A Mercenary’s War

Chapter 1099: Sea of ​​people

Although it is not possible to change a place with one shot, it is necessary to quickly change to another place in an ambush battle.

As they were arrogantly shifting their positions quickly, Jensen suddenly shouted: "They moved, so many people! Fak, there are so many people out of the village!"

The enemy quietly completed the assembly, or not the assembly, but after an order, all the people who were originally in the house came out.

Gao Yang opened his mouth subconsciously.

It's too far away from the village, and the night vision or gun sight can't see the situation in the village, but from the perspective of the drone that has been above the village, the rebels suddenly burst out of the cave like a large nest of ants .

Looking at the dense red dots on the ground, Yang Yang swallowed hard and swallowed hard, then said in a deep voice: "How many people are you fucking!"

Jensen did n’t know whether it was excited or nervous. The hand holding the display was a little trembling. He coughed before whispering: "At least one thousand people, at least one thousand people."

Crowd tactics, is it finally going to be tactics?

After Gao Yang froze for a moment, he suddenly shouted: "Hurry, run, and collect ammunition from the encirclement that the enemy started to build."

If there is enough ammunition, the human sea tactics are dead tactics, but if there is not enough ammunition, then the human sea tactics are unsolvable.

Except for Gao Yang, most of the others are belts? With two ammunition bases, that is, six hundred rounds of bullets, Grollov carried two thousand rounds of machine guns, and Fry only carried three hundred rounds of submachine guns. He mainly carried rocket launchers and grenades.

The bullets are not very expensive. At least 400 bullets are left on the assaulter. But this bullet. Actually it is not enough. One shot of this kind of thing is just a talk after all. For the assailants, this kind of long-range engagement, ten bullets can kill a person, that is the performance of being tough to the sky.

If the enemy rushes over and is too close, and then aim accurately and then shoot again, then wait for the enemy to rush over. This year, the rebels also used automatic rifles. Even if they were too close, they could hit a few.

As for Gao Yang, he only had less than 200 bullets left in his body. Even if he could actually shoot one shot, he would not be able to solve the fundamental problem. Moreover, the enemy was not a target that could not be fought back. Yeah.

There are too few bullets, an accurate shooter. Bringing three hundred rounds of bullets is already a huge amount of ammunition. After all, if you are surrounded by thousands of enemies, you really intend to kill all enemies with one shot. Such a person is not stupid, so there is no other explanation.

The enemy started shooting from the village, full of heavy machine guns. It was like playing over a thousand meters, and the enemy began to suppress it with bullet rain aimlessly.

Unable to be hit by stray bullets, he shouted loudly: "Fell down! Big dog gives a chain to two people to help me reload the magazine. Hurry, hurry!"

The original preset battlefield for this operation was street fighting, so most of Satan ’s people carried a 5.56mm caliber rifle, but Gao Yang has always maintained the same use with Grolev ’s ammunition. Both men used 7.62mm ammunition. At this time, GM's ammunition finally came in handy.

Grolev's weight is mainly used to carry bullets. His ammunition carrying capacity is counted in thousands of rounds, and it is enough to just give it a little.

Raphael ran to Grolev and picked up a 250 rounds of chains, while Fry ran to Gao Yang and passed the Yang Yang magazine.

Raphael took out the tool pliers and pulled the bullets from the chain, and Fry pressed the bullet into the magazine.

Jensen shouted: "The enemy charged!"

The enemy launched a charge directly from the village, and the crowd started to move. The rebels quickly expanded from a small front to the sides. While moving forward, the line of troops became wider and wider, and when the rebels' cannon fouled up Afterwards, a reinforced and modified armored vehicle began to move.

"Our Lady of Iron also moved. They are in an armored vehicle. There are at least twenty people in that armored vehicle!"

Gao Yang just looked at the display, so Jensen's words were to inform others.

The UAV ca n’t judge the armored vehicle ’s armor thickness. Gao Yang has some concerns. He is worried about whether the rocket launcher can penetrate the enemy ’s armored vehicle. This time, he only brought three rocket launchers, all of which are rpg-26. Rockets, and a rocket launcher has been used in the village, that is to say, they only have two rocket launchers that can be used against enemy armored vehicles.

Looking at the enemy's line of force within a thousand meters, Gao Yang waved his hand, beckoning Jensen to hide with the monitor in a safer place, and put his eyes behind the sight.

Gao Yang did not rush to shoot. When the enemy entered the 800-meter range, he fired for the first time.

With one shot, the enemy will not lie down, so Gao Yang will help them lie down.

Gao Yang has always looked down upon the rebel soldiers. In his eyes, these people are really not good at other than death, but Gao Yang also admires the rebel soldiers because they are really not afraid of death.

