A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1112: supply

Andy Ho finally completed the operation, followed by Gao Yang, because compared with Jensen, Gao Yang's injury is actually heavier.

Andy did an operation on himself, but his face still looked radiant, sitting in a chair, he put the bandaged legs on the ground at will, and there was no protection for it. Started to operate on Gao Yang.

Gao Yang was very worried and said: "Dragon Knight, can you do it?"

Andy raised her eyebrows and said, "Yes, why not, you still worry about yourself."

Gao Yang swallowed and said, "What do you mean?"

"Nothing, you only have one anesthetic, but you have two wounds, that is, you understand what I mean."

Gao Yang smiled with a bitter face: "It's nothing. It's not the first time you don't take anesthetics for surgery. It's not the first time. It won't hurt people. Come on."

"Take care of your arm first, then treat the wound on your hand. The arm won't hurt too much, but the hand, bear with it."

Gao Yang sat next to Andy Ho, turned his head to close his eyes, clenched his teeth, and said nothing. His arms needed to connect all the blood vessels and nerves very carefully, which was time-consuming, so it was not very complicated to handle first. The wound is treated well.

It was painful to clean up the sand and other dirt from the wound, but Gao Yang was okay, Gao Yang could bear it.

In fact, Gao Yang is not a particularly tolerant person, but he can't bear it now. Andy Ho has done a full two hours of surgery for himself, and he didn't say anything, making Gao Yang feel embarrassed to cry.

The wound on the arm is large, but it's not as painful as on the hand, because the arm is anesthetized after all. In order not to affect the function of the arm, Andy Ho did it very carefully. Just for this part of the operation, Andy He gave Gao Yang more than an hour, because there are many nerves on the arm. It's better to be careful.

After finally suturing the wound on his arm, Andy He gasped and said, "Okay, finally healed, Boss, before the wound heals. Don't disturb your arm, otherwise, I will probably have to perform another operation for you. "

Gao Yang nodded quickly: "Okay, I'll find something to hang my arm back, so as not to accidentally move."

After speaking. Gao Yang worriedly said: "Are you okay? You have been persisting for a long time."

Andy smiled and said: "No problem, the effectiveness of stimulants can still make me excited for a long time, this is not the key, boss, I want to know when we can leave?"

Gao Yang frowned, saying: "The situation may not be very optimistic. Dani is already coordinating the matter that made us evacuate. The Ministry of Defense issued an order to pick us up as soon as possible. This should be promoted by the President or General Marshall But the problem is that there are a lot of air defense missiles in the hands of the rebels, and we may not be able to leave in the short term. "

Andy said distressedly: "In this case, the problem is more serious. Boss, our wound surgery is doing well, but we are seriously lacking disinfection. There is also a lack of a clean and sterile environment, I am very worried about us Will have infections. I have very few medicines to prevent and treat wound infections. "

Andy Ho is just a person, and he must carry basic combat equipment. It is necessary to bring the first aid supplies and medicines of all members of Satan. Naturally, only the most important belts can be picked up, so many necessary things cannot be carried.

Gao Yang must take precautions. If he can leave in a short time, he can naturally go to a conditional place to perform post-operative care and recovery, but in the absence of medicines, many jobs cannot be done, and once the wound is infected, it will Very troublesome.

After thinking for a while, he said in a loud voice: "The prison should get an airdrop soon. What do you need? You give me a list. No matter whether we can leave or not, let people send things first."

Andy Ho nodded: "This is necessary, but Syria has only some of the most basic medicines, some special effects medicine, I think Syria may not be able to find."

Gao Yang immediately said: "What medicine?"

Andy thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "Some special drugs to promote wound healing can greatly improve the speed of wound recovery, provide immune drugs, prevent wounds from daring to stain, even if disinfectants are sent, there are now some Can't keep up, so it is better to enhance our own immune function. There is also a drug to promote bone growth. The big bird has broken bones. The rabbit's foot may also have broken bones. The bones on the foot are very dense, which is very It ’s possible, so medicine for bones must be available. ”

"You tell me my name, I immediately let Downey buy it, there is always a way to send it to us."

Andy is somewhat embarrassed: "These kinds of medicines I said are not always available in the United States. There is a medicine that was newly developed in France and has not been approved by the US fda. I ca n’t buy it in the United States. Remember that it can only be bought in France, and now it may be available in the European Union. "

Gao Yang shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, you don't need to consider these issues, you just need to tell me the name."

