"Your name is Li Xiaoman?" Knox asked, but his voice gave a somber feeling.

Li Xiaoman was a little surprised that Knox even said her name. She looked at him, her eyes flashed with a doubt, and the answer was very simple, "Yes!"

Knox looked at her very similar to Shen Shiwei, a slight color flickered across her eyes, and the overly majestic face tightened a bit.

But he didn't say anything. After watching Shen Shiwei say something in French, he left the ward directly.

Shen Shiwei frowned at Knox's words.

After Knox went out, Fran watched Shen Shiwei bow his head respectfully before he went out.

"Grandma, who was that person just now? He looks so fierce!" Xiao Yanyan walked to Shen Shiwei's bed and asked curiously.

Knox is now Shen Shiwei's husband. Li Xiaoman knows that Xiao Yanyan's question Shen Shiwei is not easy to answer, so she stepped forward and stood in front of Shen Shiwei's bed.

"Yanyan, that man was the grandmother's current husband just now."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan looked at Shen Shiwei with concern, "Grandma, are you better?"

Xiao Longyi also stepped forward and looked at Shen Shiwei politely, "Grandma is good."

Shen Shiwei looked at her grandson and granddaughter with a smile, "Grandma's health is much better, Yanyan, allen, thank you for coming to see grandma."

The two little guys said in unison: "We should come to see grandma."

Shen Shiwei held out her hand, a small hand holding Xiao Yanyan and the other hand holding Xiao Longyi's small hand, a smile bloomed on her face, "Grandma is very happy with you."

She looked up to Li Xiaoman, who looked at her gently, "Xiao Xiao, you have a good pair of children."

When Li Xiaoman looked at the two little guys, his eyes were full of spoils. "That's because their grandmother has a good character, so they are filial and sensible."

Xiao Yanyan looked at Shen Shiwei with a smile on her face, and then looked at her mommy, "Mommy, your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter. Look at how happy the grandma is."

Li Xiaoman sat down next to Shen Shiwei, and Xiao Yanyan and Xiao Longyi stood sensiblely aside, without disturbing their mummy talking to grandma.

Li Xiaoman thought of the scary face of Knox, she could not help frowning, and asked with concern: "Mom, is your husband good to you?"

Shen Shiwei took Li Xiaoman's hand, looked at her with a smile, and replied: "Okay."

"That's good." Li Xiaoman said in his mouth, still worried.

Although she does not know Knox, as far as she hears, and he just looked at her, Knox should be a cold-hearted person who is not easy to approach or guess. .

When Shen Shiwei saw that she didn't seem to believe her, she smiled and looked at her, "Xiao Xiao, don't think too much, mommy is very good."

Li Xiaoman looked at her with a lip smile and hesitated again and again before asking: "Mom, can you tell me about my biological father?"

Now she knows that her mother-in-law is Shen Shiwei, but she still doesn't know who her biological father is, so she really wants to know.

When Shen Shiwei saw Li Xiaoman asked about her biological father, she frowned almost unchecked, her smile narrowed slightly, and her emotions became a little more complicated.

She didn't know how to tell Li Xiaoman about her biological father.

"Xiaoxiao, mom will tell you about your biological father after a while."

"Huh!" Li Xiaoman nodded and asked no more.

She and Yanyan Longyi spent nearly an hour in Shen Shiwei's ward before leaving.

When they came out of the ward, Knox and his bodyguard had already left.

Soon after they left, a person unexpected to Shen Shiwei entered her ward.

Shen Shiwei, who was originally sitting on the hospital bed with some melancholy expression, raised her head after hearing the footsteps. When she saw the appearance of the person coming in, she was very surprised. "

"I come to see you."

The person who came in was Long Junche. He smiled gently and went straight to Shen Shiwei's bed. He handed a bunch of carnations to Shen Shiwei.

Shen Shiwei looked at the large bunch of carnations in front of her eyes, his eyes trembling slightly, and then stunned, and then reacted and looked at him and smiled, "Thank you."

She took the carnation and reached for the chair next to her bed, "Please sit down."

Long Junche nodded slightly, sat down, and looked at her with concern, "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine." Shen Shiwei smiled faintly. "I didn't expect you to come to see me. I was surprised."

Long Junche looked at her with a smile, "We are also old acquaintances, you are injured, I will naturally come to see you, you are fine if you are fine."

Long Jun Che sounded like a sentence with concern, but it gave Shen Shiwei a bit of sourness in his heart.

It is the first time in more than twenty years that he has spoken about her.

She looked up at Long Junche's familiar face, and facing him was like facing a friend who hadn't seen her in years. "How do you know I was injured?"

"The day you were injured, I happened to be." Long Junche looked at her gently, with a gentle smile on his face that seemed to warm people's hearts.

His answer is light and light, simple.

Shen Shiwei was a little surprised, "Xiao Xiao and Si Hao were on the wedding day, you happened to be?"

Long Junche always felt that there was a connection between him and Shen Shiwei, and when she faced him, he always made him feel that she was deliberately hiding something.

He didn't ask the others, and said with a smile: "Well."

Shen Shiwei looked at him with some gratitude, "Thank you for going to Xiao Xiao and Si Hao's wedding."

Her answer even aroused Long Junche's curiosity and doubt, but he didn't ask the doubt in his heart.

He said softly: "I think I have some luck with Manman, so I went."

When he mentioned Li Xiaoman, there was a touch of cordiality unconsciously in his tone.

Shen Shiwei looked at Long Junche and smiled, the emotion in her eyes was more complicated.

Her eyes were slightly reddish, with a grateful smile on her face, "Since Mr. Long, since you feel that you are destined to Xiao Xiao, if Xiao Xiao needs someone to help you in the future, I hope you can help her."

Long Junche saw that Shen Shiwei had red eyes and wet eyes when he faced him. He frowned and looked at her deeply. The doubts in her heart were even worse, "If she needs me to help, I will definitely help... …"

Speaking of which, he paused and asked tentatively: "Is it more than just acquaintance between you and me?"

Shen Shiwei looked at him and concealed all emotions in his heart, "Mr. Long, thank you for coming to see me. I am a little tired and want to rest, so..."

Long Junche stood up clearly, "Well, I will not disturb you to rest, take care of your body, I will come to see you again when I have time."

When the words fell, he left.

Shen Shiwei's eyes fell on the carnation he sent after he left, with a complex look.



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