A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1121: It's smoking

Gao Yang sat on the ground with a mess in his head, and he didn't know if he was thinking about something or not.

Don't get me wrong, but Irene can't get it wrong.

Gao Yang has always regarded Aileen as a friend and brother, but Aileen suddenly made such a jump out of his nerves.

Shocked for a while, confused for a while, and then Gao Yang began to analyze Irene's behavior.

Irene must have been brain twitching, and this woman just wanted to show her tattoos. It really is nothing more. Her brain circuit is different from normal people. When her brain is hot, let him look at the tattoos. There is nothing to over-answer, it must be so, it must be.

After a long time, Gao Yang finally found an answer to Irene's behavior. Whether it was right or not, he thought so anyway.

After thinking that he had figured it out, Gao Yang stood up, patted the soil on his butt, and said to himself: "Every uneasy bastard."

Carrying his gun and lowering his head, he walked alone in the prison, walking and walking, Gao Yang felt annoyed.

Gao Yang suddenly found that a place like a prison was really easy to suppress. Although he was not living in a cell, he was surrounded by high-walled barbed wire and could not get out. Everyone was full of people with guns and ammunition. Launching an offensive is not a prison sentence better than a prison sentence.

Feeling upset, Gao Yang wanted to go to the watchtower on the wall to shoot two shots. By the way, he could also look into the distance, and his vision was broadened, so he would not be so depressed.

Xinbu walked up to a lookout tower. When the two people on guard saw Gao Yang, they saluted quickly. Gao Yang also quickly waved his hand: "Don't salute. I have n’t told you that, where the enemy might see it, absolutely Do n’t salute me, I do n’t want to be a sniper target. "

After half-joking and half-seriously speaking, both sentries laughed. Then one of them passed the telescope in his hand forward and smiled, "General, do you want to see it?"

Gao Yang nodded, took the telescope, and said casually: "Nothing happened to the enemy?"

"No, they did nothing. Just like before."

Gao Yang nodded and took a telescope to start looking at the village occupied by the rebels, but after looking at it for a while, he was puzzled: "The smoke in the village is the blue smoke from the diesel engine. Was there just now? ? "

A sentry said suspiciously: "No."

Gao Yang thought for a while, took down the telescope, and then raised the telescope again. After looking at the village for a while, he suddenly said: "Yes, it is the blue smoke of the diesel engine."

There is usually no diesel engine in the village, but the smoke that can be seen in the distance, it must not be the smoke produced by one or two engines.

Put down the telescope again. Gao Yang said to a soldier beside him: "Go tell Major Sedev and ask him to come."

After instructing the soldiers, Gao Yang felt that there was still some insurance. So he immediately said: "Notify Major Sedev that the enemy has launched tanks and armored vehicles, and ask him to come and see them immediately."

After finishing waving his hand and letting the soldiers quickly notify, Gao Yang picked up the walkie-talkie and said in the walkie-talkie: "Everyone, be ready for the battle. The enemy has a movement and may soon launch an attack. Quickly enter the battle position On the lookout. "

After Gao Yang finished speaking on the intercom. The crowd watching the film in the building was chaotic, not hurt, and needed to run out to meet one by one, bent over, buttocked, grabbed his weapon and combat bag and ran out. The scene was called a Spectacular.

Fry took a bazooka and carried one on his back. His battle position was on the wall. After seeing Gao Yang's position, he quickly ran to Gao Yang's side and grumbled, "Head, how come back What, the **** are going to attack? "

Fry looked very angry, and the pressure cooker was a little strange, but when I looked at all the people who ran out, they were all angry, and after reaching their battle position, they were still scolding and disturbing them. Gao Yang immediately understood that the group of rebels was disturbed by the good times of watching the film. It ’s strange to be angry.

Gao Yang pointed to the smoking position and said in a deep voice: "There is some smoke there, the smoke of the diesel engine is now faded and can no longer be seen, but I suspect that the enemy is collectively launching tanks and armored vehicles, if they are, they are going to launch Attacked. "

After explaining for a moment, Gao Yang said on the intercom: "Big bird, release the drone to see what the enemy is doing."

"Understood, boss."

At this moment, Sedf also hurried over, and after reaching the lookout tower, he shouted angrily, "General, what's wrong?"

Gao Yang pointed to the position where he had just smoked, and said in a deep voice: "The enemy collectively launched an armored vehicle. I am worried that they will attack."

Sedf immediately said: "I will let everyone into the battle immediately."

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "Don't worry, investigate first and confirm the enemy's intentions."

While speaking loudly, Jensen said on the intercom: "Boss, the drone has been released."