Andy Ho immediately said: "Okay, I'll copy down the name for you. These drugs add up to at least seven or eight kinds. Well, if you get some gelatin, we all need blood."

Gao Yang lost his voice: "Ejiao?"

Andy He looked at Gao Yang strangely and said, "Yeah, Ejiao, you are a Chinese, you don't know that this is blood supplement?"

Gao Yang hurriedly said: "No, no, isn't Ejiao eaten by women? And I just think you a Western doctor suddenly said Ejiao is a bit strange, no problem, Ejiao, pick the best buy."

Andy He smiled and said, "Don't forget that my dad is a Chinese medicine doctor. I can't understand Chinese medicine at all? Isn't it the way of Chinese medicine when I look at bones? Who else tells you that Ejiao can only be eaten by women? , Hurry up and prepare, no matter where we are, these medicines must be used, it must be bought as soon as possible. "

Gao Yang laughed: "Since you want to buy, why don't you buy more medicines, nutrients or something, write everything you think is useful, the sooner our injury recovers, the better."

Andy Ho also smiled: "Well, this is what you said, no problem, I have written all the useful ones. You asked Tyrannosaurus to come and write, she can speak French, some medicines must be written in French, OK, let Big bird is ready for surgery. He just needs to deal with his face. He doesn't need an operation for a fracture. It will be fine soon. "

After Gao Yang left the infirmary and asked people to send Jensen in, he said to Eileen: "You can speak French, go in and let Andy say that you record the medicine we need, and did the drone find it? "

Elin smiled: "I found it, and it didn't break."

Gao Yang let out a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "So expensive military drones are known to be anti-drop and anti-jamming. How can it be broken so easily, well, if the drone is not broken, go in . "

Ai Lin came out not long after entering, holding a piece of densely written paper, and handed it to Gao Yang, saying: "Give, twenty-three medicines."

Gao Yang immediately said: "I don't know French, I call Donny Jr. you talk to him."

After telling Little Downey what medicine he needed, he had to prepare it as soon as possible, and Gao Yang began to wonder how he could get this batch of medicine.

Of course, it ’s best to be able to go out, but if you ca n’t get out, then you can only get the medicine in, and how to get it in quickly is a problem.

It was 9:30 in the morning, and the sky was already bright. While Gao Yang was still thinking about things, Sedev walked to Gao Yang and whispered, "General, it's dinner time. You have something to eat. "

Gao Yang was interrupted, thinking, and looking up, he saw that Sedf took two packs of compressed biscuits in one hand and a stainless steel rice bowl in the other, and filled the basin with water.

"Thank you."

Gao Yang did feel thirsty. He took the rice bowl that Sedev was carrying, and drank the water with a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Gao Yang had finished drinking water, Sedf smiled embarrassedly: "General, the conditions here are limited. You are wronged first. There are biscuits here. You eat a few."

Gao Yang only had one hand available. While Sadev spoke, he tore a packet of compressed biscuits for Gao Yang. After Gao Yang returned the rice bowl to Sedev, he took a piece of compressed biscuit and smiled: "Thank you , I am really hungry. "

Gao Yang hates to eat compressed biscuits, which is extremely annoying. It is not really bad to say how bad it is, but it is hard, and it tastes. It does n’t matter if you eat it a few times. Will hate compressed cookies.

After taking the compressed biscuits, after biting a few bites, the broken pieces of the mouth were raised with a slurred smile: "Major, what do you usually eat, do you only eat compressed biscuits?"

Sedf did n’t eat anything ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ After hearing Gao Yang ’s words, he shook his head and said in a deep voice: "What to eat, compressed biscuits are emergency when there is no supply for a long time, now we still have It ’s a bit of flour. It ’s all made of flatbread. If you have rice, just cook rice. If you do n’t have anything, eat compressed biscuits. The next airdrop is estimated to come back soon. We may have canned meat to entertain you at that time. Now. "

Gao Yang understands that he eats compressed biscuits and wants to vomit, but Sedev uses compressed biscuits as a good thing. He also heard about the conditions in the Aleppo prison. At first, Sedev did not get any supplies. At that time, only two days to eat a meal, hungry almost starved to death.

Gao Yang did not promote the style, saying that everyone eats the same thing. At this time, accepting the goodwill of Sedev is warmer than promoting the style.

After expressing his gratitude to Sedev again, he raised his voice and said: "Major, when will the next airdrop arrive, do you know now?"

Sedf shook his head and said, "I don't know, but we will be notified in advance."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "So, what do you most urgently need and what do you want most?" (To be continued)

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