Li Xiaoman knew the inside story. When she heard Xiao Yanyan's words, she looked at Long Sihao. When she saw him sitting firmly, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "Si Hao, don't you go and see what's going on?"

Long Sihao stood up, turned around and glanced at the door of the banquet hall, then looked down at Li Xiaoman deeply, and smiled with his lips, "I don't need to see it, just ask the daughter-in-law to know."

"Ask me?" Li Xiaoman smiled slightly and shook his head gently. "I don't know what happened."

Long Sihao gave her a meaningful look, leaned down and attached it to her ear, and said in a voice she could hear: "I think the best thing about this is the wife."

Long Sihao watched her eyes moving and affectionate, if it wasn't the wrong occasion, if it wasn't for the two underage little guys around him, he would embrace her and kiss her fiercely.

Li Xiaoman had a charming and enchanted eye on Shanglong Shao, who was impressed with emotion and affection. Cheliang's eyes were a little bit of a smile, and he looked at him angrily, then he swelled his cheek. Won't it be too smart? Can you guess it?"

She and Long Sihao's conversation, Xiao Yanyan and Xiao Longyi both heard a mess.

"Daddy, Mommy, what are you talking about..."

Xiao Yanyan looked at her dad than her mom, and the voice was not falling. The group of people who had been in the banquet hall rushed in.

The consumers were all angry, looking at Huo Yehong and Huo Yunene as they wished to beat them up.

Both Huo Yehong and Huo Yunene are protected by four bodyguards. The two of them watched the rushing consumers and didn't understand what was going on?

The dozen people were headed by a brutal-looking man. His face was angry, and he held a rose gold inlaid diamond flower ring in his hand. He raised it in front of everyone, "Master Huo, you are the master of Huo, Please give us an explanation, why are the diamond rings we bought in your company's jewelry stores are rhinestones? You are under the banner of never selling fakes, never deceiving consumers, but mixing fish eyes and selling dog meat with sheep's heads , Deceive us."

After the man finished, a young woman in his twenties came out behind him, looking angry at Huo Yehong and Huo Yunene, who were protected by bodyguards.

She not only holds the fake diamonds she bought, but also holds the inspection report, certificate and consumer receipts for the diamond ring in the magnificent jewelry store of Huo's.

She also raised the fake diamond she bought in her hand and said angrily: "Look at everyone, this is what Huo called the real diamond. We are all cheated. This is not a diamond at all, but a valuable zirconium. Shi, Huo's deceiving our consumers are simply profiteers."

As soon as the woman said this, many people at the scene looked at the ring in her hand. With the naked eye, it was indeed impossible to tell whether it was diamond or zircon.

But the woman's remarks aroused the discussion of many guests and questioned Huo Shi.

The reporter listened to the woman's remarks and naturally eagerly interviewed her about the fact that Huo's artificially made and very low-cost zircon pretends to be a diamond.

Some reporters asked to see the identification results of the most authoritative quality inspection center tested by women.

The woman gave the reporter the result of identifying the ring on her hand as a rhinestone.

The reporter photographed the quality inspection results.

Seeing this, Huo Yehong pushed away the bodyguard in front of him. His face was very ugly, and his eyes were fixed on the woman.

Because of the presence of reporters and guests, in order to maintain his image, he did not get angry on the spot, nor did he order the security guard to drive out those who made trouble.

He tried to make a sound, but the scene was too chaotic and too noisy, and no one could hear his voice.

Immediately under the protection of the bodyguard, he walked to the rostrum.

Seeing him walk to the rostrum, whether it was a guest on the scene, a reporter, and the group of consumers who wanted to talk about it, they all followed.

Huo Yehong stood on the rostrum, watching the excited crowd of consumers, speaking loudly and forcefully into the microphone: "Everyone be quiet, everyone be quiet... Silence, listen to me, Jingyi Quiet..."

He shouted for several times in a row, and the noisy scene was quiet.

Huo Yehong saw that the scene was finally quiet and looked at the crowd of consumers and said: "Huo's has always been based on integrity, never fraudulent, deceive our customers and consumers, our jewelry, whether it is gold or silver jewelry Gemstones and jadeware are all real goods in clear codes, and there is no possibility of adulteration.

Huo Yehong's words fell, and the man who just said he bought a rose gold inlaid diamond flower ring looked at him and shouted: "You don't do fakes, then why the diamond ring I bought for my wife is not a diamond but a moss stone? Everyone? Knowing that moissanite is also artificially made, its price is less than one-ninth of the price of diamonds. You either use precious zircon instead of diamond or moissanite. This is obviously deceiving the majority of consumers The hard-earned money of the masses, profiteers, and the facts are in front of you, you even said that you are all real goods, and will never be adulterated?

"That is, we all bought fake diamonds. You must give us a statement today to compensate our losses. Otherwise, we will go to the Consumers Association to complain to your company, and we will also go to court to sue you."


The scene was chaotic again, and consumers who bought rhinestones were more emotional.

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Are the babies jewelry lovers? Babies should know that zircon and moissanite are highly imitation diamonds, right?

They look like diamonds, but they are artificially made, and the price is definitely lower than real diamonds


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