A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1114: Jail

They were waiting hard in prison, but the helicopter came and went.

Seeing that the helicopter that came to pick them up was hit by rebel air defense missiles, Hao Xuan was not shot down on the spot, and Gao Yang knew they could not go.

No matter how high or fast the helicopter flies, it cannot escape the range of anti-aircraft missiles, and when the descent above the prison begins, it has to be shot by numerous anti-aircraft guns.

In order to shoot down which helicopter, the rebels launched three anti-aircraft missiles. Just looking at the firepower encountered by the helicopter, Gao Yang knew that it was impossible to expect the helicopter to take them away.

Even if the helicopter dared to come in, it did come in. Gao Yang would not dare to take the helicopter to leave. He would rather stay in the prison, and never go to heaven to experience the feeling of completely handing the small life to the pilot.

Watching the helicopter finally fled instead of being shot down, a group of people on the roof watching the helicopter were all relieved for a long time.

"Fortunately, I was not beaten down."

Gao Yang said heartily. Although the pilot didn't know him, he still didn't want to let the pilot take his life.

Cui Bo said helplessly: "In this case, we are in jail, guys, have you ever been in water?"

Everyone shook their heads, but Fry raised his hand and said, "I was detained in the police station for a short time, but it was not a jail."

Grolev said in a deep voice: "Only Bruce was in jail."

Aline sighed and said, "Well, we can experience the feeling of being in jail this time."

Li Jinfang said dumbly: "It's not counted here. We were like being in jail when we were in the Aziziya barracks in Libya."

Gao Yang waved helplessly and said, "Okay, don't say it. Go on, go on and make preparations to stay here for a long time."

Sedev was also helpless, and smiled to Gao Yang: "General, it seems that you can't leave in a short period of time, I will prepare a room for you here. We actually live in a lot of places, but the conditions are not good. . "

Gao Yang smiled bitterly: "What other conditions are unconditional? Some people live well, and they are lucky if they don't fall on the enemy's position."

There is protection, some eat, some live. You ca n’t go, but there is no problem with safety. Gao Yang is very satisfied.

Since I can't go, I have to prepare for a long-term trap. What Gao Yang thought of first was medicine. Then there is ammunition.

Gao Yang waved his hand and said to everyone: "Okay, what should I do, I will inform Dani so that he will not send a second helicopter."

Finding a quiet place, I called Donny Jr. first, and when Donny Jr. was connected, he said weakly: "Man. We can't leave in a short time. We are going to send something to Aleppo prison, Did you get the medicine you prepared? "

Downey Jr. said angrily: "The medicine hasn't been matched yet. But I will definitely be ready tonight. I will ask someone to buy it directly in Europe. Also, I am at the airport now and rush to Europe."

Gao Yang sighed: "Don't worry, help me bring some more bullets. The bullets of me and the rabbit, others don't need to prepare. By the way, how much inventory of my bullets?"

Gao Yang refers to the special bomb he used. All the special bombs brought this time were used up, and the special bombs used by his Satan Blade could only be used from the leftover inventory, and there was nowhere to buy them.

"Bullet? Okay, you have a little more than six boxes of long-range bullets, about 6,300 or 400 rounds. There are also about 3,000 rounds of rabbit bullets, of which 1,000 are armor-piercing rounds."

Gao Yang hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed: "You can't be stingy at this time, you bring me a thousand rounds of long-range bombs, three hundred rounds of armor-piercing shells, and five hundred rounds of rabbits. . "

Downey Jr. said embarrassedly: "Can't I find another bullet in Syria to replace it? If I take the bullet with me, I can't take the passenger plane to Europe. I have to arrange another plane. I do n’t know how long it will take. I ’m worried. It will delay the delivery of medicine to you. "

Gao Yang thought about it for a while, and what Downey Jr. said made sense. If he wanted to bring a bullet, he would definitely not be able to take a civil flight. Little Downey had to find other channels, which would indeed delay the delivery of medicine. For everyone in Satan, now The most important thing is to recuperate the body instead of fighting.

Gao Yang quickly came up with a solution. He said in a deep voice: "You don't need to go to other planes. I will call Morgan and let you use his private plane. If his private plane is not there, let him help you. With bullets on the civil airliner, he must have no problem coming forward. "

"Please ask Morgan for help? That must be fine. I planned that. I took drugs and bullets to Syria and asked the Syrian military aircraft to drop you over. Do you think it will work?"

Gao Yang took a breath and said, "I feel that some are not very good, and the success rate of the military's airdrop is too low, and our loss of things is not the same. Ok, I will contact you again. You don't have to worry about the route. , Any changes, I will inform you again. "

Hanging up the phone, Gao Yang feels a little irritable. It is not a pleasant job to make long-term preparations for a certain place, especially when Gao Yang wants to leave.

