A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 612: You are here, force me to divorce

She really didn't want Knox to do something that disappointed her to him.

They have been husband and wife for more than 20 years, and she did not expect that they would become enemies.

After calming down for a while, she looked at Knox and said, "Knox, our husband and wife have been in this relationship for so many years. Do you have to break our spouse's relationship? From the day he married you, I decided to and You have lived a lifetime, but now, you make me feel that I can't live with you..."

After a pause, she continued disheartenedly: "Knox, you are forcing me to divorce you."

Knox is harsh and gloomy in front of others, including in front of his biological daughter Sophie, giving a sense of fear.

Only in front of Shen Shiwei will he show his truest side.

He is sincere to Shen Shiwei. They have been married for more than 20 years. His feelings for her are as strong as they first met, but now he not only loves her, but also the entire Knox family.

He is the biggest leader of this family, and it is his mission to strengthen this family. He has taken a fancy to Long Sihao's ability, hoping that he can become his successor.

Hearing Shen Shiwei's divorce, his face became a bit heavy, "carry, you are my wife of Knox, this will never change, as long as Glen marries Sophie, I will not stop him and that Miss Li is together."

His words made Shen Shiwei a little surprised and unbelievable, "What do you think of Xiaoxiao? I will never let this happen."

When the words fell, Shen Shiwei turned and walked outside the study.

When Knox saw this, he watched the two bodyguards standing behind him and gestured.

The two bodyguards nodded slightly and only followed Shen Shiwei out.

Standing outside the study room, Sophie listened clearly to both Shen Shiwei and Knox.

When she heard that her father Knox said that Long Sihao married her and could still be with Li Xiaoman, she was very disappointed with her father.

Long Sihao married her, her legal husband, her biological father even allowed his son-in-law to be with other women, she couldn't understand her father's thoughts, so she is now more certain that she should take Li Xiaoman in advance Send out the idea of ​​the manor.

When Shen Shiwei came out to see Sophie, she just paused, and she left indifferently without saying a word to her.

Sophie sees that her mom who loved her so much now sees her ignore it, she is very sad.

She didn't understand, she really didn't understand. She was also Shen Shiwei's biological daughter. Why did she help Li Xiaoman but not her?

She said that her daughter's happiness is her happiness, but her mother-in-law is trying her best to destroy her happiness and go to help her other daughter get happiness.

She hated Li Xiaoman, and her mother Shen Shiwei.

They are hurting her, so she hates them.

She stood outside the study for a long time before going in.

Knox was upset because Shen Shiwei said he was going to divorce.

Family is important to him, but Shen Shiwei is also important to him.

He did not want to divorce Shen Shiwei, but he would not change his mind.

As long as it was decided by Knox, it would never change.

Seeing Sophie coming in, he put away the sadness on his face and put on that majestic and gloomy mask.

Sophie saw his father's face dignified when he faced her, her eyes flashed coldly, and she lowered her head, "Daddy, are you and Mommy arguing again?"

Knox did not return Sophie's words, and said in a somber voice: "This is me and your mum, what are you doing?"

Knox's voice was a little cold, without a trace of temperature.

Looking at the harsh, cold father, Sophie raised her eyebrows, "Daddy, I... Mommy looked for me before coming to you. She hoped I could come and tell my father that I didn't want to marry Si Hao, I didn't want to Seeing that the relationship between Daddy and Mommy is getting worse day by day, so I came."

Knox looked at Sophie with his head down and dared not look at him. He didn't say anything. He knew that his father had been harsh on her since she was a child, but he was also for her.

She is the only daughter of his Knox, who has been in bad health since childhood, and this family seems calm, but it also hides danger, so he will let her be trained, as her father, he must guarantee her safety .

Sophie, with her head down, didn’t hear Knox’s answer, and looked up at him with a terrifying look, “Daddy, I’m not going to marry Si Hao, you let Li Xiaoman, so mommy will If you are happy, you won't be angry with you."

Hearing Sophie's words, the expression on Knox's face did not change in any way. "You must marry Si Hao, what I decided will not change, go out."

Sophie saw her father only told her two words and told her to go out. She felt very uncomfortable and felt aggrieved.

Others can be spoiled in front of her father, but she never dares to be spoiled in front of her father.

She now suspects that her father has never regarded her as his daughter, he just trained her as his men.

He rarely cared about her or smiled at her, almost never.

She has only seen his father smile at her mom.

Although she felt wronged in the past, she asked nothing, but today she wanted to ask.

"Daddy, I want to know why you are so strict with me?"

Knox was a little surprised by her words, but the look on his face had not changed. "Because you are my Knox's daughter, I must be strict with you and go out."

Sophie looked at her father for a while before turning around.

Soon after she went out, the bodyguards of the two Knox who had just left with Shen Shiwei returned.

The two nodded at the same time, "Master, Madam has been controlled."

They just went out to wait for Shen Shiwei to return to the room and let the manor's guard guard outside her bedroom to prevent her from coming out.

Shen Shiwei didn't expect Knox to "leave foot" in her bedroom in order to prevent her from trying to release Li Xiaoman.

Knox also knows that his approach will make Shen Shiwei very disappointed with him, but in order to prevent her from ruining his plan, he can only do so.

He lowered his eyebrows lightly, the look on his face was still so gloomy, with a cold breath.


lr alliance headquarters

The top ten hunters within the Lr alliance contacted by Lowry all returned to the headquarters within two days.

Each of these ten people has their own specialties. Everyone is good at free combat, karate, heavyweight weapons, Sanda, swordsmanship, taekwondo, fighter jets, firearms, blasting, etc.

Among the ten people, there are three women and seven men, and four are foreigners.

At this time all ten people were in place and were in the conference hall on the fifth floor of the castle.

Long Sihao is their leader, naturally sitting at the top of the large conference table. <

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