A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 500: Little ghost, Long Shao was shocked

Speaking of which, she took Li Xiaoman's hands again and looked at her with guilt, "Manman, I'm sorry, every time you say nothing to me, but I have hidden from you, I know I’m not doing this right, but I really don’t want to mention anything that happened five years ago."

Li Xiaoman felt embarrassed when she saw her eyes full of guilt, the shoes were not suitable, only the feet knew.

Now that she is living well and being her best girlfriend, she should bless her and should not ask her any more things she does not want to mention.

As long as she feels happy.

She also felt very sorry in her heart, "Momo, I will not ask, as long as you feel happy now."

Lin Momo looked at her with a smile and nodded, "I know my Manman is the most reasonable and reasonable, we have a rare gathering, and just happened to take the children, why not go to the amusement park?"

Li Xiaoman raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Okay."

When the words fell, the two got up and walked to Xiao Yanyan and Wei Yubin.

"Yanyan, Binbin, shall we go to the amusement park?" Lin Momo bent over and asked Xiao Yanyan and Wei Yubin with soft smiles.

"Okay!" Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows and responded readily.

Then she smiled and looked at Wei Yubin, "Brother Binbin, let's go to the amusement park."

"Huh." Wei Yubin looked at Xiao Yanyan and nodded with a smile, showing a row of neat white teeth.

Then the two little guys walked out of the cafe hand in hand.

After Li Xiaoman settled the bill, he drove Xiaoyanyan, Lin Momo and Wei Yubin to the amusement park where she and Long Sihao took Xiaoyanyan last time.

After arriving at the destination, Lin Momo bought the pass first.

Li Xiaoman bought the account when she was in the coffee shop. She didn't want Li Xiaoman to spend more money.

Although the most important thing for Li Xiaoman now is money, apart from making money in her own studio, she also has a husband with a lot of money, Long Sihao, but Lin Momo just loves her and doesn’t want her Spend an extra penny.

Xiao Yanyan's favorite thing is to play the swinging fish, so Li Xiaoman and Lin Momo took her and Wei Yubin to play the swinging fish first.

Wei Yubin's courage is relatively small, and he didn't dare to sit up at first, but when he saw that Xiao Yanyan, a little girl who was one year younger than him, dared to sit up, he just got on.

Li Xiaoman and Lin Momo accompanied the two little guys to play several projects in a row.

Same as last time, because it is a weekend, there are quite a lot of people, there are many people waiting in line for other projects.

When Li Xiaoman saw it, he looked down at Xiao Yanyan and smiled softly, "Yan Yan, sit with Binbin first, Aunt Lin for a while, and Mummy goes to buy some food and water."

After playing a few items, Xiao Yanyan also wanted to take a break. She looked at her mum and nodded with a smile, then sat down on the rest chair.

Seeing her sit down, Li Xiaoman raised her eyebrows to Lin Momo and said with a smile: "Momo, sit down with Binbin first."

While waiting for her mum, Xiao Yanyan rolled her small eyes and looked left and right, but she saw several familiar figures under the children's ferris wheel.

Daddy? Uncle Ling? Sister Xiaona? Uncle Lowry?

Xiao Yanyan's eyes fell on Xiao Longyi, who was led by Long Sihao. The star-like eyes suddenly widened a bit, surprised.

Why would her dad be with that brother?

Shouldn't her dad go to the company earlier? She thought her dad went to work?

But why are you in an amusement park?

Can Dad cheat Mommy if he is swollen, can he swell with her brother instead of playing with her?

Is that brother really the illegitimate child of her dad?

Wouldn't it be sad if the mom knew that?

Withdrawing her gaze, she lifted her small chin and smiled at Lin Momo, "Aunt Lin, I want to go to the bathroom."

After hearing this, Lin Momo stood up and looked at her with a smile, "Auntie will accompany you."

"Aunt Lin, no, I've been here many times. You don't need to accompany me. You can wait for mommy here. I will come out soon. Aunt Lin, mommy is here."

Lin Momo looked in the direction of her finger and saw that Li Xiaoman returned with the water and food.

Xiao Yanyan, when Lin Momo turned to look at Li Xiaoman, trot towards the bathroom.

When Lin Momo turned around, he happened to see Xiao Yanyan trotting towards the bathroom.

After Li Xiaoman approached, when Xiao Yanyan was away, she asked, "What about Yan Yan?"

"Aunt Li, sister Yanyan has gone to the bathroom." Wei Yubin watched Li Xiaoman finish, and then looked up at Lin Momo, "Mommy, I'm going to the bathroom too."

Lin Momo was about to go with him, and Wei Yubin said in a naive voice: "Mommy, Sister Yanyan are not accompanied by mommy, and I am not accompanied by mommy. I see where the restroom is. I go by myself. ."

When the words fell, he walked alone towards the bathroom.

Lin Momo and Li Xiaoman saw each other, and they smiled at each other, looking at the direction of the bathroom.

Seeing Wei Yubin entered the bathroom accurately, the two people were at ease.

Xiao Yanyan, who originally walked to the bathroom, secretly changed direction to trot towards the children's ferris wheel when Lin Momo spoke with Li Xiaoman, and ran directly behind Long Sihao.

She had a little pink face on her face and pursed her small mouth. "Dad is better than--"

Suddenly I heard the sound of Dabi, Long Sihao seemed to be struck by thunder, his body was shaken, his narrow and narrow eyes narrowed, and he turned slowly in disbelief.

Seeing Xiao Yanyan appeared in front of him with a black face and a small face, he was amazed at the corners of his lips.

The deep deep eyes crossed the surprise, "Yan... Yanyan, you... why are you here?"

Rarely, he stuttered a little, showing a trace of tension in his heart.

If Yanyan is here, it means that his Xiaoxiao is also here.

Then he looked at Yanyan's back and forth like a thief. He didn't see Li Xiaoman's figure. He was puzzled and worried.

Lowry, Ling Hanye, and Ling Dina then turned around to see Xiao Yanyan with a black face, and all of them also showed a shocked and shocked expression on their faces.

Lori's eyes widened exaggeratedly, covering one mouth with one hand, and the other pointed at Xiao Yanyan, "Little... Little, you... You little ghost, why did you suddenly appear? Why are you here? ? You came alone? Impossible, Mrs. President and you? Must be."

Ling Dina saw him make an exaggerated expression, and asked herself to answer, she gave him a white look, then walked in front of Xiao Yanyan, bent down, and looked at her with a smile, "Little cute, I haven't seen you for a long time, did you miss Xiaona? ?"

Xiao Yanyan looked up at Ling Dina with a grin and her voice was sweet, "Yes!"

Listening to her saying yes, Ling Dina smiled and said, "It's a lovely little cute, let sister Xiao Na kiss one."

When the words fell, she was about to kiss Xiao Yanyan's small face, and Long Sihao suddenly reached out and pulled Xiao Yanyan aside.

Immediately he crouched down, and the charming narrow, long eyes looked at her tenderly, "Baby, tell Daddy, where is your mummy?"


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