A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 510: President, I'm afraid of ghosts

"Huh!" Xiao Longyi nodded her head lightly and put her little hand in Shen Shiwei's hand.

Shen Shiwei looked at him again with a gentle smile and led him upstairs.

Sophie saw that Xiao Longyi's attitude towards her hadn't been warmed up to her mum's attitude. She narrowed her eyes, and there was a hint of displeasure in her eyes.

Sarah had packed Shen Shiwei's room, and Shen Shiwei led Xiao Longyi straight into the room.

After holding Xiaolongyi on the sofa in the room and sitting down, she looked at him gently and asked, "allen, tell the grandmother truthfully, is your mom good to you?"

Shen Shiwei asked because she felt that Xiao Longyi was not very close to Sophie.

As soon as Sophie came in the hall downstairs, he frowned, and put away the smile on his face, and did not shout to mommy, she noticed it.

Sophie is her daughter. She knows her naturally. In her impression, Sophie is a child who is not yet sensible. She does not think that Sophie can be a good mother.

And Xiaolongyi's father loves other women. She feels that Sophie's mood cannot be unaffected. Naturally, Xiaolongyi will not be too good for Xiaolongyi.

Xiao Longyi didn't expect Shen Shiwei to lead him upstairs to ask this question. He frowned tightly, and there was an impenetrable expression on the young face.

His cherry-colored lips squeezed tightly, and did not return the question.

When Shen Shiwei saw him not returning, he already had an answer in his heart.

It seems that she guessed right, Sophie is not very good for Long Yi.

She did not agree to Sophie just now, saying that she had to hesitate, but now she did not hesitate. She felt that it would be better for Xiaolongyi to stay with her biological father.

Her daughter Sophie is not a good mother.

Xiao Longyi was taken away by the mysterious person at the Ling family. When Ling Hanye knew it, he immediately called Long Sihao.

"Long Shao, your baby son was taken away by the mysterious man. I'm sorry, I didn't take him seriously."

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes with a pair of narrow eyes, and if Ling Hanye was in front of him, he would give him a few punches first.

He squeezed the phone in his hand and lowered his eyes. "I'm going to find allen first. Your skin will tighten me."

When the words fell, he hung up with Ling Hanye and drove to Honghuayuan himself.

But because Sophie took Xiaolong Yi away, he was empty.

Thinking of Sophie buying a villa in the Moon Lake villa area five years ago, he called and asked Lowry to go to Moon Lake Villa to investigate whether Sophie and Xiaolongyi had gone there.

Lowry took a short time to investigate the matter, and then immediately called Long Sihao to inform him.

"The president, as you might expect, the small president was taken by Sophie to the villa she bought in Yuehu five years ago. What will the president do next, whether to bring the small president back or..."

Long Sihao didn't answer Lowry's words, but asked Shen Sheng: "Is there any result for you to investigate that matter?"

The voice of Lori's doubts came on the phone, "Which thing is the president saying?"

Long Sihao's eyes narrowed, and his voice was a little cold, "Need me to remind you in person?"

Hearing the danger in his words, Lowry smiled and said: "President, no need, I remembered it, President, that thing of digging graves and graves, I really dare not do it, I am afraid of ghosts , The deceased is already gone, still don’t disturb her, President, if you take the hair of the little president and the wife of the president for a DNA test, I will follow it all the way, and I will not believe it. The mysterious man can cover the sky with one hand."

In fact, Long Sihao felt that the thing he asked Lowry to do was inappropriate. No matter whether the baby girl was the daughter of him and Xiao Xiao, the deceased was already gone. He really shouldn't disturb her.

"No need to check it again."

"Isn't it?" Lorry's doubtful voice came out. "I don't know how the president should determine that the small president is the son of you and the wife of the president. The key is that the president should show the evidence to the wife of the president, so that the wife of the president believes that the small The president was born by her, otherwise the wife of the president would think that the small president was born by you and another woman."

Long Sihao didn't say anything else, he only said to Lowry that he would use other methods to determine this matter and hung up the phone.

Next day

Shen Shiwei felt that Sophie was not a good mother and wanted Long Sihao to recognize Xiao Longyi, so she went to Li Xiaoman.

She first went to her studio after understanding the address of Li Xiaoman like Sophie.

After she got off the car and entered the studio, her general noble aura radiated from the whole body caused a lot of attention from the studio, especially her similarity with Li Xiaoman, it also caused a lot of suspicion in the studio .

Today Li Xiaoman came to the studio early in the morning and was in the office.

Under the leadership of the secretary, Shen Shiwei went straight into her office.

The secretary had wanted Li Xiaoman to say something, but Shen Shiwei said that she and Li Xiaoman were old-fashioned and asked her to go out first.

After the secretary went out, Shen Shiwei looked at Li Xiaoman, who was busy at the desk. Seeing that she seemed to notice that she was coming in, she stepped out first.

"Miss Li, long time no see."

Hearing the sound, Li Xiaoman didn't think of Shen Shiwei. She raised her head curiously, and her eyes fell on Shen Shiwei's face.

At the scene, she looked shocked, and there was a deep surprise in Che Liang's eyes.

"It's you."

Although I saw Shen Shiwei again after five years, Li Xiaoman recognized her at a glance. When asked why, apart from their similarities, she always gave her a special feeling.

This feeling is the same as what Long Jun Che brought her, they all made her feel kind, but they all hurt her.

Five years ago, she sent the photos of Sophie who framed Long Sihao to her mobile phone, and told her to leave Long Sihao, she still remembers it clearly.

So seeing Shen Shiwei again at this moment, except for her surprise, her attitude towards her was lukewarm. Out of politeness, she let her sit down on the sofa in her office.

She was still sitting in her office, her clear water eyes staring indifferently at Shen Shiwei who had sat down on the sofa, her lips slightly tickled, "It is indeed a long time since I disappeared, how come my wife is here? It is to let me leave the company again Hao's?"

She is Sophie's mom, and Li Xiaoman has not forgotten that. Thinking of Aisha as Sophie, she thought that she must have brought her this time.

Shen Shiwei didn't expect Li Xiaoman to say that as soon as she opened her mouth. She was a little embarrassed and embarrassed and reached out and took off her sunglasses.

Her eyes, which were very similar to Li Xiaoman, looked at her carefully, and then smiled gently, "Miss Li is more beautiful than five years ago."

Regarding her praise, Li Xiaoman didn't have a cold at all. She just looked at her and smiled slightly, and asked her lips: "Ma'am deliberately came here more than to praise me as simple as that? Madam, just say anything."


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