A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1108: I'm used to vomiting

Gao Yang knew that the team of Satan was indeed too strange for the defenders of Aleppo prison, so he came up to show his identity first, and then told the top officer of Aleppo prison how to confirm his Identity.

Gao Yang was surrounded by a group of beards, but fortunately, these beards were different from those of the rebels.

After looking at Gao Yang's photos, the commander looked puzzled. After taking off his helmet and pulling the mask off his head, the commander became more puzzled. It took a long time before the commander closed Gao Yang. After paying tribute to Gao Yang's military officer's card, he said confusedly: "Are you a foreigner? But are you a major general?"

Gao Yang exhaled and said, "Yes, I am a foreigner, but I am indeed a major general."

Without returning the officer ’s card to Gao Yang, the commander waved his hand and shouted in Arabic: “Come on, hurry up and take the general to their proper place and give them treatment. I ’ll contact the above to inform the general. Case."

The commander hurried away.

Gao Yang can tell the news to Dani just by making a phone call, but this does not have to prove his identity, so it is better to let the defenders of Aleppo prison personally contact their superiors.

"He was injured, many of them were injured! What about Ariel? Ariel! Let Ariel come and see!"

"Did the fight just make them fight?"

"Sir, were you fighting the rebels just now?"

"General, it is general! General, you, who are you?"

After the commander left, the crowd surrounding them began to quibble. However, while inquiring, they did not delay the business, or helped or carried the people of Satan to a safe place.

Prisons are naturally places where prisoners are held, and Aleppo prison has been under siege for a long time. But there are still many prisoners inside.

Gao Yang they will certainly not be sent to the cell, they were taken to the place where the guard lives.

The guards of the prison must be fortified 24 hours a day, and all the personnel are resting in rotation, so a large part of the guards are in their respective positions. Although they ca n’t get through, many of them can be dispatched to leave. Bit. A man was sent to investigate the situation.

For almost a year, no outsiders have come from Aleppo prison. This is the first time a helicopter has landed in Aleppo prison, although it was a forced landing.

The commander soon returned, and moved away from the crowd like a giant panda onlookers. When I was in front of Gao Yang again, without saying anything, there was first a standing and then a salute, shouting: "General, I am the commander of Aleppo ’s ninth SWAT team, Said Ali. I am instructed to keep Aleppo prison , I have been instructed to get in touch with the superior, and he has confirmed your identity. Also, my superior will contact the Ministry of Defense to report your situation. "

Gao Yang nodded. Shen said: "Okay, major, the top priority now is that some of us need first aid. Please arrange a suitable place for surgery immediately."

Sedfu's rank is major. He is the highest rank in the prison. It is also the supreme commander, but he is proud. His major general became the highest rank.

Gao Yang they all became blood gourds one by one, and some of them injured their own blood. Some are blood of others, but everyone looks scary.

Sedf immediately said: "We have an infirmary, but our medicines are scarce."

He hurriedly said, and Sedev shouted, "Why didn't they send the general to the infirmary! What are you doing here, go and free the infirmary, Ariel! Where is Ariel!"

A soldier hurriedly said: "Sir, Ariel will be here soon."

Gao Yang turned to look at Andy Ho, shouting: "How are you?"

Andy Ho waved his hand and said, "Let their military doctors help me look at my legs. If he can handle it, let him perform surgery on me, and then I will perform surgery on you and the bird, but here Before, I had to see what happened to Taylor. "

After speaking, Andy Ho said to Taylor: "Come over, take off your body armor and let me show you."

Taylor took off his body armor, and then took off his shirt, and sat shirtless in front of Andy Ho.

No one noticed it at the beginning, but when Taylor took off his body armor, Taylor stunned.

"He was shot four times!"

"It's five shots!"

A person around Gao Yang took a closer look at Gao Yang, and then said loudly: "Look at the general, the general has four shots!"

Gao Yang also dismantled the heavy body armor. He looked at his body armor. There were three bullet holes on it, none of which penetrated. Two of the bullet holes were inlaid with bullets, plus a shot that injured his arm , But it was n’t the four shots.

