A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1132: Can't stand

When Grover opened fire, it was absolutely extraordinary.

Even the firepower of a single shot is definitely not the same as that of a single shot. As long as you know the trajectory, it does n’t matter if you hit it at a long distance. It ’s okay to cover an area with dense fire. It must be much better than a sniper rifle. .

The enemy ’s fire suppression will not only be directed towards people. The Aleppo prison offensive and defensive battle has been going on for more than a year. Both warring parties have a good understanding of each other ’s terrain, and they also know what style of play each other will use. The location is a firepower point with good vision, and will certainly be suppressed by firepower.

Gao Yang didn't dare to stay in the window anymore. The 14.5-mm caliber machine gun and the 23-mm machine gun, this kind of firepower was really over, and the enemy's firepower was quite accurate, and there were bullets from time to time. They came in from the unprotected windows.

However, Grolev's bullets were thrown out one by one, and the repressive firepower was immediately hit.

Regardless of whether it was built on a car or built a position on the ground, Grolev's machine gun swept from left to right, then from right to left, and a 12.7 mm machine gun bullet flew over 1,500 meters , The power is still enough to make the top of the position into a honeycomb.

There is a good machine gunner, it feels good.

After Grolyov played back and forth several times, he shouted: "Change the chain!"

{Grolev ’s deputy shooter immediately helped to put on a new bullet chain and replaced it with a bullet chain. After Groelov beat a 200-round bullet chain for almost half, he shouted: "The enemy is suppressed. Now. "

Gao Yang returned to his position again, raised his telescope and continued to observe.

The tank is still missing. But the five armored vehicles drove out again. Each armored vehicle was followed by a dozen infantry. Slowly leaning towards the prison.

Gao Yang exhaled and hurriedly said on the intercom: "Little fly, come back to the building, you can't hit the tank on the wall at all. The enemy's firepower is too fierce. Go back upstairs and wait for the tank to approach the fence , Enter the bazooka and aim directly at the range before hitting. Attack the top! "

Coming into the building, although it will bring the tank closer, it also has a high advantage. The key is to maximize the protection of the rocket launcher.

"Understood, go back to the building and finish."

After having to shrink the anti-tank group back, Gao Yang hurriedly said in the intercom: "Big bird, did the enemy's self-explosive truck move?"

"Not moving!"

Sedev is also in command, and he has more people in command, so he has to consider the guards of the entire prison. The command of Gao Yang is relatively simple, because he only cares about Satan. At most, he indirectly commanded an anti-tank group.

Until now, Gao Yang has not fired, because the enemy infantry has not yet boarded.

At this moment, Jensen shouted again: "Boss, the enemy mobilized the armed pickup. It seems that they want to move the vehicle's anti-aircraft gun back from the previous position."

After a while, Jensen shouted: "The enemy mobilized the direct fire of four pickup trucks to suppress me. Two pickup trucks were equipped with quadruple 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine guns, and two vehicles were equipped with twin Install a 23mm anti-aircraft gun! Two hundred meters from two shots! The enemy is unfolding! "

The 12.7mm bullet still has a certain lethality over three kilometers, but this distance can only be achieved by projecting, and the dispersion surface of the bullet will be too large to be aimed at.

For more than two thousand meters, Grolev can no longer accurately suppress the firepower. In contrast, the enemy ’s 14.5 mm anti-aircraft machine guns do not want to shoot more accurately, but the 23 mm machine gun has an accuracy of two kilometers and Power will not be affected.

Gao Yang was not too worried about the enemy's repressive firepower moving backward to avoid Grolev's repression, because he had another killing trick.

"Worker bee, open fire to knock down the enemy's suppressed fire."

"Understand, give me coordinate data."

"Big bird, provide coordinates to the worker bees."

The firepower on the pickup was unfolding, but after Jensen gave the coordinates to Tommy, Tommy fired before the enemy fired.

There are mortars and gunners in the prison, so Tommy certainly does not need to hold the barrel with his hand to shoot the gun. He can shoot in a more stable and accurate manner.

Personally adjust the shooting of the three mortars, and Tommy only needs to issue orders.

"Three shots, rapid fire, let go!"

Nine shells roared and landed on the enemy's newly selected position. The four pickup trucks were not too close, but Tommy Hsu, too, he used long-eyed guns. It was enough to say this.

Do n’t use the small guns as improper guns. Although the 60mm mortars are no longer in the artillery sequence, it is also terrible to get the 60mm small guns accurate.

The shells fell around the pickup truck, blasted, and four pickup trucks were not fired, and the people above were almost shot. Only the driver of one pickup truck survived and drove away.

