The wolf king was injured, and saw Long Sihao raise his gun, as if afraid of him, wailing, his hind limbs receded.

Seeing this, Long Sihao narrowed his eyes, did not shoot, and put the gun away.

The wolf king saw Long Sihao put away his gun, and his green eyes were free of the previous fierceness and wildness.

Lorry saw that Long Sihao didn't shoot, he came to him, "President, let me come, I like to execute the death penalty."

Then he smiled and looked at the wolf king, "Hey, hey, demo, I let you scratch me, Lord rewards you with a bullet to taste."

The Wolf King is temporarily out of attack, and is still crying.

Long Sihao took a deep look at the wolf king and reached out to cover Lowry's muzzle. "Don't shoot first."

Lowry was a little surprised, "President, wouldn't you plan to release this vicious mutant wolf? The wolf itself is not a good thing, and this giant wolf is not a good thing."

Ling Hanye came forward, "That's not necessarily, sometimes wolves will also become good friends of humans."

Lowry put away the gun, glanced at the wolf king, and waved his hand, "Hey, brother wolf, our president let you go, and quickly evacuated your wolf son and wolf grandson, or watched the country calling for the protection of wild animals For everyone's responsibility, we will wipe out your entire wolf clan."


The wolf king seemed to understand what Lori said, and slowly took two steps, bent towards Long Sihao's forelegs, and slowly crawled down, and his hind limbs also bent into a bow.

The other wolves stopped attacking the lr alliance.

The move of the wolf king surprised Lorry, Ling Hanye, the top ten hunters, and members of the LR Alliance hunters.

Lowry widened his eyes and stretched his hands to rub his eyes. "Ling Shao, you tell me, am I having a problem with my eyes? How do I see this wolf king bowing to our president."

Ling Hanye glanced at the wolf king, walked to Long Sihao, and reached down to pat his shoulder, "Long Shao, with you, even such a brutal and huge wolf king has been tamed by you, it seems This wolf king is very spiritual. Let me just say, sometimes wolves and people can also become friends. Go and hold a claw with that wolf friend."

Long Sihao twitched the corner of his lower lip, strode forward to the prowling wolf king on the ground, reached out to grab the handle of the long saber pierced into the wolf king's mouth, and the other hand gently stroked its wolf head. Pull out the long saber.

As soon as the Swiss army knife was pulled out, the wolf king spit out two bloods, and it wailed with pain.

Then he lowered the wolf head towards Long Sihao, howled, and left with his wolf pack.

This man-wolf war is over.

The members of the Lr Alliance hunters under Long Sihao's hands were equipped with guns because they were trained, and Long Sihao let them climb the tree in time, and there were not many casualties.

Two people were killed by biting off their necks, 20 people were injured, and the others were basically not injured.

They rested for five minutes, then split into four teams and set off to find the southeast and northwest.

The three teams in the northeast and northwest are led by nine of the top ten hunters. The three hunters lead a team of about fifty people each. The remaining team, Long Sihao, takes them personally.

In addition to him, there is Ling Hanye, Lowry.


In the center of the mountain, the thunderstorm has stopped, and Li Xiaoman and Ouyang Chen who jumped into the valley to hide the rain are safe and sound.

Although the mountain is more than ten meters deep from the ground, the ground is soft and covered with soft grass and a piece of green.

The graben has a large space, surrounded by plants and lush green, and there are not large holes on the cliffs on both sides, and there is clear water flowing out.

After the rain stopped, Ouyang Chen looked around for a while, and after confirming that the valley was very safe, he looked at Li Xiaoman, who was trembling because of the rain, and frowned, "You stay here, I went up to find food."

After hearing it, Li Xiaoman looked up at him and handed him his coat over her, "You put this on."

Ouyang Chen glanced, "It's all wet, it's the same whether you wear it or not, don't walk around, I will come back soon, I have read it carefully, it is safer to stay here than to stay on it."

When the words fell, he rushed up the cliff, took out the dagger and inserted it into the cliff, the other hand grabbed the plants on the cliff to stabilize him from falling, and then he moved step by step as fast as possible up climb.

Li Xiaoman underneath looked up and looked at Ouyang Chen who climbed up on the cliff like a gecko and said worriedly: "Mr. Ou, you need to be careful."

Ouyang Chen continued to climb up without ever looking back. He said, "If I can't come back after an hour, you will find a way to send a distress signal and let someone come to save you."

Li Xiaoman pursed his lips lightly, "I think you will come back, and good people will live for centuries."

Because of this, Ouyang Chen, who was struggling to climb up, stopped and looked back, looking down at Li Xiaoman standing underground, "Do you think I am a good person?"

Li Xiaoman nodded his head, a light smile appeared on his face, "True good man."

She had nothing to do with him. When he encountered a thunderstorm, he didn't leave her running away, but held her and ran together when it was so critical.

After thunder and lightning chased, he protected her in his arms. If he was not a good person like this, what would it be?

He saved her twice, once for the giant snake, and once for thunderstorm, and she was very grateful to him.

The warm smile on Li Xiaoman's face fell into Ouyang Chen's charming phoenix's eyes. He reached out and stroked the wet bangs on his forehead. He made a gesture of shaking his head and playing handsomely, proudly saying: "I am indeed a good person, And he's still a very handsome and nice person."

His just handsome action almost made Li Xiaoman laugh out loud. Sure enough, Ouyang Chen was still Ouyang Chen. The confident and arrogant character was still there, but the current performance was not obvious.

"wait me back."

Ouyang Chen dropped this sentence and quickly climbed up. After a while, his figure had disappeared into the cut.

Li Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the soft grass.

When they first came down, the valley was dark, and almost no fingers could be reached, but now there was no thunderstorm, the sky was clear, and the light inside was stronger and brighter.

Her eyes fell on the pink diamond ring in her hand. Thinking of Long Sihao, she took out the pink diamond necklace again and looked closely.

"Si Hao, wait for me, I will definitely go out alive."

She held the pink diamond tightly in her palm and closed her eyes slightly for a while.

Unconsciously, she fell asleep because she was tired and hungry.

In a daze, she felt warm all over her body, and a scent of barbecue came into her nose.

There was a roll in her stomach, and she was so hungry that she immediately opened her eyes, and it was a roasted rabbit leg that fell into her eyes. <

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