A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1130: Go home after this battle

February 6, 2014.

The weather was pretty good on this day. After getting up in the morning, Gao Yang felt a little restless. He felt absent-minded about what he was doing. It was also irritable to sit down. Stand up and walk a few steps. Still irritable.

The main reason is that he has to leave. After suffering for more than a month, he will be able to leave immediately. It is difficult for Gao Yang to calm down.

I walked around in the building full of craters, and saw the soldiers sitting on the ground guarding the battle position and greeted each other, chatting a few words, and saying a few words when they saw acquaintances, why Gao Yang did this, but Not because he was idle, he wanted to find something to pass the time, but he wanted to leave, but these defenders could not leave.

After such a period of time, Gao Yang saw that everyone felt familiar. Of course, it also had a relationship with everyone being a big beard, but even if Gao Yang dare not say that he could remember everyone ’s name, but he could speak up to three-thirds. One's name is still okay.

Before leaving, Gao Yang wanted to say hello to all of them. In this regard, it would be bad to see a few more in the future.

At the beginning, there were more than 500 people in the prison. When they were promoted to enter the prison, there were more than 300 alive. They lived in the prison for a month and a half, and died two more. When they left, these people could finally A few left the prison alive, it's hard to say, really hard to say.

If the prison is broken, then the result is easy to count. All the defenders are dead, and no one is left, and the rebels do not keep alive.

A comrade-in-arms, greeted when he left, and then met alive and then met, died, and could not see. It's too far away.

"Brother, take care, we wait to see you outside the prison."

"General, eat more delicious food after going out, and eat it for us. Haha."

Gao Yang did not conceal the news that they were leaving. It is impossible to get inside ghosts in this prison. Moreover, even if there were inside ghosts, they could not spread the news.

Gao Yang and a corporal hugged him, turned around and opened his arms to a first-class soldier next to him, and embraced the first-class soldier. Patted the back of the first-class soldier, shouting: "Brother, take care, we'll see you outside."

"Thank you general, see you outside."

The first-class soldier smiled brilliantly. He hasn't embraced the general so much.

Regardless of the rank, Gao Yang took care of everyone he saw, hugged, patted each other's back, even if it was a farewell, it wouldn't be too fast, but Gao Yang didn't care about the speed.

After leaving a firepower point, he walked slowly to the next firepower point.

It's almost time for breakfast. Gao Yang wanted to turn over all the firepower in the building, and then go to have breakfast, but it was at this time. Jensen's voice sounded in his headphones.

"Boss, you better come here, hurry up."

Jensen's tone sounded urgent, and he froze for a moment before running towards Jensen's position.

Jensen routinely inspected the rebel-held villages every day, but since the rebels launched an attack on January 7th to no avail. It was almost a month, and during this time the rebels did not launch a state-scale attack. Every day's reconnaissance is just a lap in the morning, because if the rebels attacked. It's time to assemble and prepare after eating in the morning.

Gao Yang ran to Jensen's position and hurried to Jensen's side. Jensen swung the monitor and shouted: "The enemy is going to attack!"

Jensen ’s face was ugly, and Gao Yang took a look at the display and immediately looked ugly.

Tanks, armored vehicles, self-explosive trucks, rocket artillery, machine gun pickups, rocket pickups, mortars, anti-aircraft artillery, rebel self-made conscience guns, many and many guns, although not all weapons are grouped together, all weapons are It was in a state of war, and the positions were full of shells.

There are also people, a large number of people, the streets of the whole village are full, at least three or four thousand people are ready to go.

Gao Yang's face was white, he shivered: "Look in another direction."

Jensen used the drone to look in other directions. All around the prison, all places, all people, knelt down on the ground to pray. This was a signal to attack, and it was a signal to attack.

"Has the major been notified?"

"Notified, he is coming."

Gao Yang returned the display to Jensen. After taking a deep breath, he suddenly shouted on the intercom: "Preparation! Prepare! All of you are everyone!"

Sedf had run over, he gasped and said to Jensen: "The enemy wants to attack?"

Speaking and looking at the monitor, Sedfu couldn't help wiping his mouth, and immediately shouted at his walkie-talkie: "Everyone, everyone is ready to fight, the enemy is about to launch a general attack."

"Boss, the enemy wants to attack?"

The question was Frye, Gao Yang said in the intercom: "It's not an attack, it's a total attack, the enemy has launched at least a few thousand people, and all the heavy equipment they can take out! Bring all your bazookas, little flies , It's up to you this time. "

After Fry was silent for a moment, Shen said, "Boss, thousands of people, thousands of people?"

Gao Yang looked at the dense crowd on the display screen again and said bitterly: "At least three thousand people, at least."

"Oh, Chet, what about the tank?"

"Three tanks, five armored vehicles, three self-explosive trucks, many guns, many many guns, have not been carefully counted, but the total number of various guns combined is not less than thirty."

The conversation between Frye and Gao Yang can be heard by everyone else, so Gao Yang does not have to notify each other. After speaking, Gao Yang said with a deep voice: "Guys, there is nothing more to say, ready to go to war."

After speaking, Gao Yang added another sentence after thinking about it, saying: "Take out all the bullets, no need to save this time."

The rebels are still some time away from launching the attack, at least 20 minutes to half an hour, and the guards of the prison are in preparation at any time, but after discovering the movement of the enemy in advance, this extra half an hour It's still useful for an hour.

Not to mention, this extra time is high enough to carry out all of his bullets, and it is not necessary to send someone to pick up his special bomb when it is halfway through.

Gao Yang also has a whole box of special seed bullets ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ He ran back to his bedroom and moved the bullet box out of the bed.

Li Jinfang also had their own bullets. When Gao Yang came out carrying the bullet box, the other people were doing the same. He was fully armed and took all the bullets to prepare for the battle.

Gao Yang carried the bullet and stood with his men. He said with a deep voice: "Change the frequency of the intercom to the frequency of the prison guards."

After changing the frequency, he raised his voice and said: "Test, major, can you hear it, it's done."

"You can hear it, it's done."

After watching everyone signal that the walkie-talkie test was ok, Gao Yang nodded, pointed to the location of the cell building, and smiled: "Go, go to fight this battle, then we go home." (To be continued)

ps: With the support of brothers and sisters, there should be no change in the monthly ticket list at 36. It is a very powerful position. It is not easy for a military to sit in this position. It is all up to you. Do n’t talk about the redundant words. Thank you.

Thank you brothers for your reward, thank you very much.

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