A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 567: Believe that evil is beyond tolerance

Long Sihao looked at her seriously, "There are very important things."

She took a deep look at him before she stood up.

And her **** had just left the chair for no more than two seconds, Ling Hanye strode over meteor and sat down straight, her long legs leaning against each other, watching Li Xiaoman smile like a cunning fox, "Mrs. Long ,Thanks."

Li Xiaoman glanced at him and Long Sihao, his eyes fell on Lin Momo and smiled apologetically, "Momo, I can't help you."

She just sat next to Lin Momo in response to Lin Momo's request.

Then she was dragged by Long Sihao and sat down in front of the long dining table.

Lin Momo saw Ling Hanye sitting next to her, she was about to get up, Ling Hanye's long legs caught her calf, and she glanced at her evil charm, "Miss Lin, we are all so familiar , Sitting together and chatting."

Lin Momo moved her calf, but Ling Hanye caught her.

She narrowed her eyes tightly, and anger flared at the bottom of her eyes, and said in a voice that Ling Hanye could hear: "Ling surname Ling, don't go too far."

Ling Hanye looked at her with a playful smile, "You sit here obediently, I won't overdo it, otherwise, I'll do even more."

When the words fell, he let go of Lin Momo's calf, and his eyes fell on her chest.

Because of the bite marks and kiss marks left by Ling Hanye on the chest, Lin Momo was wearing a dress slightly higher than the neckline.

"Miss Lin, wearing such high-necked clothes on a hot day is not afraid of smothering you..."

Ling Hanye suddenly leaned close to her, and when she sprayed a hot breath behind her ear, a "chest" word spit out of her lips.

Lin Momo clenched his fists with both hands, and then angered down. She is now a free-living ninja turtle.

No matter how evil Ling Hanye is, she will endure.

She has always believed that evil is unbearable.

Lowry and Su Yi are already seated.

The current situation is that Li Xiaoman's left happens to be Su Yi, and Long Sihao's right is Lowry.

Today, she asked Long Sihao to call them a few to determine whether Su Yi was a mysterious person, but in order not to cause Su Yi’s suspicion, she asked Long Sihao to put Ling Hanye and Luo Rui, and Ling Dina. They all called, and she also called Lin Momo, so that it is not easy to cause suspicion.

There is a character on the mysterious person's right ear. Li Xiaoman looked at Su Yi, because he was sitting on her right hand, so she couldn't see his right ear.

She looked at Su Yi's eyebrows with an eyebrow, and Long Sihao stared at Su Yi when she saw her sit down. He narrowed his eyes, and the big hand resting on her waist took a punitive pinch. She gave a hand.

Li Xiaoman almost cried out when she was in pain. She raised her eyes and stared at Long Sihao, saying with a mouth: "Asshole."

Long Sihao's big hand resting on her waist slipped along her waist and her voice was low, "Who made you stare at other men?"

Li Xiaoman pulled away his restless big hand and watched three words spit out from his pink lips, "Little sting."

Ling Dina, who was sitting next to Xiao Yanyan, saw how Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao saw and how to get right. She both envyed and jealously puckered her lips, frowned tightly, and looked depressed.

Then she poured a glass of wine, drank it up and drank it, and then poured a second glass.

Sitting next to her, Xiao Yanyan saw her drinking one after another, and she asked curiously, "Sister Xiaona, is this wine very good? I think Sister Xiaona wants to drink more and more, all Can't stop."

Ling Dina's wine volume was not very good, her face turned red after drinking a few glasses, her eyes were a little drunk, her slender jade fingers sandwiched the stem of the stemware, and her eyes dropped Looking at Xiao Yanyan with lost eyes, "Little cute, this wine is hard to drink. Sister Xiaona is asking to borrow wine and worry..."

Speaking of which, she cried with a sad face, "Woo... Sister Xiaona has been in love for a long time."

Lowry's voice came, "Miss Ling Dinah, your name is crush, you have been crushing for a long time."

Ling Dina narrowed her eyes and glared at Lori with a disgruntled look. "Dead Lori, will you die if you say a little less?"

Lowry also took a glass of wine and saluted towards her. After drinking it, she smiled and looked at her, "I will not die if I say less, but I will die if I don't say you one day."

Ling Dina's mood was very low today. She was too lazy to fight with Lowry as usual. She poured herself a glass of wine and poured one after another into her mouth.

She originally thought that her brother Si Hao only had a wedding with Li Xiaoman, and had not received a certificate, thinking that she still had a chance, but now she had no chance at all.

She is not a fool. She can see how much her Sihao brother loves Li Xiaoman. Since they have obtained the certificate, they will never divorce.

Although she hadn't chased her Si Hao before, she had a thick skin, but Ling Dina also had the bottom line and her purpose of being a man.

Before her Sihao brother did not receive the certificate, she felt that pursuing him was not a third year, but her Sihao brother and Li Xiaoman had obtained the certificate, and she went to chase her again.

She also hates Primary Three, but it's hard to give up her Sihao brother!

Xiao Yanyan beside her was crying when she saw what she was drinking. She frowned, watching her sigh like a little adult.

Ugh! Poor sister Sina, why do you like Dad?

Dad loves mommy more than spicy, will not fall in love with you.

Xiao Yanyan looked at Ling Dina, and when she looked up at Lorrie, she found that he was looking at Ling Dina, and she didn't move her eyes.

She was a little curious and turned her eyes back and forth between Lingdina and Lowry several times.

Why did Uncle Lowry keep looking at Sina?

Does he like Sister Xiaona?


The little girl's eyes lit up, as if she had discovered the New World, and her eyes shone brightly.

Immediately she leaned over and the little dragon sitting beside her bited her ears. The two little guys talked and laughed and didn't know what the **** they were doing.

The few people on the long dining table looked harmonious, but those under the dining table were not the same.

Lin Momo, who was forced to sit with Ling Hanye, was in a "foot fight" with Ling Hanye.

Lin Momo's shoes were thin and high, and Ling Hanye, who was trampled under pain, glanced at her dangerously, and caught Lin Momo's ** directly with her legs.

Lin Momo tried to pull out the leg caught by Ling Hanye, but Ling Hanye just didn't let go.

She suppressed her anger and whispered: "Let go."

For her words, Ling Hanye seemed not to hear, not only did she not let go, but she clamped tighter.

Just when Lin Momo wanted to go viral, Li Xiaoman picked up a glass of wine and walked to Lowry.

"Luo Tezhu, thank you for staying by Si Hao's side and helping him a lot. You are the best and best assistant I have ever seen. I respect you."


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