A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 609: Convene, Top Ten Hunters

After coming out of Biffel Castle Manor, Ling Hanye patted his shoulder with sympathy as soon as he got on the plane, "Long Shao, you and your baby Xiao Xiao are really twists and turns! Knox gave you three days. Considering, it is equivalent to giving you three days of preparation time. I really don’t know what he thinks, but that’s fine."

Long Sihao was very sad at the moment. He couldn't bear to be separated from his Xiaoxiao. He had begun to miss her deeply.

He looked sober, "He thought I had taken Xiao Xiao away from the manor unscathed without full assurance."

Ling Hanye chuckled, "It seems that Mr. Knox is a very conceited person."

Although Ling Hanye and Long Sihao were born and died brothers, he did not know Knox very well.

He looked at Long Sihao, and when he saw his eyebrows tightened, he said sympathetically: "Long Shao, don't worry too much, your Xiaobao, she will be fine, we can use these three days to find a way to take her come out."

lr alliance headquarters

Ling Dina took Xiao Yanyan and Xiao Longyi to stroll around the castle until now.

Lowry kept following them, and stopped seeing Xiao Yanyan walking and walking. Her small hands thumped her small knees and seemed to be tired. He came to her and crouched down.

"Small, are you tired? Are you thirsty or hungry?"

Lowry said softly, reaching for his calf.

Xiao Yanyan frowned, looked at Lowry, and pursed her lips. "Uncle Lowry, why hasn't Dad returned yet? I think Dad and Mommy."

"The president should be back soon." Lowry straightened up. "Little, little president, you are tired too. I will take you to the room."

Every room in the castle is basically the same in style. Lowry took the two little guys on the elevator to the third floor and took them to the room. Ling Dina's room was next to Xiao Yanyan.

Because Li Xiaoman was absent, the two little guys didn't look very happy. After Lowry took them to the room, they took them to the dining room.

The maids in the castle are French, and the chef is also French, but he can cook Chinese food.

Sitting at the dining table, Xiao Yanyan stared at the rich dishes, supporting her small face with one hand, without any appetite.

Xiao Longyi sat opposite her. Although she didn't support her small face with her small hands, she sat there quietly without moving chopsticks.

Ling Dina saw that the two little guys had no appetite, and she had no appetite.

She glanced at Luo Rui, "When will Luo She, Brother Si Hao and brother come back? And that Li Xiaoman, how could she be brought here by Sophie's father?"

When Ling Hanye asked her to come to Marseille with them, she did not tell her exactly what happened. She only said that Li Xiaoman was hijacked by Sophie's father to Marseille, and her Sihao brother was coming to Marseille. She, let her take care of Yan Yan and Xiao Longyi.

As for Sophie, although she knew of this person, she had no positive contact with her. Many things about Knox and Sophie were heard by her brother Ling Hanye.

And she knew Long Sihao naturally because of the relationship between Ling Hanye.

She was only 17 years old when she knew Long Sihao. When she first saw him, she was attracted by his handsome and charming appearance, elegant and noble temperament.

I was thinking that one day I could become the princess holding the love in his palm, but unfortunately, he was always indifferent to her, alienated, and unkind.

Lowry looked at Ling Dina, just about to make a noise, and glimpsed Long Sihao and Ling Hanye came in.



The sharp-eyed Xiao Yanyan and Xiao Longyi saw Long Sihao and stood up and trot towards him.

Xiao Yanyan glanced behind her dad and Uncle Ling, but did not see her dear mummy, her small eyebrows were tighter, and her eyes were red. "Daddy, how about mom? Daddy did not put Did mom take it back?"

Long Sihao squatted down and hugged Xiaoyanyan who was running towards her. The dark black eyes glanced at her distressedly. "Yanyan is relieved, Mommy is all right. Dad will take her back as soon as possible."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan responded and dropped her head. "But I miss Mummy."

Ling Hanye on the side saw Xiao Yanyan seem to be crying, comforting: "Yanyan little potmate, believe your dad, he will take your mom back soon."

Long Sihao put Xiao Yanyan down, took out her mobile phone and handed it to her, "Call Mommy if you want Mommy."

Xiao Yanyan wondered, "Daddy, isn't Mummy's cell phone unreachable?"

Long Sihao hooked his lips, "Now I can get through."

"Really!" Xiao Yanyan, who was just crying, smiled in an instant. She took the mobile phone his dad Bi handed her, and then called their mummy with Xiao Longyi.

Long Sihao and Ling Hanye, Lori three out of the dining room, took the elevator to the fifth floor, and entered a room guarded by six lr members.

Lowry is a stubborn person, and as soon as he entered the room he asked: "President, what does Knox say? Or do you insist on marrying sophie?"

Ling Hanye replied: "Knox gave Long Shao three days to consider. He was determined to make Long Shao marry his daughter with a dozen hands."

"My wife can't stop Knox's decision?" Lowry looked at Long Sihao and sat down. "Anyway, the president and the wife have already obtained the certificate. Bigamy is illegal. The president only needs to divorce the wife." ."

Ling Hanye narrowed her brown eyes, "I think Knox just needs Long Shao and Sophie to hold a wedding in front of the entire Knox family. Long Shao divorces, he doesn't care."

Lorry smiled and looked at Long Sihao, "President, I have a way, but this method is not very good, you can pretend to promise to marry Sophie, and then take the opportunity to find a way to save the President's wife from Knox's manor. "

Lori said that Long Sihao didn't think of it, but he would never marry Sophie and hold a wedding with her, even if it was a fake, he was only the groom who knew him all his life.

If he did that, he would be sorry for his Xiaoxiao.

And falsely promised that this method would not work at Knox.

Once he agreed to marry Sophie, Knox would immediately let him and her Xiaoxiao divorce first, then register and marry Sophie, and finally the wedding.

Before that, Knox would not let him see his Xiao Xiao, and he would follow him all the way, watching him and Sophie register, so this method would not work for Knox.

And he also disdain to use this way.

His dark eyes narrowed, "I will only hold a wedding with Xiaoxiao in my life."

Seeing his firm look, Lowry said again: "President, I still have a way to bring back the top ten hunters of the Lr Alliance. With them in, the president will deal with Knox with half the effort."

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