A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 574: Where did the recording come from

Lorry looked at her meaningfully, "Miss Lin, do you resent us so much as Ling Shao? He has been living your single life for five years, he has been..."

"I am only concerned about my fiancé and son, other people's things, I am not interested."

Lin Momo looked at Lorry calmly, and walked upstairs with Li Xiaoman.

Luo Rui sighed after going upstairs to Lin Momo and Li Xiaoman, "Ah! I think Ling Shao really has no drama, this Miss Lin Momo should be harder to chase than the president's wife..."

Speaking of which, he looked at Long Sihao, "President, you said how much thought you spent on chasing the President's wife to catch her. Ling Shao did not spend a lot of time thinking, and certainly could not catch up with Lin Momo, alas, It’s so hard to love someone! Fortunately, Su Shao and I didn’t visit this muddy water.”

When the words fell, he looked at Su Yi, who was sitting beside him and remained silent. He put a hand on his shoulder, "Shao Shao, what's wrong with you today? Why didn't you say a word? You don't have enough words Anyway, I will also say a few words, what are you doing today, pretending to be deep?"

Su Yi looked at Long Sihao unintentionally, then looked at Lorry, and reached down to push his glasses. "How can I have a deep dress? I should go back."

When the words were down, he was about to stand up and leave. Lowry held his shoulders, "Suo Shao, don't go, we have some time to get together and talk for a while before we go."

Su Yi heard that, after seeing him for a while, he sat down again.

After Lori sat down, he looked at him and said, "Su Shao, I have a question for a long time. Do you have misogyny?"

Suddenly, Lowry's question made Su Yi look slightly stiff, and the pupil under the black lens shrank slightly, and then looked at Lowry, "Why ask this?"

Lorry squinted at him. "I asked casually. I have known you for more than ten years. I have never seen a woman who has been in love with you, and I have never seen a woman you have been with. To be precise, you have never been I haven’t seen any woman in the eye, and the president is insulated from other women. That’s because the president has the wife of the president, do you have a sweetheart in your heart? Tell me who she is?”

Su Yi looked at Lori and smiled, "You still said to me, you are not the same, I have known you for more than ten years, and I haven't seen any woman you have been interested in, nor have you been with any woman. Do you have misogyny?"

Lowry said quickly: "Shao Shao, I don't have misogyny. I didn't associate with other women. I didn't meet the right one..."

When he said this, he inadvertently glanced at the spiral staircase and happened to see Ling Dina. He didn't know how, and his heartbeat jumped for half a beat.

Ling Dina glanced down after walking downstairs, and she asked, "What about my brother?"

Her voice just fell, and the wet Ling Hanye just walked into the hall.

Long Sihao, Lowry, Su Yi, and Ling Dina watched him dripping from head to toe, with doubt and surprise written in her eyes.

What's more exaggerated is that Lowry's eyes widened and his mouth widened. After looking at him from top to bottom for a while, he asked: "Lin Shao, this early morning you went to fight with Miss Lin ?"

Ling Hanye didn't return, glanced at the direction of the spiral staircase, and then looked at Long Sihao and said to go back first, then pulled Ling Dina away from the villa.

After breakfast, Li Xiaoman asked Lowry to send Lin Momo and Wei Yubin back, while Su Yi went back before eating breakfast.

Li Xiaoman originally wanted to take this opportunity to determine whether Su Yi was a mysterious person, but this gathering had nothing to gain.

After Long Sihao went to the company, she asked Xiao Yanyan to return to her room to do her homework. She pulled Xiao Longyi into her and Long Sihao's bedroom.

After sitting down in the bedroom, she looked down at him and asked softly, "allen, you can tell mom now, when did you know that I am your mom, Sophie is not your mom? ?"

Xiaolong Yi seemed to have guessed that she had pulled him into the bedroom to ask this question. He looked at her and smiled, "Mommy, I have something for you."

Li Xiaoman was about to ask him something for her, and Xiaolong Yi took out a miniature recorder for her.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoman looked at him a little puzzled and took over the recorder.

"Allen, this is..."

Xiao Longyi looked at Li Xiaoman with a mysterious smile, "Mum knows how I know that you are my mom after listening to the recording inside."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman looked down at the miniature recorder on her hand and then played the recording inside.

The voice of a man came first.

"Why are you so impulsive?"

Hearing this voice, Li Xiaoman narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly. The voice was very cold, and she still sounded familiar, like where she had heard it before.

Next came a female voice that made her more familiar.

"I can't wait any longer, I don't want to look at him and the liar of Li Xiaoman again, I will go crazy like this..."

Li Xiaoman looked down at Xiaolong Yi, "Is this Sophie's voice?"

When she mentioned Sophie, Xiaolong's narrow and narrow eyes flashed a complex look. He looked at her and nodded, "Mommy keep listening."

Sophie's voice continued to come from the recorder, and this time she heard about her mother being killed.

"Are you clever? You have failed again and again. You didn't mean killing Li Sufang and blaming Si Hao, Li Xiaoman would hate Si Hao, so you can break them up? But the result, you Killed Li Sufang, ruined the surveillance video, and deliberately left the video of Si Hao pinching Li Sufang's neck. Li Xiaoman saw the video and still didn't take it seriously as Si Hao was the murderer who killed her mother..."

"Accident? Are you accidental again and again? You still took a photo of Li Xiaoman and that photo called Han Jinxi five years ago..."

"Why? I helped you so much, you are now starting to blame me? If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be able to steal the dragon and turn the phoenix on the day that Li Xiaoman was premature and take away allen..."


After listening to the recording, Li Xiaoman understood everything.

She knew that the male voice in the recording was made by a mysterious man without guessing.

She didn't expect to secretly photograph her and Han Jinxi as a mysterious man five years ago. If it was not her Si Hao who trusted her and didn't believe the so-called photos of her and Han Jinxi, the mysterious person would succeed.

What she didn't expect was that even the secret photos taken by Sophie who blamed her husband for the time were also instructed by the mysterious person.

Putting her thoughts back, she looked down at Xiaolong Yi, a trace of surprise and doubt flashed in her clear eyes, "allen, how did you get this recording?"


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