Li Xiaoman looked at him with tearful eyes and a hoarse cry, "Si Hao, but I'm so scared, I'm really scared, I have lost a mother..."

Long Sihao knew that she thought of Li Sufang's death again. He held her face with his hands, his thumb flicked away the tears in the corner of her eyes, lowered her head and kissed her lips, comforted: "Wife, don't you Believe her husband? Husband said that your mum would be fine if you are fine. Believe her husband, don’t cry. I’m so sorry for you."

Xiao Yanyan standing beside them cried out with a wow.

"Woo... Dad, I’m so scared... Woo... Grandma... Woo..."

Long Sihao saw Xiao Yanyan crying, too. He let go of Li Xiaoman and squatted down. "Yanyan must also trust Dad, your grandmother, she will be fine."

Xiao Yanyan blinked with tears, "But grandma left a lot of blood."

Lowry and Ling Hanye just arrived at the hospital.

Hearing Xiao Yanyan's words, Lori stepped forward and looked at the little girl and said, "If you are small, there will not be any trouble if you bleed a lot. That thing, you will grow up in the future..."

Knowing what Lori would say later, Long Sihao stared at him with a dazzling look, "Dare you dare to say it and try?"

Seeing Long Sihao's expression gloomy, Lowry shrank his neck. "The president won't let me say, I won't."

When the words fell, he looked at Li Xiaoman, who was full of tears, and his eyebrows were deep, "Mr. President, please rest assured, your mum, she will be fine. The president said that there will be no problem, and there will be no problem. Don’t forget what the president is doing. Your mom is hurt badly. The president knows at a glance."

Hearing Lowry's words, Li Xiaoman felt more at ease, what Long Sihao did. She now knows very well that she thinks he must have experienced a lot of bullets and rain.

Seeing that he and Ling Hanye were back, she asked, "Did you not catch the mysterious man?"

Lowry shrugged, frowning and said: "All the fakes that appeared today are mysterious people chasing them, but the mysterious people we chased are not real mysterious people, they are posing, the purpose is to lead me and Ling away. Little, in short, we are fooled. This mysterious person is really too cunning, the bomb is fake, the grenade is fake, even people are fake."

After they chased out of the wedding banquet hall, they saw the mysterious person sitting in the car, so they immediately got into the chase and chased halfway, the mysterious person stopped the car suddenly.

When he and Ling Hanye got out of the car and went to check, the mysterious man sitting in the car was trembling like a terrified man.

It was Ling Hanye who uncovered the ghost mask on the face of the mysterious man.

They asked carefully before they realized that the mysterious man in the car was posing. He was not really a mysterious man, but just an ordinary citizen. He was threatened by the real mysterious man to impersonate him because of his body shape and mysterious portrait. of.

And no matter how they questioned the fake mysterious man, he said he didn't know what the real mysterious man looked like, but only described him wearing a ghost mask and black clothes, and the others didn't know.

Long Sihao listened to Luo Rui and Ling Hanye's words and squeezed his big hand. He didn't expect that the game he and Xiao Xiao set up had been seen by the mysterious person, but instead set up a game for them.

It seems that he underestimated the strength and wit of this mysterious man.

There must be someone behind the mysterious person, and this person is very powerful. The only person he can think of is Knox.

Perhaps Knox manipulated the mysterious man behind his back.

As Long Sihao said, although Shen Shiwei was shot, she was not in danger of life. After being pushed out by the doctor and nurse from the rescue room, she was transferred to the ICU ward.

On the third day, Shen Shiwei woke up, and she also moved from icu to the senior VIP ward.

Li Xiaoman has been staying in front of her bed, with Xiao Yanyan, Xiao Longyi, Long Sihao and Lin Momo.

Lin Momo wanted to accompany Li Xiaoman, so Wei Yubin was taken back by Wei Ziting, while Lowry and Ling Hanye had to investigate Sophie and the mysterious person, and did not come to the hospital yesterday and today.

The first person Shen Shiwei woke to see was Li Xiaoman.

At this time, her face was still pale, and her eyes lost luster, but when she opened her eyes to see Li Xiaoman, her eyes were slightly grinning.

"Xiaoxiao..." Her voice was weak, "You have been...guarding...mummy?"

Xiao Yanyan saw that Shen Shiwei was awake, and put the young face to her, "Grandma, and me, I am also guarding the grandmother. The grandmother finally woke up, and the mommy won't cry."

Shen Shiwei looked at Xiao Yanyan, her eyes were gentle, she asked with a smile: "Yanyan, your mom...really crying?"

Xiao Yanyan looked at her and nodded, her eyes flashing with tears, "Grandma, not only mommy crying, but also my brother crying, Dad is better, Dad is better than saying that grandma will wake up , Grandma really woke up."

After hearing her mention Xiaolong Yi, Shen Shiwei looked at him standing next to Xiao Yanyan, and tears appeared in her eyes, "allen, blame the grandmother for not teaching your aunt well, she almost killed you. "

Xiao Longyi stepped forward and reached out her small hands to wipe her tears. A pair of long narrow eyes looked at her very sensiblely, "Grandma, I didn't blame you, it's none of your business."

Long Sihao glanced at the tearful Li Xiaoman, and then stepped forward, holding Xiao Yanyan in one hand and Xiao Longyi in the other, and gazed softly at the two little guys, " Yanyan, allen, compare with dad first and let mommy talk to grandma."

Xiao Yanyan and Xiao Long nodded their heads together, and then left the ward with Long Sihao.

Seeing this, Lin Momo patted Li Xiaoman's shoulder, gave her an encouraging look, and then went out, and closed the door of the ward intimately.

Li Xiaoman knew that Long Sihao let Xiao Yanyan and Xiao Longyi go out, and wanted to give her and Shen Shiwei a chance to be alone. She hoped that she could forgive Shen Shiwei and accept her mummy.

Looking down at Shen Shiwei, her bright eyes were full of tears, and asked worriedly, "How are you doing?"

She did not call Mrs. Shen Shiwei, nor did she add the title, but her small change still made Shen Shiwei very happy.

Her eyes were also stained with tears, and she looked at her and nodded with a smile, "Xiao Xiao doesn't need to... worry, Mommy... it's much better."

Seeing her look was still very poor, her speech was intermittently weak, Li Xiaoman felt very uncomfortable, and the tears in her eyes continued to fall, she bit her lower lip tightly, but couldn't utter that mommy word.

"I'm sorry, if it wasn't to save me and Yanyan, you wouldn't get shot."

When Shen Shiwei saw her crying, she raised her hand that was still dripping, trying to touch her face, but she was weak.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoman took her hand and put it back into the distance, saying with concern: "You are getting an injection, this hand cannot be moved."

Hearing her with concern, Shen Shiwei's eyes were even more moist, and she smiled comfortably, "Okay,, Xiaoxiao, you are...mummy's daughter, yes Mommy... baby, mommy protects should be, just like you...protect Yanyan..."

Shen Shiwei's words even made Li Xiaoman's tears fall. She reached out and covered her mouth, but she couldn't help crying.

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Well, I recognize my brother, and the babies can breathe a sigh of relief. The next step is to deal with the mysterious person. Long Shaohui will deliberately get drunk to try someone. Xiaoxiao will also suspect that someone is on his head. The mysterious person is too cunning. Well, I saw in advance that Long Shao and Xiao Xiao were in the layout, so he also arranged a game. Sophie was in the game.

The babies did not expect the mysterious person to know that this is a game, neither Xiao Xiao nor Long Shao did.


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