A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1127: entrust

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The sound of the gun rang from noon and then continued until the evening.

Lay on the top of the building, looking forward to seeing through the rebel blockade, Gao Yang finally sighed helplessly, said: "I think we can't wait to come to the rescue."

Everyone was very disappointed. The 134th division launched an attack from noon, but after the battle continued for an afternoon, the front failed to move forward half a step. The attack they launched from where they will end, and it may be possible to do it. They were pushed back by the rebels.

Originally wanted to be able to leave in a safer way, but now it seems that if you want to be safe, don't want to hurry, you must take risks if you want to hurry.

The battle will stop after sunset, and Grolev shook his head with a lost face, waving: "Go, leave, today is impossible."

Everyone ’s emotions are very disappointed. The defenders who have been trapped for longer than Gao Yang are the most depressed people. Seeing hope rushed to the place close by again and again, they were always blocked by the rebels ’defense line. They have suffered such blows many times.

Sedfu is the most disappointed one. He is also the one with the most pressure. He knows clearly that the 134th Division failed to break through the encirclement circle, so no miracles will happen next.

The group returned to the place of rest in silence, what to do.

Originally at sunset, it was (the most relaxed moment in the entire prison, because the rebels are unlikely to launch an attack at night, but because of the hope of being broken again, everyone ’s emotions are a bit lost, and each one is listless. .

Feeling down. Then you have to watch the film to sort it out.

Jensen hasn't put the film where they live. Because there are too many people. After the chaotic scenes for the first few days, Gao Yang set a rule that he should guard against rebel attacks during the day, so he can't put the film, but at night, Jensen can put a film in a large vacant room to everyone Happy.

So as long as people who take a break, the first thing that goes to darkness every day is to run to the place where the film is put.

Too many people The screen is too small, at least there are more than 100 people. Watching the movie around a 10-inch tablet, the scene was really horrifying.

I was trapped in prison for more than a month, and now Jensen is definitely the most popular one, because he can put people on the film, everyone who sees Jensen will have a smile from the bottom of his heart, and then Greet Jensen enthusiastically.

Gao Yang also returned to his bedroom. He lay on the bed with his eyes closed. Thinking about which of the several options he has been considering is feasible.

Not long after being alone, someone knocked on the high door. Gao Yang opened his eyes and shouted: "Go in."

"General, are you asleep?"

Is very unexpected, knocking on the door is not Satan's person, but Sadev.

Gao Yang quickly got up from the bed and said, "Major, please come in, I haven't slept yet."

Sedfu pushed in the door and walked in. There was no other place to sit in the room. Gao Yang leaned to the side, pointed to the bed, and shouted, "Is there anything? Come, sit down and say." "

Sedfu did not sit down, standing behind the door, said in a deep voice: "I have nothing to do, just want to chat with you, General, nothing dark can be seen here, let's go out and talk."

Gao Yang stood up and shouted, "Okay, wait for me."

There is no electricity in the prison, there are only a few airdropped candles. It is not a critical moment of combat. The candles cannot be used easily, so after the night, the entire prison will be completely dark.

It was really awkward to chat in the place of Heigonglongdong. Even if Sedev did not say, Gao Yang wanted to propose to go out.

After turning on the flashlight, wearing a full set of combat equipment, carrying a gun, and leaving the house with Sedev, Gao Yang turned off the flashlight without saying a word, and walked silently with Sedev all the way to the prison. On the open ground.

It ’s actually very dangerous to chat on the open ground, because I do n’t know when the rebels will hit a mortar shell, but in order not to be so suffocated, Gao Yang and Sedev have ignored this possibility. Great danger.

There is a moon, and the outside is much brighter than the house.

There were two cement slabs in the open space, both of which were dropped from the upper floor by the fire of the rebels. One of the cement slabs was very flat. After Sedev invited Gao Yang to sit down, he sat on another cement slab, but that There were some sharp stubble on the cement board. After sitting down and trying to feel uncomfortable, Sedfu simply sat on the ground.

Gao Yang thought that Sedev had to discuss with him about shooting skills again, but after sitting on the ground beside him, Sedev gave a long sigh and didn't give out his experience of shooting as usual, but from After groping for a while in the jacket pocket, he took out a cigarette case that had already collapsed.

"Come on, General, how many cigarettes do I still have here? Let's smoke one."

Gao Yang waved his hand and smiled: "I don't smoke, just come by yourself."

