Lowry looked at him in surprise, "Su Shao, okay you, you can find it out, how could you go and investigate how much money Li Sufang's personal account has?"

When he first investigated this matter, he never thought about investigating Li Sufang's personal account.

Su Yi looked at Lori and did not answer his words, but looked at Long Sihao, who was sitting side by side, "The money in her personal account has not moved until now, Si Hao wants to know those Who transferred the money to her account?"

Long Sihao narrowed his dark black eyes, his thin lips tightened, and his expression was deep.

Lowry was anxious. He wanted to know who had transferred the money to Li Sufang, so he asked anxiously: "Shao Shao, you should stop selling it, let's say, who put the money in Li Sufang's account? You don't want Tell me that the grandfather of the president."

Su Yi pursed her lips slightly, "It's him."

Upon hearing his answer, neither Lori nor Long Sihao were surprised.

"It really is him." Lorry frowned and looked at Long Sihao. "President, do you want to ask your grandfather personally about this? Su Shao might be right, Li Sufang suddenly prevented you and the president's wife from being here five years ago. Together, it’s your grandfather’s idea. In this way, it’s not that mysterious person who killed Li Sufang who killed the president five years ago, but your grandfather? No?

Lowry's brain is too big, and he will always be surprised by his own thoughts.

He opened his eyes wide, put his hands into his mouth, with a lot of fingers, and a shocked expression on his face, "God, President, are you not so miserable to be framed by your grandfather?"

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly, his deep eyes turned to Lori who made an exaggerated move, "Why can't you find out what Su Yi can find out?"

"This...this..." Lorry looked at Long Sihao with embarrassment. "President, this person is smart, some stupid, some stupid, some stupid, some dumb, I'm slightly less than Su I’m so stupid that I’m really stupid.”

Long Sihao Junmei's face sank a bit, "I don't need a stupid person around me."

"Are you going to fire me, President?" Lorry looked at Long Sihao with a cry on his face. "Don't be President, I have been with you for so many years. I have paid so much for you. You don't even want it now. I’m going to be wronged."

Long Sihao's deep eyes glanced at Lori who was crying, his thin lips pursed, and said lightly: "Go out."

"Oh!" Lowry said with a deflated mouth, crying: "President, then I'm out. Call me when you need me. I'll be there at any time outside."

When the words fell, Lowry covered his face, and seemed to grievously leave the president's office, and closed the door of the president's office.

After he came out, he called Li Xiaoman.

"Mrs. President, I want to complain to you. The president doesn’t want me anymore. He wants to fire me. You said that I worked hard for him for so many years. He said that if I don’t want me, then I don’t want me. I’m sad. He looks down on me now."

Lowry's words are easy to make people want to distort, but Li Xiaoman knows him quite well, knowing that he has always said this way, so naturally he does not want to distort.

"Luo Tezhu, Si Hao, why didn't he want you?"


Lowry called Li Xiaoman outside the office and complained.

In the office, after Su Yi was out of Lowry, Su Yi looked at Long Sihao and asked, "Si Hao really intends to fire Lowry? And, do you really think Lowry is a mysterious person?"

Long Sihao's dark black eyes narrowed, his eyes deep, his expression unfathomable, Shen Sheng asked: "Do you think he is?"

When Su Yi saw Long Sihao asking him back, he looked slightly stunned, and then said with a light smile: "There is no evidence, I dare not say, but it does not rule out this possibility."

Hearing his words, Long Sihao narrowed his eyes, thinking of what Li Xue said last night, and asked, "Do you know Li Xue?"

Seeing him asking about Li Xue, Su Yi gave him a surprised look, his expression was dull, he could not see any waves, "I don't know."

Long Sihao took a deep look at him without asking again.

Su Yi asked: "Si Hao, if you determine that Lowry is a mysterious person, what would you do?"

Long Sihao lowered his eyes, his eyes dark and cold, "For those who hurt Xiao Xiao, I will let him regret what he did."

Su Yi saw his expression chilled, he frowned, "He has been with you for more than ten years, and you will not care about his brother for more than ten years for your sake." "

Long Sihao's expression is deep and opaque, "I will never let anyone hurt Xiaoxiao, no matter who he is."

When he heard this, Su Yi's eyes narrowed a bit, "Si Hao, you love her, she's already falling in love, and you'll even ignore the brotherhood."

Long Sihao looked indifferent, "If he is really a mysterious man, why did he ever think about my brother's feelings when he designed to frame me? It's because he's not benevolent."

Su Yidun said, "If you find out he is not a mysterious person...

Long Sihao interrupted his words with a deep voice, "The mysterious person must be someone around me, if not Lowry, there must be someone else."

After hearing this, Su Yi asked nothing more.

In a flash, the half-month period has passed.

Knox learned that Long Sihao and Li Xiaoman were not divorced and went to te in person.

In the office, Long Sihao saw Knox coming in with the secretary. His handsome face was not surprised, and his eyes were as deep as a quiet lake.

Six bodyguards followed behind Knox. He entered Long Sihao's president's office and sat down directly.

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes, "Why is the uncle coming?"

Knox looked cold, and looked at Long Sihao's eyes. He was chilled. "Half-month period has passed. Glen and your wife have not divorced. It seems that I haven't taken my words to heart."

Long Sihao's dark eyes flashed coldly, his blade-like eyes turned to Knox, with a sneer on his lips, "I will only take the words of my love to my heart."

"Hehe..." Knox smiled a little unkindly, narrowing his sharp eyes. "It seems that you are hardened and want to be against me."

Long Si Hao Han looked at his eyes, "It's the uncle who is the enemy first."

He called him an uncle, which is the greatest respect for him.

Knox was completely gloomy, and the whole body seemed to be covered with haze, "glen, you may not win me."

Long Sihao's narrow and long eyes crossed the cold, and there was a chill around him, "You may not necessarily win me."

"Hehe..." Knox laughed again. "I was right, you are very courageous."


After half a month of treatment and conditioning, Shen Shiwei's body has almost recovered.

Early this morning, Li Xiaoman received a call from Shen Shiwei that she wanted to see her and her child.

Because she hadn't seen Shen Shiwei for a while, she naturally missed it and made an appointment with her to meet at the western restaurant they visited last time.


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