Gao Yang looked at his watch and said to Sedev: "Look at what they are doing before deciding what to do."

After two minutes, Jensen immediately shouted on the intercom: "Boss, the enemy is going to attack, they have completed the assembly in the village, two t72 tanks, three bmp-2 armored vehicles, and four modified Truck! There are a lot of people, all in the open space in the village. They seem to be training, and the number of people assembled is about 1,000! "

"Understood, continue to monitor."

After speaking, Gao Yang waved his hand at Sedfu and said, "Major, the enemy will launch an attack, two t-72 tanks, three bmp-2 armored vehicles, and four trucks with a population of 1,000 people. about."

Sedfu's face changed greatly, saying: "I will let all the personnel join the battle immediately, the enemy is about to fight decisively."

When Sedev was about to change his face, he suddenly turned around and yelled in a high voice: "The rebels have never used tanks before, and our people lack the experience of dealing with tanks, general."

Gao Yang exhaled, nodded and said, "I know, we know how to do it."

Watching Sedf leave, commanding his soldiers to go around, Gao Yang turned to Frye and said, "How are you sure?"

Frye smiled and said, "No problem,"

The rebels used tanks when they attacked the Kendi Hospital. After Sedf urgently requested more effective anti-tank weapons than the RPG-7 bazooka, the Air Force airdropped RPG-27 to them.

The rpg-27 is the same as the rpg26 they commonly use. It is a single-use rocket launcher. It is thrown away after it is finished, but the rpg-27 is much larger than 26, the caliber is 105 mm, and the length of the rocket launcher is much longer than 26 The thickness of the nail has reached 650 mm, and it is used to play t-72. As long as the side and back are hit, it should be no problem.

After Gao Yang looked at it, he pointed his finger at a lookout tower and said: "There is the west gate on the side, I guess the tank will come to the west gate, where can you go?"

Frye looked at it and nodded, "Okay, give me some deputy shooters and let them follow me."

Gao Yang shouted: "The anti-tank team will follow you, you come to command."

Gao Yang did not want the command of the prison, but the guards of the prison lacked the experience of playing tanks, so this task was handed over to Satan, and Fry had always been responsible for fighting armored vehicles.

The anti-tank team has a total of ten people, twenty rpg-27 rocket launchers, and a large number of rpg-7, but the rpg-7's armor-piercing ability is not as good as 27, so rpg-27 has to act as a big beam.

Fry hurried down the wall and shouted: "The anti-tank team is now under my command. Everyone listens to me. It is not difficult to play the tank. Just follow the way we were training. Hariri, you take it Which watchtower did the group go to? I took a group of people to this watchtower. As long as the tank came, hit him from the side. Okay? "


"Remember, you can't fire unless you reach the effective range of the rocket launcher. Do you understand? Go!"

It was Fry ’s business to fight tanks, and Gao Yang could n’t do better than Fry, so instead of worrying about what Fry was doing, he returned the telescope to the sentry and hurried back to the top of the building.

The building and cell of the prison have already assumed the role of a fortress. Although the wall is the first item, it only serves to monitor and contain the enemy. The real firepower is still in the higher building and on the roof.

As long as the building can continue to exert firepower, the enemy will not be able to rush under the fence, so it ’s actually not critical to have more people on the fence, but for anti-tank, because the range of the rocket launcher is limited, you can only try to advance the anti-tank fire. Too.

He hurried back to the building. In the top-floor room, Gao Yang found Jensen, and when he met, "Can you tell the thickness of the enemy's modified car?"

Jensen adjusted the lens ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ After watching it for a while, Shen said: "The caliber of the tank gun is 125 mm. If the tank gun is used as a reference, the armor thickness is about 20 mm. "

Gao Yang looked at it and felt that the thickness of the iron plate covering the body was about 20 millimeters. After watching it for a moment, his frowned eyebrows spread out and said: "The armor is not thick, it is good, and the heavy machine gun can penetrate it. . "

After speaking, Gao Yang said on the intercom: "Big dog, rabbit, you use armor-piercing incendiary bombs, and the task of hitting the truck is handed to you. It is estimated that the thickness of the enemy modified truck armor is only 20 millimeters. It is easy to fight!"

"Big dog understands, use armor-piercing incendiary bombs."

"Rabbit understands."

Just then, Jensen whispered: "Boss, they are out."

Gao Yang looked at the monitor and saw the direction of the enemy's tank, Gao Yang immediately said: "Everyone pay attention, the enemy is taking the second route, the enemy will approach the west gate from the north, little flies, you better change the battle Bit, and also, notify the people around you of this news, prepare for the battle, it is over. "(To be continued)

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