A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 98: Banquet, stunning the audience

Lin Momo snapped his fingers, raised an eyebrow at her, and smiled: "ofcourse! Trust me, you will be amazed by the audience and keep smiling, let’sgo!"

"Okay!" Li Xiaoman took a deep breath and relaxed his tense nerves, a pretty smile appeared on the pretty little face, and walked into the luxurious banquet hall side by side with Lin Momo.

As soon as the two went in, they instantly became the focus of the audience's attention. The chatting guests all set their stunning eyes on Li Xiaoman.

Lin Momo didn't squint, with a faint smile on his lips, "Manman, look, many handsome guys are watching you."

Although Li Xiaoman's lips and lips smile with a light smile, her brows frown. She is not used to these eyes falling on her. She does not want to be the focus.

But it was not only her stunning eyes that fell on her, but also many elegant and noble men came to her with a stemware, either to talk to her or to invite her to dance for a while.

Lin Momo was beside her, watching each one inviting her to dance for a while, she was envious.

She raised her eyebrows to Li Xiaoman and smiled at her: "Manman, I'm right! You see you eat more, Huo Zhannan doesn't cherish you, it's his loss... by..."

Seeing Lin Momo's face suddenly change, Li Xiaoman raised her eyebrows at her and asked in doubt: "What's wrong?"

Lin Momo pointed to the entrance of the banquet hall and said unpleasantly: "The scum men and women also came."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman turned around and really saw Huo Yunene and Xia Lin.

Xia Lin wore a light pink wrapped chest strapless dress, pearlescent treasure, painted a more gorgeous makeup.

Huo Yunene is a pale pink suit of Celuti brand and blue tie, which makes his posture more handsome.

As soon as he came in, a guest stepped forward to talk to him, "Mr. Huo, this is your wife next to you, very beautiful."

Huo Yunene frowned, looked down at Xia Lin beside her eyes, and said, "No!"

Xia Lin didn't expect Huo Yunene to reply like this. She secretly clenched her fists and raised her eyes, just to see Li Xiaoman.

A bit of a vicious color flashed in her eyes, and her eyes looked softly at Huo Yunene, and she seemed surprised to say: "Yunene, that seems to be the elder sister, wouldn't she follow you here?"

After hearing this, Huo Yunene raised his eyes and scanned the lower hall. When his eyes fell on Li Xiaoman surrounded by four or five men, his cold and charming eyes were filled with anger, and Tie Qing walked towards her with a complexion.

"Yunene..." Xia Lin saw Li Xiaoman with jealous eyes, followed closely after him.

"Li Xiaoman..." Huo Yunene stepped forward angrily, whispering, his long arm stretched out, grabbed Li Xiaoman's wrist, and pulled her out of the banquet hall.

"Manman..." Lin Momo saw this, shouting worriedly, and chased him out.

Xia Lin saw Huo Yunene pulling Li Xiaoman away, her eyes were even more jealous of her, her lips smirked, and a plan was brewing in her heart.

Li Xiaoman saw Huo Yunene pulling her out of the banquet hall to the garden. She looked at him coldly and said angrily: "Huo Yunene, what are you doing? Let me go... let go..."

Huo Yunene ignored her struggle and clasped her wrists tightly, her eyes glanced at her angrily, with a mockery, "Li Xiaoman, what are you doing here? Who made you come? You dress like this, yes Want to hook~ who? Can you not make such a mistake~ cheap?"


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