A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 625: Wolf King, meet the giant wolf

He immediately let Lowry get the driving record of the plane where Sophie kidnapped Li Xiaoman, and found that the last landing point of the plane was near the Mount Xerre in the northwest of the Jura Mountains in France, and the coordinates were locked in Xerre mountain.

After careful analysis, he was sure that Xiaoxiao would be in Xieer Mountain.

Sophie always wanted to harm Xiao Xiao, and wished to let her Xiao Xiao live better than death, so she took his Xiao Xiao, and with her vicious character, she would definitely take her to a very dangerous place.

Xieer Mountain is known as the "mountain of death". Sophie can't get in or out. Sophie came here with her Xiaoxiao. She must want to throw her into Xieer Mountain and let her die.

If the flight record did not pass the Mount Helleher, he might not doubt it.

But Sophie not only came here with his Xiao Xiao, the final landing point of the plane was also near Xieer Mountain, he could be sure that his Xiao Xiao was in Xieer Mountain.

Xie Ershan is in danger, he must find his Xiao Xiao with the fastest speed.

He believes that his Xiao Xiao will surely work hard to wait for him to save her, no matter what, even if he traverses the entire Mount Helleher, he will also find her.

Walking on both sides of him were Lowry and Ling Hanye in the same costumes. Behind them were nine hunters, and a hunter named Cohen had another mission and did not follow the team for the time being.

Lowry holds an incomplete map of Mount Xerhal in his hand.

This map is not complete because no one can go out alive after entering.

Ling Hanye saw that the rain was small, but the deafening thunder could still be heard in the center of the mountain.

He glanced curiously at the misty mountainous abdomen, and then looked at Long Sihao again, "Long Shao, are you sure that your baby is here? What if we can't find anyone after we go in?"

Long Sihao narrowed his dark eyes. In addition to the conclusions he made after careful analysis, his Xiaoxiao would be in Xieershan, and he had a hunch that his Xiaoxiao would be here.

Because I have just entered Mount Helle, I can still receive signals.

Suddenly his cell phone rang, calling Cohen, the sixth of the top ten hunters.

"Boss, I found the helicopter that took my wife away from Mt. Hell as you ordered. The plane crashed. Two parachutes were prepared. Also, the pilot was dead, except for the driver's body. , No other people found."

Hearing Cohen, Long Sihao was even more sure that his Xiao Xiao was on Xieer Mountain, and only the body of the pilot was in the plane, indicating that his Xiao Xiao was on Xieer Mountain, and whether Sophie and the mysterious man were in Xieer Mountain, he is temporarily uncertain.

Thinking of his Xiao Xiao in the Xie Er Mountain, where everyone is dangerous, he was both distressed and worried.

The reason why they have to hike into the mountains is that the center of the mountain is thunderstorms, and there is a danger of plane crashes when searching for people. The Xieer Mountains are not small. They are like mountains, with valleys, hills, mountains and so on.

In addition, the jungle in the Xieer Mountains is lush, with clouds and fog, and no people can be seen on the plane.

Rather than wasting time on the plane, he would rather search on foot.

The second is that he is not sure where his Xiao Xiao is. He must start a carpet search from the foot of the mountain.

He tightened his eyebrows, and his Xiao Xiao must wait until he rescues her, and he must wait until he.

The team traveled for an hour before entering two-sixths of the Mount Hell, a long distance from the center of the mountain.

At this time there was a mountain not far in front of them, and they needed to climb over.

But just as they were about to cross the mountain, a wolf cry suddenly came.


Lori heard the voice with a bitter face, "President, won't there be a wolf?"

Lori's voice just fell, and suddenly a two-meter-long giant wolf appeared at the top of the mountain. The green eyes shone like two emeralds, which made it looming, and it looked down on the lr alliance. All of them are like a king.

Ling Hanye saw the giant wolf. He patted Lowry's shoulder and motioned him to look at the top of the mountain.

When Lorry looked at it, many wolves appeared one after another at the top of the mountain, but the size was much smaller than that giant wolf.

"Mother!" Lori, who saw the giant wolf, shouted and looked at Long Sihao with a terrified expression. "What's the matter with the president? A lot of wolves! They seem to prevent us from crossing the mountain."

Long Sihao's eyes fell on the giant wolf, his eyes flashed to kill, not to mention the giant wolf, even in front of the sword and the sea of ​​fire, he would also break in. <

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