A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 586: Son, only surnamed Long

Li Xiaoman asked Lorry because he had something to do, so he smiled and looked at Long Sihao, "Si Hao, you go in with Yanyan and allen first. Let me and Luote help say a few words."

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes narrowly and took a deep look at Li Xiaoman. Then he responded well and took Xiao Yanyan and Xiao Longyi into the conference.

At this press conference, Huo invited many people, but there were a lot of vacancies at the press conference, which meant that many guests did not arrive.

However, there are many vacancies, which is conducive to Long Sihao.

Long Sihao took a pair of children to the front row of the guest seat.

The three people with extremely high face value sat down and immediately attracted the attention of many people in the venue.

Huo Yunene was naturally present at the new product launch event held by Huo Shi. He was going to the stage after Huo Yehong finished his speech. Seeing Long Sihao was not only invited, but also brought a pair of children, his eyes fell on the small When Yan Yan and Xiao Longyi were on their faces, those dark eyes crossed the deep sadness.

He looked around. He didn't see Li Xiaoman's figure, his brows were deep, his eyes were even more sad.

Sitting in the front row of the guest seat, Xiao Yanyan took a look at the new product of Huo's "Green Elf" series displayed on the big screen on the rostrum, and pouted, "Daddy Bi, jewelry designed by Grandpa Huo's family It’s not as beautiful as Mummy’s design."

Brother Xiaolong's narrow and narrow eyes looked at the jewelry display rack at the venue. Seeing that the new jewelry above was indeed designed as Xiao Yanyan said, it's a pity such a good jadeite.

Long Sihao, who heard Xiao Yanyan's words, also looked at Huo's new products on the jewelry display, and felt that it was indeed not as good as the new products of the "Pearl of the Orient" series released by vi yesterday.

Not only are they talking here, but there are also comments on other seats.

Vi only held a new product launch yesterday. The new product that appeared was Jadeite Jewelry, and Huo's new product release today is also Jadeite Jewelry. The design style of this new product by Huo's is not as good as the new product released by vi.

Huo Yehong had already seen Long Sihao. After he finished speaking, he stepped down and walked directly to the seat beside Long Sihao under the ceremonial support.

"Si Hao, Grandpa didn't expect you to come to Huo's press conference today and bring Yanyan and..."

Speaking of which, Huo Yehong's eyes fell on Xiao Longyi sitting next to Yan Yan.

At the last wedding, Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao both publicly recognized Xiaolong Yi, so he naturally knew that Xiaolong Yi was Long Sihao's son and his great grandson.

Although he likes Xiao Yanyan, like his old man, he will have some patriarchal thoughts and naturally prefers his grandson Xiaolong Yi.

He looked at Xiaolong's amiable smile, "What's your name?"

Xiao Longyi looked up at Huo Yehong. Although Huo Yehong appeared at the wedding last time, he didn't see him or know who he was, so this was the first time he saw him.

For the old man, he should be respected, but the little he felt that the old man’s eyes were looking sharp and smiling, giving him a bad hunch.

He didn't reply. Long Sihao glanced at Xiaolong Yi, then narrowed his eyes to Huo Yehong, his handsome face sank a bit, "My son of Long Sihao will only be named Long no matter what his name is."

Huo Yehong withdrew his gaze from Xiao Longyi's face, and looked at Long Sihao sadly, "Si Hao, are you still angry with Grandpa because of the last time your grandpa let you threaten you and Manman with a gun? Alas! Grandpa just wants you to recognize your ancestors. Grandpa didn’t want to really hurt you, Manman, and Yanyan. Grandpa said those words just to scare you, how can I know you all, grandpa can’t fool you , Grandpa did go too far on that day. Grandpa apologized to you at this opportunity today."

Xiao Yanyan, who heard his words, looked at him and blinked her eyes, "Grandpa Huo, you said that you want to beat the mummy."

Huo Yehong looked at Xiao Yanyan kindly, "Yanyan, Grandpa really just scared you that day, didn't Grandpa finally treat you badly?"

When the words fell, Huo Yehong looked at Long Sihao again, with a helpless look on his face, "Si Hao, the things of that day have passed so many days, and Grandpa has not really hurt you, so don't go to your heart, wait At the end of the press conference, Grandpa will explain to you why Grandpa did that day."

As Huo’s president, Huo Yunene is also making an important speech on the podium.

His eyes have always been on Huo Yehong and Long Sihao. When he saw that Huo Yehong didn't know what he was talking to Long Sihao, he frowned a little.

Long Sihao sat quietly, as if what Huo Yehong said did not seem to be heard, the expression on Junmei's face was indifferent, and there was no turbulence in his words.

Huo Yehong saw that Long Sihao didn't want to bother him at all. He sighed deeply, and the expression on his face was a bit lonely.

Is he really doing something wrong? His grandsons were cold and alienated from him one by one.

Long Sihao saw that he had been in for a while. His Xiao Xiao and Lorry had not yet entered. He turned to look at the entrance of the banquet hall, and doubts flashed in the deep eyes. What did his Xiao Xiao say? To tell Lowry, why not come in yet?

Outside the banquet hall, Li Xiaoman looked at Lori with a smile, "Luo Tezhu, you are really a very good assistant, you are lucky to have you by Si Hao, since you have dealt with everything I’m relieved, then I’ll go first."

Lowry looked at Li Xiaoman and nodded. "The wife of the president has won the prize. I have developed my limbs. I can do something for the president and the wife of the president. Is it a good idea for the president and the wife of the president? Mrs. President went in with confidence, Huo's press conference could not be held for a while."

Li Xiaoman looked at Lowry and smiled again, then walked into the banquet hall.

She glanced up and saw Long Sihao sitting in the front row with their children, and she went straight to the front row.

Huo Yunene is still standing on the podium at this time and is being interviewed by various media reporters.

When answering the reporter's question, he saw Li Xiaoman who entered the press conference at a glance.

Today, Li Xiaoman is wearing a black professional slim professional suit, and her long curly hair is so casually draped over her shoulders.

Her temperament is gentle and charming, but elegant yet sexy.

When the reporter saw that he had stopped suddenly, he looked at Li Xiaoman with his eyes.

Last wedding, Long Sihao and Li Xiaoman made headlines in K City, so those reporters naturally recognized Li Xiaoman.

But Li Xiaoman and Huo Yunene had a brief marriage five years ago, and they were very low-key at the time, naturally no one remembered this matter.


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