Many people in the prison guards smoke, so smoke is also a munitions. After all, it is secondary to food and ammunition, so sometimes it is not available when airdropped, so smoke has always been a tight commodity, and sometimes it is not available. No cigarettes have been sent, and those smokers have been out of grain for a long time.

Although Sedev is the highest commander in the prison, he never got more points than others for a box and a half. Only Irene, she received the most after the cigarette was sent.

Sedf opened the cigarette case, revealing the three cigarettes left inside. Sedf picked up one and handed it in front of Gao Yang, laughing: "Come on, I've seen you smoke. Something good. "

People in prison like to send cigarettes as human favors. For them, there is really nothing other than cigarettes that can be given away. Everyone eats the same and wears the same thing, which is considered to be a cigarette. Rare things, otherwise how can Irene always receive the cigarettes sent by others, and no one else will take the cigarettes as a baby and give them away.

Yang Yang lighted himself and Sedev, and the two murmured for a while before Sedev whispered, "General, I want to ask you something."

"You said."

After a long silence, Sedev whispered: "I don't think I can get out."

Sedev wants to set an example, he wants to inspire morale for everyone, so no matter what he thinks in his mind, Sedev never shows his disappointment, but today's events are a big blow to Sedev, he finally Start to reveal the thoughts in my heart.

Shook his head high and said in a deep voice: "Don't rush to the conclusion, we will all be able to go out."

Sedfu did not argue with Gao Yang, he whispered: "General, I know you are different from us, you will go out sooner or later, and you will certainly be able to go out, I would like to ask you to help.

"You said."

"I am married. I have a wife, two children, and my mother. They are not in Aleppo. They are all in Damascus. I do n’t know how they are now. My chief told me, They are all protected, I hope they will have a good time, but I do n’t know the day when I will leave the prison alive. "

After a long sigh, Sedev whispered: "General, my responsibility is to guard this prison. I have decided to coexist with the prison, but I can't rest assured of my family. Can you leave the prison? , Go and see my family? "

Gao Yang nodded and smiled, "No problem, is that all?"

Sedf seemed a little cramped. He rubbed his hands and whispered: "I don't know how to speak, how to say, I know that my request is a bit excessive, after all, we just live together for a while, and there is a gap in identity and status Big, not to mention friends, but I know that you are a person of great ability, can you, after you go out, um, if the situation in Damascus is also very dangerous, there is a danger of falling, can you take my Family sent out of Syria? "

After speaking, without waiting for a high opinion, Sedev was like doing something terrible and suddenly said angrily: "No, my request is too much, General, I'm sorry, you didn't hear anything, I just Your mind is a little messed up, just treat me as nonsense. "

Gao Yang held the excited Sedf, shook his head, and smiled: "Man, you are wrong, who said we are not friends? Aside from the military rank, don't you take me as a friend?"

After taking two shots on Sedf's shoulder, Gao Yang smiled and said, "Do you want to send your family there?"

After a moment of stun, Sedf said excitedly: "I, I, I am a little too excited, if I am not dead, as long as Damascus will not fall, I still want my family to stay in Syria, but if I I ’m dead, I hope you can help me send my family out of Syria. You can do whatever you want, as long as it is a safe place, but it costs money ... "

Gao Yang patted Sedfu's shoulder again and smiled: "Brother, money is not a problem for me, and you should know that I am actually rich, give me your home address, your wife's name , Write the information clearly. "

Sedf took out the home address he had written, and gave it to Gao Yang with a trembling hand. After Gao Yang took it, he opened it and looked at it, all in Arabic ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ He could n’t understand it, but this not a problem.

"Why don't you make a phone call to your family? Is the phone disconnected?"

Sedfu nodded and said: "Yes, the phone can't be reached long ago."

Gao Yang shrugged: "Not necessarily, Damascus' phone line is on and off, maybe it will be able to get through this time, well, here you are, you can try to make a phone call now, enter the phone number behind to dial out Just try it, maybe this time it will work. "

Goyang took out the satellite phone, first entered the international code of Damascus, and then gave the phone to Sedf's hand, who answered the phone, dialed a phone number, and pressed the send button.

After carefully placing the phone in his ear, Sedev quickly made a crying and smiling expression to Gao Yang, trembling: "It worked, it worked." (To be continued ...)

Ps: The third one is still going to be late. It's one or two o'clock. Let's watch it tomorrow. R1292

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