Ouyang Chen watched the beasts close to them with caution, and slowly lowered Li Xiaoman, lowering his voice and saying, "Hurry up on the tree."

Li Xiaoman glanced at the tree behind her and did nothing.

Ouyang Chen wasted her tongue and did not persuade her. She hugged her directly and let her stand on the thick root of the tree, squinting and urging: "Climb up, hurry up, I will climb up if I don't want to be involved."

Li Xiaoman heard the words, reached out to grasp the trunk, and climbed up.

Ouyang Chen saw her climb up obediently, and raised a smile on his lips, he looked up at her, "Many designer, when I wrestle with them for a while, you take the opportunity to jump off the tree, and then escape to understand ?"

The beasts saw Li Xiaoman on the tree, cracked his mouth, and exposed sharp fangs, getting closer and closer to Ouyang Chen.

Dozens of behemoths gathered together, and Ouyang Chen only felt that the light in front of him was dim.

He drew a short dagger in his left hand, clenched a long saber in his right hand, and slammed the tree behind him with a sudden left foot kick. He jumped and kicked the two beasts in front of him.

The two beasts kicked by him leaned back and then rushed at him.

Ouyang Chen saw that the two beasts were rushing and did not dodge. When they approached, the dagger and the long saber in his hand pierced their abdomen at the same time.

Both beasts snarled at the same time, angering the other beasts.

The beast stabbed by the long saber grabbed the long saber with its giant palm and snapped it.

Half of the saber was in the beast's abdomen, while the other half was in the hands of Ouyang Chen.

Other beasts surrounded Ouyang Chen, and Ouyang Chen looked up at Li Xiaoman and shouted: "Jump."

Li Xiaoman saw so many beasts surrounding Ouyang Chen, she was very worried, "I..."

Seeing her not jumping, Ouyang Chen's face was angered, "Wrestling is better than being a beast..."

Before Ouyang Chen finished his speech, a beast rushed to him, and because he had placed his mind on Li Xiaoman's body, he had no time to dodge. After being slammed by the beast, he slammed into the tree behind him.

And Li Xiaoman happened to be on that tree, she failed to stand up and fell off the tree.

Fortunately, she didn't climb very high. Although the body she fell seemed to fall apart, it was not fatal or crippling.

She fell from the tree and attracted the attention of the beast. Five or six beasts approached her. The fierce look seemed to tear her apart.

Li Xiaoman was lying on the ground and wanted to get up, but she was sore all over the body that she fell sore.

Just as those wild beasts were about to rush to her, there was a sudden gunshot.


A lot of gunshots, and accompanied by a lot of footsteps, seems to have many people coming.

Li Xiaoman immediately looked up and saw a familiar figure running towards her quickly.

Her vision changed from blurry to clear. After seeing the coming person, she widened her eyes in surprise, with unbelievable and joyful eyes.

"Di... Sihao."

Long Sihao fired and shot at the beast close to Li Xiaoman. He was very fast. He ran in front of Li Xiaoman in a few seconds, then bent down to hug her and flashed to the side quickly. go with.

The following Lorry and Ling Hanye blocked Long Sihao and Li Xiaoman and shot at the beasts.

Lowry fired and looked at the beasts and asked, "Hey, what are you monsters? It doesn't look like an orangutan. It grows so big. What did you grow up eating? Cockroaches? Earthworms? Ants?"

When Ling Hanye saw Lorry that much at any time, he drew his lips, "Lorry, I served you, you talk to these beasts, can they understand? I think these beasts should be What happens is that it is so huge, I guess they grew up eating people."

Li Xiaoman looked at Lori and Ling Hanye in surprise, and then his eyes fell on Long Sihao.

His handsome and worried face was clearly in front of her, but she was still dreaming.

Her Si Hao is here, her Si Hao is here.

"Si Hao..."

She whispered, thinking of Ouyang Chen, and immediately looked anxiously at him.

Many of the beasts surrounding Ouyang Chen were shot and snarled and turned fiercely towards the lr hunter members who were shooting at them.

As soon as the beasts left, Ouyang Chen suffered a lot of injuries and fell down to the ground along the tree.

There was blood on his face and body, and the newly added wounds were constantly bleeding.

"Ouyang Chen." Li Xiaoman was worried when she saw him falling down. She looked up at Long Sihao, "Si Hao, let me go down quickly."

Seeing her worried face, Long Sihao looked at Ouyang Chen, who was covered in blood on the ground, and put her down.

Because Li Xiaoman just fell off the tree, her whole body was in pain. She was going to Ouyang Chen, but she almost fell after just two steps.


Seeing this, Long Sihao helped her in time.

Then she walked to Ouyang Chen with Long Sihao's help.

Looking at him covered with blood, she squatted down and reached out to nudge him, "Ouyang Chen, you wake up, Ouyang Chen..."

As if hearing Li Xiaoman's voice, Ouyang Chen gradually opened his eyes, and his weak eyes fell on Li Xiaoman's worried face.

He slightly raised the corner of his lower lip and turned his eyes to Long Sihao next to her, but said to Li Xiaoman: "Many designer, save your people... here, next... It's time you took me out, remember, you must... take me out, and, don't let me... die."

When the words fell, he closed his eyes very tired, because he saw someone coming, he seemed to be relieved, no longer worried that Li Xiaoman would be in danger, and soon fell into a coma.

"Ouyang Chen, Ouyang Chen." Li Xiaoman summoned Ouyang Chen twice, and then said: "You can rest assured that I will not let you die, I will definitely take you out alive."

Then she stood up and frowned at Long Sihao, "Si Hao, must save Ouyang Chen. If it were not for him, I would have died long ago. He is my life-saving benefactor."

Long Sihao looked at Ouyang Chen, who was in a coma, and he was grateful, "Since Xiaoxiao is the life-saving benefactor, that is my life-saving benefactor, Long Shihao, rest assured, I will not let him die..."

His narrow eyes locked Li Xiaoman's pale face, and complex emotions rushed into his eyes, with distress, worry, excitement, thoughts, and joy...

"Xiaoxiao, I finally found you." His eyes were moistened by the joy of finding her, and then excitedly hugged her into his arms. "I'm so worried about you. Fortunately, you are still alive."

In addition to thanking Ouyang Chen in his heart, he also thanked Xiaoxiao.

Thank her for her hard work, and wait until he finds her.

He could not imagine how his life would continue without her.

When Li Xiaoman fell from the tree just now, he happened to be in this shrubbery. At that time, he was really scared that his soul was almost gone.

Seeing a beast attacking her, he was too late to rejoice, and immediately ran forward to rescue her. <

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