"Si Hao."

Li Xiaoman then got up and hugged his waist, and a trace of perseverance lit up. Although it was not a parting from life to death, she did not want to be separated from him for half a minute and a half.

Long Sihao didn't want to be separated from her either. He hugged her, lowered his head and kissed her forehead, and spoke softly.

When the words fell, he covered her lips.

Li Xiaoman closed his eyes and gave him the most affectionate response.

After a long time, Long Sihao left her lips reluctantly.

When he came out, he gave her a mobile phone to facilitate their contact.

Fran waited outside the door to see him come out, nodding again respectfully, "Master Glen, the master said he would see you."

After Long Sihao gazed at the door, Junmei's face was covered with frost, and he strode out of the small villa.

He saw Li Xiaoman, and the reason why he did not take her away immediately was because she was afraid of being hurt.

After all, Knox's guards are not ordinary bodyguards and gunmen. His Xiao Xiao has not undergone professional training and is difficult to hide from bullets.

He was afraid that she would be injured, even if she suffered a little injury, it would make him distressed to death, not to mention a gunshot wound, so he would not take her out of here without full confidence to take her unharmed from here.

Coupled with Ling Hanye becoming a hostage, he can not act rashly.

When Long Sihao went to the castle hall, he came to see Li Shiman's Shen Shiwei at the first opportunity.

She was worried all over her face, "Si Hao, Xiaoxiao, how is she? Okay?"

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes, gazing at Shen Shiwei with deep eyes, "Aunt, rest assured, Xiaoxiao is fine."

"It's okay." Shen Shiwei looked up at Long Sihao with a firm look. "Sihao, you can rest assured that I will convince Knox to let Xiao Xiao go. If he doesn't let me go, I will find a way to take Xiao Xiao out. ."

Long Sihao's expression was deep, he paused slightly, and then walked to the castle hall, followed by Fran and two guards in military uniforms behind him.

Shen Shiwei went straight to the second floor of the cottage.

The four guards who stood in front of the door of Li Xiaoman's room saw her, respectfully respected a standard military salute, stood upright, and shouted together: "madame."

Shen Shiwei ignored the four people and entered the room directly, closing the door.

Li Xiaoman heard someone coming in, thought it was Long Sihao, and turned to see Shen Shiwei, both surprised and delighted.


"Xiao Xiao, let me see, how is it? Was it scared?" Shen Shiwei walked straight to Li Xiaoman, took her hands, and looked at her worriedly.

"Xiao Xiao, it's mommy who hurt you. If mommy doesn't ask you to come out that day, you won't be caught here."

At the moment, Shen Shiwei was not only disappointed with Knox, but more resented. Their husband and wife had been in love for more than 20 years. She did not expect that he would use her to capture her daughter and shut her up.

Hearing her words with guilt and self-blame, Li Xiaoman had a gentle smile on his face, "Mom, I don't blame you for your business."

Shen Shiwei's eyes filled with anger, "Knox has done too much this time. Xiao Xiao, you can rest assured that Mommy will take you out, Mommy will not let anyone destroy you and Si Hao's happiness."

Li Xiaoman doesn't want to disturb the relationship between Shen Shiwei and Knox because of her harm. They have been husband and wife for so many years. If she has a conflict, she will be very sorry.

Knox caught her here and threatened her that Si Hao married Sophie. She hated him too, but she hated it, and she didn't want her mother and Knox to get married because of her.

"Mom, this matter will be handled by Si Hao. I don't want you to be involved."

"Xiao Xiao." Shen Shiwei looked at her distressedly, and her eyes were a little wet. "Mommy, I'm sorry. Mommy knows why you don't want Mommy to take care of this. Mommy knows you are worried about me and Knox. The relationship between husband and wife will break because of you. Xiao Xiao, Mommy knows that you are very kind, and you care about others, but others don’t care about you. It’s okay, Mommy has been to Knox..."

Speaking of which, she paused and continued: "Even if it breaks with his husband and wife, Mommy will take you out of here. Now for Mommy, the most important thing is you, you are now the most important thing for Mommy. People, Mommy will guard your happiness at all costs."


Shen Shiwei's words moved Li Xiaoman's heart, and she burst into tears. She reached out and hugged her, and she cried a little, "Mom, thank you."

Shen Shiwei accompanied Li Xiaoman for a while, then went directly to Sophie.

Sophie was in her own room.

Going back to Biffel Castle Manor, she would be the princess here.

Her bedroom is large and luxurious. There are two French maids waiting in her bedroom, as well as a panion and a chaperon.

Panion (chaperon) and chaperon (guardianship) are both accompanied by ladies in the big French family, and the difference between the two is that **** is equivalent to the ancient Chinese maid, and guardianship is equivalent to the ancient Chinese maid.

In France, chaperon (guardianship) is full-time.

When Shen Shiwei entered Sophie's bedroom, the two servants, including escorts and guardians, shouted respectfully: "madame."

Shen Shiwei came to Sophie after letting everyone else go out in French.

Sophie saw her face was not good, she lowered her head and called out, "Mommy."

Shen Shiwei looked at Sophie disappointedly, with some distress, "Sophie, do you have to break up your sister and your brother-in-law? Didn't you say you would give up Si Hao? You cheated mommy again and again, again and again The disappointment of Mommy, do you have to let Mommy despair at you?

Sophie kept her head down, her hands hanging down on her side squeezed a few points, her eyes filled with deep resentment, "Mommy, this matter is that Daddy is in charge, and Daddy wants Si Hao to marry me , Not me, I did nothing this time."

"Is it?" Shen Shiwei narrowed her watery eyes, and her eyes narrowed a bit on her face. "Why didn't you tell Mommy when Xiaoxiao walked away from your father? Why did you still talk to Fran?" Bring Xiao Xiao here together? Sophie, Xiao Xiao she..."

"Mommy." Sophie interrupted her, looked up at her, her eyes were a little bit red, and her expression was very wronged. "This time, it really doesn't matter to me. I'm also forced. I didn't mean not to tell. Mommy, Daddy wouldn’t let me say it. You know Daddy has always been very strict with me. I dare not listen to what he said."

Shen Shiwei looked at Sophie, who was grieved, and only felt sad, why did her daughter love acting so much? <

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