A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 496: Long Shao, take away brother

Outside the kitchen door, Aisha's left ear was firmly against the door, listening to the movement inside.

When she heard the sound of chopping vegetables inside, her eyes were full of smiles, and her lips were lifted.

It seems that she guessed right, men all like sons, and her Si Hao is the same. He can come here to cook for Long Yi, which shows that he likes Long Yi very much.

As long as he likes Long Yi, then she can use Long Yi to grab him from Li Xiaoman.

What puzzles her most now is why he didn’t ask who she was like yesterday?

Her current face is unknown to him. According to his character, he should suspect that Long Yi’s identity is. Even if he saw the DNA paternity test report, he would at least ask her what Long Yi was. Come, but why didn't he?

Does he already know who she is?

If he really knew it, she wouldn't be surprised. After all, he was thoughtful and so wise, sooner or later she would discover her true identity.

The reason why she wanted to be Yi Rongcheng's appearance as another woman did not really want to hide her identity in front of him. She just didn't want him to recognize who she was from the beginning, and then did not believe that Long Yi was his son.

She just wanted him to have doubts about her heart, so that he would put his mind and attention on her, instead of putting all his mind and focus on Li Xiaoman all day.

She has been waiting outside the kitchen, thinking that Long Sihao will come out after finishing breakfast, thinking that she can have the honor to eat the meals he made by herself, but she did not expect Long Sihao to be in the kitchen and Xiaolongyi directly after making breakfast After eating, leave the tableware for her to wash.

"Go and wash the dishes."

After Long Sihao opened the door, he dropped the expression blankly and led Xiaolong Yi to the living room, and then walked out of the door without stopping.

Seeing this, Aisha immediately caught up, looked at him in a panic and asked, "Si Hao, where are you going to take allen?"

Long Sihao paused slightly, turned to stare at Aisha with a deep voice, "allen is my son, I need him to agree to take him out with me?"

Aisha saw Long Sihao claiming that Xiaolong Yi was his son. She was a little surprised, and her eyes looked at him in disbelief.

He accepted allen, does it mean that she also accepted her?

If so, then she is not far from snatching him back from Li Xiaoman.

When she rejoiced, Long Sihao left Xiaolong Yi.

She heard the closing sound of "Bang" before she recovered from the joy of intoxication.

When seeing that the door was closed, Long Sihao had already taken Xiao Longyi away, her eyes flashed in panic, and she immediately stepped forward to open the door, but did not see Long Sihao and Xiao Longyi.

She didn't expect that Long Sihao would take Xiaolong Yi away, and she didn't prepare for it.

She quickly ran to the elevator and saw that the elevator had reached the ground floor. She immediately returned to the room and found the cell phone to call the mysterious person who had visited yesterday.

As soon as the phone was connected, she hurriedly said: "allen was taken away by Si Hao. I don't know where it will be taken. Try to find a way to intercept him. He just came downstairs."

The mysterious person over the phone heard her saying that Xiao Longyi was taken away by Long Sihao. His voice was extremely cold and mixed with anger. "What do you think of Allen? How did you let Long Sihao take away?"

"I..." Aisha, holding her mobile phone, was making excuses to the mysterious man, who hung up the phone there.

At this time, Xiaolong Yi had already entered Long Sihao's car.

"Daddy, where are you going to take me?" Xiao Longyi looked at Curiously, Long Sihao, who was fastening his seat belt carefully, and asked puzzled.

After Long Sihao fastened his seat belt, he stood up and looked at him softly, "Father took allen to an uncle's house."

When the words fell, he called Ling Hanye and drove Xiao Longyi to Ling Hanye.

He drove the car directly into the lobby of Lingjia Villa. Because he called Linghanye in advance and said that he would bring a very important person to him, so Linghanye and Lingdina were out of curiosity. He waited outside the hall before he arrived.

Long Sihao and Xiaolong glanced at the car, and Ling Hanye and Ling Dina naturally saw them.

"Brother Si Hao, I look forward to the stars and the moon, and finally I look forward to you." Ling Dina temporarily ignored Xiao Longyi beside Long Sihao and ran directly to Long Sihao.

Seeing this, Long Sihao led Xiaolong Yi to Ling Hanye.

At this time, Ling Hanye's eyes were on the small face of Xiao Longyi that he was holding, which was very similar to Long Sihao.

His brown eyes were full of shock, and he pointed to Xiaolong Yi, "Dragon... Long Shao, this... this is your son? Your bastard?"

When Ling Dina heard Ling Hanye's words, she set her eyes on Xiao Longyi's small face. Seeing him like a scaled-down version of Long Sihao, she also shocked her pupils and looked in disbelief. With Long Sihao, "Si... Brother Si Hao, when did you have a son? Where did this son come up? Didn’t Li Xiaoman only give you a daughter? Woo...you were carrying it Li Xiaoman and other women have children. You hurt Li Xiaoman's heart and my heart."

Xiao Longyi saw that Ling Hanye and Ling Dina both saw a shocked expression when they saw him. He frowned, looking up at Long Sihao.

Long Sihao looked at him with a gentle smile, reached out and gently touched his small head, a deep voice mixed with a touch of spoiling, "allen, you live here for the time being, Uncle Ling and Aunt Ling are both good people, They will take care of you."

Ling Dina grunted her dissatisfaction, "Brother Si Hao, they are not married yet, and they asked their aunts to call them old. If you want to call them, they are called Sister Xiaona, and your baby daughter, Yanyan, is so cute."

Ling Hanye saw that Long Sihao was very gentle with Xiaolongyi, as if he were a kind father. He stepped forward and pulled Long Sihao aside, before looking at him rigorously, "Long Shao, that little boy is really Your son? Are you confused? You and your Xiaobao were finally together. You suddenly came up with a son, she can accept it? In my impression, you are a good man, how can you also have illegitimate child?"

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at him deeply, with an unpredictable smile in his lips, "Xiaoxiao will accept allen."

After hearing this, Ling Hanye was a little startled and squinted at him, "You dream, Shao Long, you are a good role model among our men, don't destroy yourself! If Li Xiaoman can accept you and others The son of a woman, I cut my head down and played bowling for you."

Long Sihao looked at him indifferently, his dark eyes deep as a quiet lake, and thin lips raised lightly, "Who said allen was born by another woman?"


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