Although he was unhappy, he was responsible for himself, and he had to prepare for it. He calmed down and called Morgan's phone.

After Morgan answered the phone, he was very excited and said, "Hi, Gao, I've been waiting for you for a long time. Are you back?"

Gao Yang said helplessly: "No, I called to tell you that you may not get that shotgun in the near future, because I was trapped in Aleppo. I don't know when I can leave."

"Trapped? What's going on? Is the situation dangerous?"

"It's not dangerous. We are trapped in Aleppo prison. It's a bit harder here, but the rebels shouldn't be able to fight it down. But when it's possible to leave, it's hard to say. This is the case. To borrow your plane, I urgently need a batch of medicine. Downey needs to use your private plane and wear a batch of drugs and bullets to rush to Europe. Your private plane is the fastest way I can think of. "

"Are you injured? Serious?"

"Fortunately, my arm was injured, it was quite serious, and this time we have a lot of injured people, so I urgently need drugs."

"How could this be the case? Are you sure there is no problem staying in Aleppo Prison? The plane is not a problem. The plane is in Washington. Just ask Downey to contact me immediately. High, if you have anything else to help tell me."

Gao Yang thought for a while and said, "It's gone for now. The Aleppo prison is still safe. I will only treat the wounds here. If I need it, I will talk to you again."

Hanging up the phone, Gao Yang did not rush to inform Downey Jr., because he still needed to think about what was needed to bring Downey Jr. together.

Ammunition is a problem. Syria ’s general-purpose ammunition is all Russian, and the weapons they carry are basically NATO caliber. There must be enough spare weapons in the prison. If not, the Syrian Air Force will throw a few when it supplies airdrops. The ak rifle is not a problem, but Gao Yang wants to retain the precise shooting ability of Satan. In this battle of sticking to the fortress, it can maintain a sufficient distance from the enemy and use a 7.62x51 mm caliber rifle.

Rifles or something, Irene, Li Jinfang, most of them have their own 7.62mm spare guns, Gao Yang feels that since they have borrowed Morgan's private jet, it might as well be delivered together.

Things are easy to find, but how to properly send them to prison is a problem. Today, when the military of any country conducts airdrops, they dare not say that they can ensure that uncontrolled parachutes are accurately thrown into one. In a small space, the Aleppo prison is not small. It can be used as a fixed-wing aircraft for airdrops, but it is not too big.

What matters is that the siege of the rebels is still very effective. Even fixed-wing aircraft do not dare to airdrop at low altitudes, and the airdrops at lower altitudes can ensure the accuracy of the cargo landing.

Gao Yang naturally called Polovic, and since arms dealers could drop weapons, they could naturally drop drugs together.

Gao Yang was bothered by what he said about being trapped in the Aleppo prison. After Polovic connected the phone, he directly said: "Hey, man, I am a ram. We were caught in the Aisais trap. I was ambushed and now I am trapped in Aleppo Prison. Man, I need to drop some medicines to Aleppo Prison, but I ca n’t believe the government ’s airdrop capability. Is there any way for you? ”

"Airdrop? No problem, it's very simple, why do you want an airdrop? Wouldn't I just pick up a helicopter to pick you up?"

"Not very simple, because the rebels have a large number of air defense missiles."

After a few moments of silence, Polovic ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ suddenly said: "Damn, I ignored a question."

"what happened?"

Polovic said helplessly: "Man, I am afraid you have to stay in Aleppo prison for a while. If I am not wrong, the rebels just got a large number of anti-aircraft missiles, and they are not old-fashioned missiles. The people in Liyangke just sold 120 sets of northwest winds to the rebels, and the pick-up address is in Aleppo. I think those northwest winds must have been used in the siege of Aleppo prison. "

"Uliyanke has news?"

"No, it ’s Uliyenko ’s men, those who were my originals. Although I do n’t work for Grand Ivan, we still keep in touch. France supported a group of anti-aircraft weapons of the rebels of the Patriotic Front. To break the air superiority of the government army, but this batch of weapons was resold by the people of the Patriotic Front. How can the people I brought out let this opportunity pass, they bought this batch of weapons and then sold them to sell This is the case, and there are more people who are familiar with the operation of anti-aircraft missiles. Even if it is not safe to fly at night, I think you still give up the plan to leave by helicopter. Okay, let us return to your request. Do you want to airdrop a batch of supplies? Using fixed-wing aircraft airdrops, this should still be no problem. "(To be continued)

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