A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 623: Can't get in and out

He turned around, and the amber phoenix eyed the woman who covered her ears with anger, almost three steps and two steps back to Li Xiaoman, as if to swallow her eyes Lock her pale face, "many designer, this is a primitive jungle, there will be beasts and monsters appearing at any time, bullets are the best weapon for self-help, you just shoot at random, do you know that you will lose a chance of self-help There were only three bullets left in this gun. Two bullets were used to save you. There is still one bullet left. You are wasting two randomly. Do you want those beasts to eat you?"

Li Xiaoman was very angry to see Ouyang Chen. She understood the importance of bullets in the jungle, just like in the desert, where water is the most important thing.

She frowned, embarrassed, "Sorry, I just shot in a hurry, I just want you to take me out of here."

Ouyang Chen condensed the anger on his face and gave her a cold glance, "I won't take you out."

Li Xiaoman was about to ask why, and Ouyang Chen went on to say, "I haven't thought about going out alive since I came in here."

Li Xiaoman raised his head and met the phoenix which seemed to contain many things. He didn't understand what he was doing as a three-star star.

He in the jungle is almost the same as what she knew before.

He was not so arrogant, but he became cold, and there seemed to be many things hidden in his heart.

Looking at his eyes, she always felt that there was something he had to do to accomplish.

She concealed her doubts and surprises and asked tentatively, "Do you want to stay here all your life?"

Ouyang Chen did not reply to her words, but turned to look into the distance of the jungle, with a longing in her eyes.

Li Xiaoman could not understand him, but she felt that he would not go out for the time being.

Since he didn't want to go out, she couldn't force him to do anything. After all, she had no relationship with him, just met a few sides, he didn't need to take her out.

Although it was almost impossible to know that she was going out alone, she decided in her heart that she would not embarrass Ouyang Chen again.

She returned the gun in her hand to Ouyang Chen, and returned the compass watch to him, leaving only the dagger he gave her.

Then she raised her eyes and looked at him with a smile, "Since you don't want to leave here, there must be your purpose, I will not be difficult for the strongman, and I have no right to ask you to give up your purpose and take me away, I don't know how dangerous it is, But good luck and take care."

When the words fell, she turned and walked forward, squeezing the dagger in her hand, because that was her only weapon of self-help.

No matter how much danger is ahead, she will go on until the end of her life. Even if she really cannot leave here at the end, she has worked hard.

Ouyang Chen looked at her who turned away and saw that she was so thin and slender. It seemed that she could be swallowed by the beasts of the jungle at any time. His amber phoenix eyes narrowed a bit.

What made her give up the idea of ​​letting him take her out?

Seeing that she insisted on going forward even if she was scratched by a thorn, he tightened his heart and asked his lips slowly: "Do you know how to find food? Do you know which plants are poisonous and which are not? Do you know where to go? go?"

Hearing the voice behind him, Li Xiaoman turned around, his face blank and shook his head, "I don't know."

"Then follow me." Throwing this sentence away, Ouyang Chen walked in the opposite direction to her, but he walked slowly this time.

Li Xiaoman reacted to keep up with him, a little curious and puzzled, and asked with a light smile: "You decided to take me out?"

Ouyang Chen's eyes glanced at her with a smile on the corner of her lips and poured cold water directly. "Don't be too happy, it's hard to get out here. I went through the deep pond, climbed the cliff, and crossed the mountains and the mountains. Only here, not only these, but also encountering various beast attacks along the way. Have you had any experience of crossing mountains?"

Li Xiaoman looked at him and shook his head, her eyes dimmed. She had never had such an experience. Therefore, Ouyang Chen must be a very difficult person to cross the mountains with such a person who is equal to the strength of the hand. Thing.

"Will I be your burden?"

Ouyang Chen did not return to her, and walked straight ahead to an unknown strange tree. After carefully observing the tree, he found a stone near the tree and took out a dagger.

He first dunked the dagger into the big tree, then struck the handle of the dagger with Shi Kuai, nailed the dagger into the big tree, until there was a liquid called water in the big tree, he would then A hollow plant stem is inserted|entered in, and the water inside flows out along the hollow plant stem.

Upon seeing this, he first gathered his mouth to catch it and took two sips to make sure that there was no problem with the water. He straightened up, then picked a large leaf, and first washed it with the water from the big tree. Only then began to receive water.

Li Xiaoman stood behind him, watching him do this series of actions, she was very surprised and could not believe it.

Now Ouyang Chen is very different from the Ouyang Chen she knows. She can't connect such a big-name arrogant and arrogant Ouyang Chen with the Ouyang Chen who now seems to know how to survive in the forest and is careful.

Seeing that the water was almost ready, Ouyang Chen stood up, holding the leaf and looking at Li Xiaoman, said directly: "Open your mouth."

Li Xiaoman glanced at the clear water he was holding in his hands, and then opened his mouth.

Ouyang Chen slowly poured the water from the leaves in her hand into her mouth.

Li Xiaoman was drinking tree water for the first time. He didn't feel bitterness, nor was it sweet, and there was no problem in quenching thirst.

Drinking water, Li Xiaoman felt thirsty throat much better.

Ouyang Chen saw that she did not seem to be enough, and turned around to pick up some for her.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoman felt a little embarrassed and said she came by herself. Ouyang Chen opened her mouth, and she opened her mouth obediently.

After three consecutive picks, Ouyang Chen took out the stems and daggers of the plants that were inserted into the big tree.

Li Xiaoman wiped the corner of his lower lip lightly, and the clear water eyes looked at him with gratitude, "Thank you."

After Ouyang Chen put the dagger back, she squinted at her.

"Is something wrong?" Li Xiaoman saw that his eyes fell on her face, looking a little uncomfortable.

Ouyang Chen took a step closer to her, squinted at her, and raised the corner of her lips, "Aren't you pulling before?"

He asked this question a second time.

Li Xiaoman looked up at him, "You are not the same."

Ouyang Chen did not return to her, and looked up at the floating clouds on his eyes, which gradually became darker, and the woods gradually became darker, like it was going to rain.

He looked at Li Xiaoman, "It may be raining, first find a place to avoid the rain."

Li Xiaoman looked at him and nodded, followed behind him.

Ouyang Chen was anxious to find shelter from the rain because of fear of thunderstorms, and walked a little faster. <

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