Major General Sedev looked at Gao Yang and admired: "General, what kind of battle have you experienced! We heard the gunshots are fierce and lasted a long time, you, you paid a great price, right? , There must be a brother who failed to return, alas, **** rebel. "

Gao Yang exhaled and said, "We intended to kill the rebel commander. As a result, we got caught, and one of our helicopters was shot down, and we ended up killing. No one was killed, but the injured, You see, almost everyone is injured. "

At this time Andy Ho shouted loudly: "Boss, come over here for a moment."

Gao Yang walked to Andy Ho, Andy He was sitting in a chair, and Taylor was standing in front of him. When Gao Yang passed, he found two bruises in the center of Taylor's chest. There are three places on the back.

Andy Ho frowned: "The postman's injuries are lighter than I expected. I'm worried about his visceral bleeding after being hit hard, but now it's important to see the location of the shot and the impact of the impact. There was no major problem with the device. His trachea and esophagus were severely hit. It should be bleeding from the esophagus and trachea, but hemorrhage from the trachea would cause him to suffocate. Therefore, he should have bleeding from the esophagus, no major problem. "

Gao Yang let out a sigh of relief and said, "That is to say, is it just a matter of spitting a few blood, right? The one that gets used to vomiting and vomiting?"

Andy He chuckled and said, "Yes, he's used to vomiting and vomiting until he no longer vomits blood."

Taylor's injury may be very serious, or it may be very light. If it is a serious injury, it will be in trouble. Fortunately, Taylor's injury is very light.

Gao Yang habitually shrugged, but after pulling the injury of his right arm, it hurt him.

Taylor is okay, and finally I can let go of my heart. After a sigh of relief, I said in a loud voice: "If the postman is okay, then we should consider the injuries of a few of us. I don't know when we can leave. You Do you think the operation is here, or go to a place with better conditions? "

Andy Ho immediately said: "Here, the medicines I brought are complete and enough for our use. Unless you can be sure that we can leave immediately, it is better to perform the operation here."

Gao Yang frowned: "The question is can you hold on?"

Andy smiled bitterly and said, "I'm in a good spirit now. Now you let me rest, and I can't calm down, but when the effectiveness of the stimulant passes, I guess I have to sleep for a long time."

Gao Yang spoke with Andy Ho in English, and the people next to them could not understand when they were speaking, but while he was talking to Andy Ho, Sedev could not help saying: "General, infirmary It has been vacated, and the living conditions there are better than here. You should go to the infirmary as soon as possible. "

After speaking, Sedev waved his hand, pulled a big beard, and said to Gao Yang: "He is our doctor, let him show you."

The bearded man was not wearing military uniforms, but prison uniforms.

Gao Yang opened his mouth. At that time, Sedfu said helplessly: "We had a doctor, but he was killed by a shell that fell into prison ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ This Ariel is working The prisoner serving the sentence, he used to be a doctor ’s assistant, so he is now our doctor. "

After speaking, Sedev said solemnly: "Ariel volunteered to join the guard prison, and his sentence is over. He is now a free man, but he has no clothes to change, so he wears prisoners. clothes."

Andy Ho couldn't help but say: "Ariel, what will you do?"

Ariel looked nervous and said very anxiously: "I, I don't even count as a nurse, but my father is a doctor. He has a clinic. I have seen him treat trauma many times. I will help him aside when he is. "

Needless to say, Ariel's level is not enough, and Andy soon cried out and said to Gao Yang: "Boss, let me do it myself."

Gao Yang couldn't bear it either, and said, "Do you operate yourself?"

Andy said helplessly: "What else can I do?"

After speaking, Andy, after scratching his head with his hands, said: "I'll do the surgery for you first, or the surgery for myself first? This is really a problem!"

Gao Yang cautiously said: "Can you use anesthesia if you do surgery on yourself?"

Andy Ho very helpless said: "Yes, but the dose can not be large, this is not like the dentist can accurately control the nerve when anesthetizing, because there are many nerves on the leg, the anesthetic dose is large, it may affect Arm, but the dose is small, it still hurts, Fak! "

After he couldn't help but scolded, Andy He reluctantly said: "Well, my injury can't be delayed anymore, let me come first, find me a clean chair, I want to sit Let's have surgery on myself, let that Ariel help me, so come on. "(To be continued) R580

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