After firing continuously and emptying the magazine, Gao Yang took off the magazine and threw it aside, and Fry took it and began to load it in, while Raphael was always using the machine-gun ammunition for Grolev Pull the bullet down the chain.

"Count, the full magazine is not missing."

Gao Yang was too late to count one by one, so he changed the counting method. Instead of counting a few, he only looked at a few shots and missed. Twenty magazines were good.

Replaced with a new magazine, Gao Yang began to continue shooting. After he ran out of a new magazine, he shouted: "One shot missed!"

Cui Bo shouted: "It's a hundred, one hundred and four! It's brothers, let's not lose!"

Frye said disdainfully: "Bah! Is it good to die, Israel killed one, he had to kill ten as retribution. When changing prisoners, he exchanged one hundred for one Israeli, and the Israeli soldier who was changed not long ago. What is it called? In order to replace him, Israel used 1027 captives. "

Taylor casually said: "Shalit, the captured Israeli soldier is called Shalit."

Gao Yang said nothing but silence, but the others chatted again.

There are bad premonitions for everyone, but death is alive and well. It ’s the same anyway. It ’s nothing more than being scared to death before the war to die, or welcoming death in another way, that is to talk about what the wind should do. In the end, you can also get a kind of praise.

Gao Yang flew, and others were talking and laughing.

No one wants to lose the fame of a coward, if it ’s okay to die, in case it does n’t die, would n’t it have to be laughed at again and again in the future, so everyone has to shout loudly, laugh loudly, and still very The relaxed kind.

Ever since he was scared to urinate his pants for the first time on the battlefield, Frye never warned again. The more he encounters this kind of dangerous scene, the more he behaves more calmly than others. I don't know, but now Frye shows the courage of fearlessness. No one has to give him a thumbs up and say something tough.

"Haha, Shuang, it's 171, it's really cool, it's not I who played it too! Guys, I'll be the armored vehicle later, let you see how I did it!"

Fry laughed and shouted, the enemy was about to enter the 400-meter range, Fry pressed the last bullet removed from the last chain into the magazine, handed the magazine to Yang, and then pulled Behind the bazooka.

Gao Yang went crazy again, unloaded the magazine, and after installing the new magazine, he shouted: "It's full of magazines again, Fak, refuse to accept! Do not accept!"

Up to this point, except for Gao Yang, the others were not shot.

Taylor laughed: "Serve! I've already served it! You deserve the name of the gun god!"

After unloading the empty magazine again and replacing it with a full magazine, Gao Yang shouted, "Big dog, give me another chain, guys, fight!"

It was too close to not shoot again, and after ascending a command, many assault rifles fired together.

The enemy's offensive has been seriously delayed by Gao Yang, but the enemy no matter whether the fighting quality is high or not, they are definitely deserving of this point. Gao Yang slowed down a wide line of scattered lines much slower, but the enemy It was actually never lying down to stop charging.

Gao Yang continued to shoot, and halfway through the full magazine, Jensen suddenly shouted: "The armored vehicle stopped!"

As soon as Jensen's voice fell ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Gao Yang felt a shock in his back, as if being hit by a sledgehammer.

Without a word, he raised his head again, and Gao Yang quickly pointed the gun at the armored vehicle.

Gao Yang saw the shooting hole on the side of the armored car, and then he saw a flash of fire in the shooting hole.

When he saw the muzzle flame flashing in the shooting hole, Gao Yang also shot at the shooting hole.

After the gun was fired, Gao Yang felt that the position of the lower back was another blow. He was shot again, but this time the shot was slightly weaker than the last shot. It should be an angle problem, bullet. After hitting on the body armor at a nearly parallel angle, a bounce was produced.

"Fight me, you **** aren't good enough!"

Gao Yang confirmed that he had shot the man who shot in the shooting hole. After a crazy roar, Gao Yang did not move, and continued to stare at the shooting hole in the armored vehicle.

There are two shooting holes on the side of the armored car, and the gun muzzle is moved high, no matter if there is anyone in the shooting hole next to it, it is a shot.

Cui Bo's sniper rifle also fired all the time. After a few shots, Cui Bo suddenly smiled and shouted: "The armor-piercing projectile can penetrate through, and my armor projectile can penetrate the armored vehicle!"

While Gao Yang continued to shoot, the armored vehicle suddenly moved again.

Jensen hadn't shot, he was lying on the ground looking at the display, but he suddenly knocked on the display in his hand, and then he never looked up.

"Big bird! Big bird!"

Hearing Andy Ho ’s loud call, Jensen raised his head slightly, glanced at his display, and reached out to wipe the display, but his shoulders seemed to be unable to support the weight of his head. Sen's face pressed against the monitor again. (To be continued ...) R1292

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