A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 596: Unfortunately, I saw Jingguang

He has followed Long Sihao for too long, and like him, he doesn’t like to slove flowers and grass at all, and he will never kiss other women casually.

Although his appearance seems to be a bit of a pamper, his private life is just as cautious as that of their president.

And he has the same idea as their president, his first woman is his last woman, so he will not have any ambiguous behavior like kissing with a woman he doesn't love.

The four women saw a large pile of cash and gold cards on the coffee table, and their eyes lit up, as if they saw a lot of banknotes.

Let a man kiss them with five minutes to earn so much, four people think it is like a pie in the sky.

Then the four of them stood up and walked to Lowry, one of them was going to knock him down and eat dry.

Lorry, sitting on the sofa, saw the four "women" came over, he moved back, then broke his wrist, and looked at the four with warning, "You better not come, although you It’s a woman, but I won’t be merciful.”

Ling Hanye saw Lorry like a young wife who was about to be strengthened. He smiled with a wicked charm, "Lorry, just kissed the woman, what are you afraid of? Will not be taken away? Fuck."

Lowry stared at Ling Hanye with a black face. "Ling Shao, I'm not you. Just kiss any woman. You can drink slowly. I won't drink anymore. I'll withdraw first."

When the words fell, he stood up and said to Long Sihao that he went back first and left the private room like a ghost.

Ling Hanye saw Lorry running away and set his eyes on Long Sihao, as if to deliberately tease him. He took out a platinum card from his wallet again, and the diamond card was thrown on the coffee table.

Then he glanced at the few young girls who didn't seem to be twenty years old, and pointed his finger at Long Sihao, "If anyone can kiss the young dragon, no matter where they are, they will belong to them."

The four girls heard the words and looked at the beautiful and confusing Long Sihao, who could kiss such a handsome and so temperamental man and still have money to take.

Su Yi glanced at the four girls and looked at Ling Hanye, "Ling Shao, you are too boring about this game. We are here to drink with you, not to play with you."

Long Shao also squinted Ling Hanye echoed: "If it is drinking, I will accompany, if playing this boring game, I still go back to accompany my wife."

Ling Hanye saw Long Sihao moving his daughter-in-law out again, and he ripped the corner of his lips, "Long Shao, I have served you, well, no longer playing boring games, we drink."

Immediately he waved his hands to the four young girls.

Seeing that a lot of money was not earned in their hands, the four people were quite unwilling, so they wanted to stay and stay with them.

The young girl named Shan Shan sat next to Ling Hanye, regardless of the presence of others, and she touched Ling Hanye's chest with her hand, and she said with a voice, "Ling Shao, let Shanshan stay Come with you?"

Ling Hanye grabbed the girl's hand and flung it away, just as if she was uninhibited, but at the moment she cast a shadow on her face, with a cold and scary expression, and only a word spit out in his lips, "Go."

He only said one word, but the tone was extremely cold. When Ling Xian's eyes shot at the girl, the four were scared and immediately got out of the private room.

The private room was quiet, and Ling Hanye poured himself a drink, pouring one cup after another into his mouth.

When Long Sihao saw this, Jun Mei frowned deeply, and did not persuade him to stop. What he feels now, he can deeply understand.

He heard his Xiaoxiao say that Lin Momo was determined to marry Wei Ziting, and Ling Hanye had no room to turn around.

In fact, Lin Momo chose Wei Ziting, he can understand and understand.

Men are afraid to enter the wrong line, women are afraid to marry the wrong man.

Lin Momo wanted a man who could give her a sense of security, and at this point, Ling Hanye might not be able to give her for the time being.

If a woman has a dead heart and is determined to marry another man, it is difficult to change her mind.

He said nothing. As his life and death brother, all he could do was to drink with him when he was sad and suffering.

Lingjia Villa

After Lori left from the Jinsheng nightclub, he drove straight to Lingjia Villa, because Linghan night angered him, so he went to Ling Dina to settle the bill.

His car drove directly into the Lingjia villa and stopped outside the hall.

He got out of the car without breathing, and went straight into the hall and walked upstairs to the room of Ling Dina.

Because he was not the first time to come to Ling's house, the servants in the villa knew him, but when he came, he did not stop him.

When he walked to the door of Ling Dina's room, he saw that the door was false, so he pushed open the door and walked in with a big swing.

Unfortunately, he swung in, and Ling Dina came out of the bathroom after the shower.

Because she is in her own bedroom at home, Ling Dina is very casual and sexy.

She wore only a transparent gauze suspender nightdress and walked out.

The gauze nightdress is too transparent to be worn, and she has not worn a bra. The entire breast shape is clearly seen, especially the attractive two points standing on the peak, and only a t-shaped lower body Transparent bottom | pants.

Seeing that Ling Dina was wearing such a **** exposure, Lowry's eyes were so good that his eyes fell on those two points.

"you you……"

His throat was a little dry, and he tried twice without making a sound.

Suddenly, he felt a hot nose, and a stream of heat came out again.

Lori's eyes widened, did he have nosebleeds again?

Ling Dina saw Lori appeared suddenly, she was also shocked, and when she reacted, she saw Lori's eyes fell on her, she screamed.


Hearing her scream, Lowry recovered, kicking his responsive long legs back, first shut the bedroom door, and then rushed forward, covering Ling Dina's mouth with her hand.

He squinted at her, cleared his throat, lowered his voice and said: "Cough... cough..., don't shout, shout? Someone who doesn't know thinks what happened to me? Isn't it just to see you two..."

"What are the two?" Ling Dina stared at Lowry with fiery eyes, eager to break into her bedroom and watch her as a stern he took explosives to fly.

Lori's handsome face suddenly turned red like a ripe apple, "Nothing, I didn't see anything."

Ling Dina didn't believe he saw nothing. Suddenly, she bit her fiercely on the hand that Lowry covered her mouth.

"Ah..." This time for Lowry screamed.

"Miss Ling Dina, are you a dog? Loose mouth." Lori, who was bitten, frowned tightly, his face crying, and almost burst into tears.


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