"At the center of the target, a pickup truck ran away, but the shooter operating the anti-aircraft gun looked dead, and there was no activity on the remaining three vehicles, no one!"

The small cannon can also make up the gun. After Jensen reported the result of the bombardment, Tommy raised his hand again and said loudly: "Single shot, let go!"

Tommy made another round of shelling, and Gao Yang looked at it with a telescope. He couldn't help saying: "It's really pleasing to the eye, really pleasing to the eye."

Gao Yang is afraid that the rebels will use a lot of technical equipment, especially those that he can't deal with, but watching the heavy firepower that the enemy has a huge advantage for them can't produce any effect, Gao Yang can rest assured.

But Gao Yang just sighed twice, but found that a tank slowly aimed the tank gun at his position.

"Fak! Run!"

Gao Yang grabbed the gun and spread his legs and ran back. Like him, everyone who didn't fire a shot also ran backward.

The top floor of the entire cell building was emptied, and Gao Yang ran out of the room, through the corridor, and into the cell on the other side.

Gao Yang squatted on the ground, covering his ears with his hands, and then felt the floor stunned, and the ceiling began to rustle down and ash, making everyone look back.

"Fak, it's true!"

Gao Yang took off the bulletproof glasses, wiped the dust on it, put the bulletproof glasses back, and shouted on the intercom: "Big bird! How is it?"

"The tank gun didn't move much, the tank will continue to bombard!"

Gao Yang said indignantly: "There is no way to fight like this. Major, can you call the air support and hit the tank?"

Sedf nodded and said loudly: "Yes, but it's useless. Aleppo's air force can only use barrel bombs. There is no weapon to deal with tanks!"

Gao Yang said helplessly: "Forget it, when I didn't say it, I knew I would have bought some anti-tank missiles."

The rebels used to have tanks, but they knew that the tanks would not be of much use in the hands of the rebels, and Gao Yang did n’t care too much. It could be solved by using a rocket launcher, and there was no need to buy anti-tank missiles. It got worse, he couldn't show his anti-tank unit in his hands, but he regretted not buying an anti-tank missile at this time.

Feeling that the quality of the rebels has improved too fast, Gao Yang knocked **** his helmet, he was thinking about how to deal with the enemy's tank.

There is no good way to think about it. You can only wait for the tank to approach before you hit it. There is no other way.

The floor was shocked again, and the tank guns fired again towards the positions near them. Although there was no need to worry about the devastating damage to the prison building caused by the blasting grenades shot by the tanks, the accuracy of the tank shots prevented them from getting high Stayed in the shooting position.

Grolev was also forced to evacuate the shooting position, waiting for the third tank gun to fire, and after blasting a room, Grolev stood up, bypassing the cover of two thick walls, and quickly ran out to see After a glance, he ran back again and said with a frown: "The machine gun was blown up, completely destroyed, and can no longer be used."

Sedf immediately shouted: "Send a heavy machine gun! Hurry! Send the heavy machine gun from the east position!"

Grolyov did n’t have to worry about not having a heavy machine gun, but at this moment, Jensen yelled, "The self-explosive truck is here! Two! Two hundred meters apart ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ From the west Drive fast! No, the next one is not a truck, but a large armored forklift! "

"please do not!"

Gao Yang shouted helplessly, and Sedev shouted: "Heavy machine gun, stop the enemy! Stop!"

It ’s not just that they are fighting in the prison. There are hundreds of people fighting with them. Before the arrival of the soldiers, these soldiers had kept the prison for a year, and now the most powerful machine gun position of Grolev is missing. , But not without other machine gun positions.

The west gate is the main direction of the rebel attack. Sedev has arranged a full of four heavy machine gun positions to form a cross fire net to prevent the rebels attacking the west gate.

After a long battle with the rebels, the defenders in the prison are now of high combat quality, and their courage has also been tempered together. They will not be away from the enemy like the inexperienced soldiers in the government army. When the fire is far away, the fire is indiscriminately, but when the enemy enters the range, it can ensure that the fire is only fired when it hits.

The self-running truck that rushed in front was continuously hit by bullets, and the soldiers of Sedev performed well, but the truck was not exploded halfway.

"The enemy's truck has thickened armor! The heavy machine gun is useless, useless! The enemy's infantry began to shock, their infantry began to attack, Fak! The armored vehicle also began to suppress shooting!"

Jensen shouted again, and Sedf couldn't hide. He stood up and ran quickly to the room where he had just been hit by a tank gun.

Gao Yang also followed, and then looked at a small truck, approaching the west gate of the prison.

As soon as the self-explosive truck came out, the enemy immediately entered a crazy general attack. This time, the enemy's offensive was not only fierce enough, but also powerful enough. (To be continued ...) R1292

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