There are so many guards carrying guns inside and outside the manor, and she is very worried that her Si Hao will be injured.

Her mom, Shen Shiwei, has not visited her in the last two days, and she is also very worried.

Tonight she always felt something was going to happen.

She walked around the room all the time, a little embarrassed.

Suddenly, the door behind her was pushed open, and heavy footsteps came in, followed by the sound of closing the door.

After hearing the voice, Li Xiaoman collapsed slightly and immediately turned around.

The person who came in was Knox, which surprised and surprised her.

After Knox came in, he sat down first, followed by him with four of his bodyguards.

He looked at Li Xiaoman, he couldn't see anger in his face, his eyes narrowed, and he only said one word, "Sit."

Li Xiaoman looked at Knox, who always had a gloomy look, and chuckled his lips. "No need, so late, what is Mr. Knox doing here?"

"I'm here to give you the last chance." Knox looked up at Li Xiaoman, and there was no temperature in his gloomy eyes.

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows indifferently, "what chance?"

Knox smiled and looked at Li Xiaoman, but this smile did not reach his eyes, "As long as you can persuade Glen and Sophie to marry, I will let you go, otherwise, I will let people send you away, let you always I can't see Glen."

Li Xiaoman did not want to directly refuse, "I can't, I can't persuade Si Hao to marry Sophie, Mr. Knox, please die this heart."

Knox narrowed his eyes, his face darkened. "You will not cherish this last chance, you will regret it."

"If I persuade Si Hao to marry Sophie, I will regret it. I and Si Hao are already legal couples, and we still have a pair of children. I will not be separated from him." Li Xiaoman looked firm, staring Knox's eyes cleared a bit.

"You call toasting not to eat fine wine."

Knox's voice was cold and there was no temperature. He finished looking at a bodyguard beside him, his eyes coldly signaled.

The bodyguard beside him lowered his head slightly, and walked to Li Xiaoman expressionlessly.

Seeing the bodyguard approaching, Li Xiaoman took a step back and sharply stared at Knox, "What are you going to do?"

Knox tightened his gloomy face, "Take the phone out."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman was a little surprised. How did he know she had a mobile phone?

She slowly backed off and did not want to hand over her mobile phone, because this was the only communication tool she contacted with Long Sihao.

Knox saw that she was forced back by the bodyguard and refused to hand over her cell phone. He thought that she was Shen Shiwei's daughter and did not want to embarrass her too much, so he signaled the bodyguard to stop.

Li Xiaoman was relieved when she saw that the bodyguard no longer approached her.

Then she took a deep look at Knox and felt that although his person seemed to give people a dark feeling, he did not seem to be the one who was innocent, at least she did not feel that he was killing her at this moment.

He just wanted to use her to achieve his purpose.

Her expression calmed down, "Are you really trapping me here just for Si Hao and Sophie to hold a wedding?"

No change in the expression on Knox's face, still gloomy, "You figured out that you are going to persuade Glen, or take the initiative to divorce him?"

Li Xiaoman pursed her lips gently, "If I promised you, what would you do? Will you let me go immediately?"

Knox showed a negative expression on his face, "If you agree, I will stare at you and Glen divorce. Until Glen and Sophie register for a wedding, I will not let you go."

Li Xiaoman heard Knox say this, and knew that the method she had promised would not work.

She thought that the reason her relatives did not pretend to agree to this method must be because they knew that Knox would follow him all the way, and he would never have a chance to drill, so she didn't use that method.

Dealing with Knox, it seems that no tricks, only to fight him hard.

This man can support such a large family, the ability must be extraordinary, without enough wit, he can not make this family stronger and stronger in his hands.

Knox squinted at her thinking deeply, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but the smile was so cold, with a trace of sarcasm, "You want to pretend to promise me, and then the way to escape is not working, I don't Will make you succeed."

Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes slightly, his pink lips raised, "Do you have to fight Si Hao?"

The smile on Knox's mouth spread to his face, "Exactly, I can take this opportunity to verify how strong Glen is. Since he wants to be my successor, he must have the strength to defeat me."

When the words fell, he stood up.


There were guard soldiers in military uniforms on all sides of the manor. Even at night, all the faces remained vigilant, without any slack.

It was quiet all around, only the rustling sound of the evening wind blowing through the leaves, but invisibly gave people a strange feeling, as if something was about to happen.

Suddenly, only listening to the sound of "Whoosh", in the dark sky, a dart flew with the breath of death without warning.


When a guard soldier noticed his wide-eyed eyes, the dart snapped into his forehead.

Bright red blood ran down his forehead, and others fell to the ground in response.

He fell suddenly, and the guards around him were startled.

Without waiting for them to react, another dart swishes.


With a scream, another guard soldier also darts his forehead and falls to the ground.

When he fell, the guards around him panicked, and immediately a group of three, back to back, holding a gun in his hand, the black muzzle was aimed at half-air, and looked around with vigilance.

When they were vigilant, the surroundings suddenly became quiet again.

"Go ahead and see what's going on?"

After one of the guard soldiers finished speaking, more than a dozen guard soldiers stepped forward with their guns step by step.

There is a huge lawn outside the manor, and there are several peculiar fountains in the middle of the lawn. The lawn is surrounded by lush trees.

The dozen or so soldiers were suddenly attacked before approaching the fountain.

I saw a few silver needles suddenly flying towards them, because at night, the silver needles were so thin that they couldn't see at all.

Several of the more than a dozen people fell at almost the same time, and even before screaming, they suddenly fell.

As soon as these people fell, the rest of them were even more flustered, and they raised their guns without knowing where to shoot.


As the sharp sounds of several sniper rifles sounded, the remaining few fell three, and two were shot by the darts that flew towards them, and fell. <

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