, it is better to tell Tommy to look at the monitor directly. And it's also easier.

"Head, there are two more openings here! The enemy regards this as the main direction of attack!"

Gao Yang received a notice from Li Jinfang that the enemy could not fight in from the west and chose to fight from the east. They were already close to the wall and could easily blow up the wall.

"The enemies on this side have no threats for now. I will look east."

After taking a word to Sedf, Gao Yang hurriedly shot the gun and hurriedly ran to the corner of the Trident Star building extending northeast.

After reaching the location. Gao Yang discovered that the east was more intense than the west at this time, and Li Jinfang and Irene were shooting fiercely at the enemy in the east.

The Trident Star Building is a fire point with excellent shooting conditions. Crossfire can be formed in three directions from northeast to west. The enemy wants to attack. Unless the Trident Building is given first, they have no chance, and they no longer have the ability to attack. Since the violent trucks have been emptied, they will have no difference.

Gao Yang raised his gun and shot down several rebels who poured in from the gap, shouting, "How is it going?"

Li Jinfang shouted: "Everyone who is standing on the wall is dead! The rebels have now entered the area before the inner and outer walls! The trenches are useless for infantry."

Gao Yangsheng said: "It's okay, they can't get in."

At this moment, there was another loud noise. Gao Yang heard the sound coming from the north. His position can more easily control the enemies from the east. To shoot the enemies from the north, you have to change the room.

The enemy should have opened another passage, Gao Yang waved his hand, took Li Jinfang and Irene, and hurriedly changed the room.

Someone must have defended the north wall, but when Gao Yang came to the room on the north side, he found that a large number of enemies were pouring into the passageway opened by the enemy.

The enemy has been gaining momentum for a long time, and a large number of people were poured into the wall just after the wall was blown up, and the fire suppression that was prepared in advance was also compared in place. The situation seemed a bit chaotic for a time.

Gao Yang didn't have time to speak, only to shoot while holding the gun, and dozens of people swarming from the gap were too late to start, and the distance between the Trident Star Building and the northern wall was relatively far away. Those rebels had no chance to rush below the Trident Star Building.

At this moment, Irene shouted, "rpg!"

An enemy carrying a rocket launcher sprang up and fired the rocket in a chaotic manner, and the aiming direction was to raise them up. Gao Yang turned back and fell on the ground, then he heard a loud noise on his head.

The rocket hit the house from the window, then knocked down and exploded on the roof, but the place where they were located was quite large. The position where the rocket exploded was seven or eight meters behind them.

I did n’t feel the shock wave too strong, nor did I feel hit by shrapnel. It ’s not a destructive blast grenade, but an armor-piercing shell. It should n’t be a problem. If this is a small room, the result will be different. Armor-piercing shells, but the explosion in a small space, the power is still unbearable.

After the enemy's suppression was in place, Gao Yang climbed up, lifted the gun, and first smashed the enemies carrying the rocket launchers behind the gap, and then swept the enemies that rushed in.

Gao Yang has always used Sedev ’s akm, because the enemies are very close, but after the nearby enemies are polished, the enemies from the north are a little far away. Gao Yang immediately put down the akm and took the back. The blade of Satan.

With one end of the gun, Gao Yang didn't have time to fire, and immediately made a wailing noise.

"Fak! My sight! My sight!"

Gao Yang's voice changed, and Li Jinfang said angrily: "What's wrong?"

"My sight is broken, my second Olympics, my gun sight!"

Gao Yang's heart was bleeding, and his distressed voice trembles with a long voice.

If it is not installed on the gun of Satan's blade, the high-sighted sight is placed on most of the guns, which is the result of the expensive nozzle.

A good gun also needs to be equipped with a good aim, and a good sight is definitely not cheaper than the gun itself. For example, Remington m700, this is a good rifle with good quality and low price, both military and civilian are very good The reputation of some very high-end snipers or civilian shooters is also shooting with the Remington m700, and the scope is more expensive than the gun, and even more expensive. It is especially common on the m700.

An ordinary version of the Remington m700 costs about two thousand dollars. After many people buy the gun back, it is equipped with a three or four thousand sight. This is normal for more high-end shooters.

Gao Yang's guns can no longer be measured by price, but his scope is the most expensive one, and most people can't buy it.

The most important thing is that Gao Yang is already familiar with his sights and can no longer be familiar with it. Not to mention that it is already the best performance sight. Even if a new sight with better performance comes out, he will never change it. Without him, the gun, the sight, all these need to be run in. It is because Gao Yang has finally been familiar with the scope he is using to the extreme. If you change the scope, you have to run in again.

The sight is not broken. There is a white dot on the side of the metal tube wall near the front. A shrapnel hits the sight. Although the shrapnel just made a small pit in the sight, this does not hinder the sight. It is already obsolete.

After being strongly shaken, an extremely precise sight was discarded, not to mention directly hit by shrapnel.

Gao Yang reluctantly put the blade of Satan back behind him, only to pick up akm again, continuously pulling the trigger to release his anger.

"Asshole, let you hit my sight, let you hit!"

Listening to the loud roar, Irene shouted: "Boss, don't be excited, you should be lucky, the only thing is bad. The only thing you need to do is to go back and change to the same model. If your night vision device is broken, Then you must not be distressed to death ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Gao Yang's mood is indeed much better. The sight is broken and you can change it to the same model. It's a big deal to run in for a while, but the one that came out of the angel mercenary group If the night vision device is broken, then it will be miserable. If you want to buy another one, it is unlikely. If you want to buy it, you do n’t even know where to buy it. It ’s in vain to have money.

Gao Yang heartily said: "Yes, you are right, fortunately it is not the night vision device."

Just then, Jensen hurriedly said on the intercom: "Boss, where are you?"

"Come to the northeast corner."

Jensen quickly found Gao Yang. After seeing Gao Yang, Jensen ran to Gao Yang quickly, and then said anxiously: "Boss, look at these people, do you think they are enemy commanders?"

Gao Yang turned his head and looked at the picture on the display, then immediately opened his eyes and shouted, "Where is this?"

In the picture, a group of people came out of a room and started talking on the stairs. The person surrounded by the crowd looked very familiar. (To be continued)

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