A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 584: Confusion, Huo's sight

Upon hearing this, Vice President Zou immediately praised again and again: "Miss Li is really smart, and once this trick comes out, it is very difficult for Huo's to find out who is the inner ghost."

Li Xiaoman's eyes narrowed slightly, "I just want them to find out who is the inner ghost, but the people inside the company are still panicking."

"Miss Li, you can rest assured that you have done so much for our company. I will certainly help you with your busyness. I will definitely confuse Huo's eyes and prevent Huo from finding out who is the real inner ghost."

"Then thank Vice President Zou."

"Should I thank Miss Li, you are."

After talking to Vice President Zou, Li Xiaoman hung up the phone and walked to Xiao Longyi's seat.

Seeing him at a young age, the words were very beautiful, and her shining eyes were full of gratifying smiles.

"Allen, you have been writing breakfast for an hour now. Are you tired? After a rest, Mommy kneads your small shoulders and small arms for you."

Xiao Yanyan, who was sitting on the side, had been writing after seeing her eating breakfast. Her mother-in-law did not say that she would rub her shoulders and rub her small arms. She put a small pencil on her face, her small face collapsed, and she pouted She raised her mouth and stared at her mum with sparkling eyes.

"Mommy, I want to sue."

Li Xiaoman, who was helping Xiaolong Yi rub her small shoulders, looked at her and saw her pursing her small mouth, her young child's face was stinky. She raised her eyebrows and asked softly, "Yan Yan, what's wrong? Why? Complaint?"

Xiao Yanyan frowned, pitifully flattened her small mouth, "Mommy, you are about to forget Yanyan. You have ignored Yanyan so completely. Yanyan has also written for a long time. I didn't say to help Yanyan rub her small shoulders and arms, woo... Yanyan couldn't feel Mommy's love anymore."

Looking at Xiao Yanyan who was about to cry, Li Xiaoman and Xiao Longyi smiled at each other, and then both the big and the small came to sit next to Xiao Yanyan.

Li Xiaoman sat on the left of Xiao Yanyan, rubbing her left arm, and Xiao Longyi sat on her right, rubbing her right arm.

Li Xiaoman glanced at the sensible Xiaolong Yi, and looked down at Xiao Yanyan tenderly, and smiled, "Little Princess Yanyan, are you still satisfied with the service of mommy and brother?"

Xiao Yanyan looked at her dear little brother, then looked at her dear mummy, raised her eyebrows, and grinned, "Satisfied, very satisfied, mom and brother are the best, thank you mom, Thank you brother."

When the words fell, she leaned over and kissed her mother's face, and then kissed Xiaolongyi's face.

Li Xiaoman reached out and gently touched Xiao Yanyan's small head. "Okay, Yan Yan will play with her brother. Mommy is going to call sister Yiyi. During this time, Mommy didn't go to the studio. No Know how the studio is."

Li Xiaoman wanted to be with him every day just after he recognized Xiaolong Yi, and since the mysterious man hadn’t appeared yet, she and Long Sihao didn’t know when he would appear, so they didn’t send Xiaolong Yi to school for the time being. , And Xiao Yanyan did not go to school these two days.

But this will not work, so she must find a way to force the mysterious man out again.

Jiang Yiyi helped her uncle Li Zhenhua some time ago. Now her uncle barely walks with a cane and she can't go to the studio temporarily, so Jiang Yiyi went back to the studio, but she knows that Jiang Yiyi gets off work every day She will still take care of her uncle, she just doesn't know how Jiang Yiyi gets along with her Wenbo brother.

When she called Jiang Yiyi, she heard Jiang Yiyi's somewhat lost and listless voice.

"Hey, Sister Xiaoman, it's you!"

Li Xiaoman's face was worried, "Yiyi, what's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable? Does your voice sound like it's not exciting?"

"Sister Xiaoman, don't worry, I'm fine, yes, your uncle is much better."

Hearing that his uncle was much better, Li Xiaoman was naturally happy, "Yiyi, thank you."

"Sister Xiaoman, don't be so polite, it is my honor to take care of your uncle."

Li Xiaoman smiled on his lips and spoke softly, "Is there anything wrong with the studio?"

"Well, it's fine, Sister Xiaoman rest assured."

Li Xiaoman thought for a long time, and then he asked tentatively: "How are you getting along with Wen Boge?"

Jiang Yiyi at the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds before replying: "Sister Xiaoman, I got along very well with your Wenbo brother. Sister Xiaoman, then I'm busy first."

"Well, Yiyi, thank you for your hard work."

"Not hard."

After Jiang Yiyi and Li Xiaoman hung up the phone, their eyes were red.

She sat in her own office, her eyes gradually wet and condensed into crystal tears, sliding down her beautiful face, her mind recalled the scene after Li Wenbo was sent back to her residence last night screen.

He took her to the downstairs of her residence for the first time last night and did not leave directly. Instead, he got off and said something to her.

With a smile in her eyes, she looked at him with some jumping birds in her heart, "Brother Wen Bo, what do you have to tell me?"

Li Wenbo's eyebrows were deeply locked, and there seemed to be embarrassment between the eyebrows. The pair of eyes with a trace of melancholy looked at Jiang Yiyi like this. Said: "Miss Jiang, you are not going to take care of my dad tomorrow. I have hired a babysitter for him. This time I have trouble with Jiang."

Jiang Yiyi saw her alienated and called her Miss Jiang, and said that she did not need to take care of his dad. She bit her lower lip and lowered her eyes, her heart hurt, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Wen Bo, do you think I Isn’t it good to take care of your uncle? Why don’t you let me take care of him?"

Li Wenbo's apologetic face, "Miss Jiang, you misunderstood. I didn't think you took good care of you. You took good care of it. I thank you very much."

"Why don't you let me take care of it?" Jiang Yiyi raised his head and looked at him with a pair of gleaming eyes in a mist of water.

Li Wenbo glanced at her, and then looked away, the line of that handsome face became tough, "Miss Jiang, I know that Manman has not been to the studio recently. You have to go to the studio and take care of me. Dad is too tired, and we have no relationship with you for no reason, I can't let you take care of it all the time."

Jiang Yiyi concealed the infinite loss in her heart, trying to make her tone sound normal, "Brother Wen Bo, I'm taking care of your dad for Sister Xiaoman. Besides, taking care of your dad, I don't feel tired."

Li Wenbo turned that sparse gaze back to Jiang Yiyi's beautiful face, "Miss Jiang, but we have no relatives and no reason, I really can't let you take care of my dad anymore. Thank you very much during this time. , If you need my help in the future, please say so."

Jiang Yiyi's eyes were red, and her lower lip was squeezed tightly. "Brother Wen Bo, can you not call me Miss Jiang, call me Yiyi?"

Li Wenbo didn't return to her, the brows were tighter.


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