A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 492: Rampant, posing as Primary Three

"I understand, Miss Li, I know what to do? I will treat my wife well." Director Yu looked up at Li Xiaoman with a look of gratitude, "Miss Li, thank you, not you, I will Keep going wrong."

"Knowledge can improve Mo Dayan, Director Yu, treat your wife well."

Director Yu looked at Li Xiaoman and nodded, "I will, I will not do anything sorry for her."

After Director Yu left, Li Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief, and finally managed to get these three people together. The next step was to find a suitable time to defeat Huo Shi.

Jiang Yiyi walked in with a cup of coffee and placed it on her desk. She smiled and looked at her and asked, "Sister Xiaoman has worked hard, drink a cup of coffee."

"Thank you." Watching Jiang Yiyi said thank you, Li Xiaoman picked up the coffee and tasted it.

"Sister Xiaoman, who were those three just now? I saw the scary faces of the three of them when they came, and their expressions changed completely when they left, especially the older ones, who still had Thank you, Sister Xiaoman, I adore you so much, how did you make those three people angry?"

Jiang Yiyi looked at Li Xiaoman with admiration, and her beautiful face was full of smiles.

Li Xiaoman looked at Jiang Yiyi, who worshipped her, and smiled, "Yiyi, in fact, I am not very powerful, but I have experienced more things, and I will wait for you to work hard in this society for a few years. , You and me are the same."

Jiang Yiyi looked at Li Xiaoman and raised a brow, "In short, I think Sister Xiaoman is very powerful, and I admire Sister Xiaoman very much."

Li Xiaoman looked at her with a smile, thinking of something and asked: "Yes, I asked you to help me contact the housekeeping company to find a nanny. Is there a result?"

"Sister Xiaoman..." Jiang Yiyi lowered her head, her face shy and shy, and said in a low voice: "Actually, I don't need a babysitter. I can help Xiaoman take care of your uncle."

"You go to take care?" Li Xiaoman looked up at her with amazement when she heard her words. When she saw her with a shy look, she immediately understood her intentions.

With a soft smile on her lips, she asked tentatively: "But taking care of people is tiring, aren't you afraid of it?"

Jiang Yiyi looked up at Li Xiaoman and shook his head firmly. "Sister Xiaoman, it's okay. It's my honor to help you take care of your uncle. I won't feel tired."

Although Jiang Yiyi said to help Li Xiaoman take care of her uncle, Li Xiaoman knew very well that she must have done so because of her Wenbo brother.

This girl likes her Wen Bo brother, the purpose of wanting to have a good relationship with her future father-in-law is obvious!

Immediately she looked up and looked at Jiang Yiyi, with gratitude in the clear water eyes, "Yiyi, thank you."

Jiang Yiyi listened to her saying, a smile on his face, a pair of smart eyes and a smile turned into a beautiful crescent moon, with a joy that could not be hidden in his voice, "Sister Xiaoman, do you agree that way?"

Li Xiaoman looked at her and nodded gratefully, pursing her lips, "Well, you offered to help me take care of my uncle, I am too grateful to be too late, why would you disagree? You can take care of my uncle during this period, you can not use it Come to the studio, but I will calculate three times your salary as usual."

"Triple?" Jiang Yiyi's eyes widened, looking at Li Xiaoman in surprise, and said embarrassedly: "Sister Xiaoman, I don't come to the studio, I'm already embarrassed if you give me the salary, You pay me three times the salary. I... I am even more embarrassed. Sister Xiaoman, don’t give me the salary anymore. I’ll take care of your uncle during this period, even if I ask for leave."

Li Xiaoman got up from her office chair, walked straight to Jiang Yiyi, stretched out her hand, Shui Pu looked at her very gratefully, "Yiyi, since my studio was established in the UK , You have been fighting with me all the time, I really appreciate you, you still have to help me take care of my uncle, I really don’t know what to say, you are so good, too much for me I am touched. In short, I thank you very much. I think it is too little to give you three times the salary. I should give you ten times the salary to deal with you."

When Jiang Yiyi heard that Li Xiaoman gave her ten times her salary, she was frightened and immediately said: "Sister Xiaoman, don't give me that much, otherwise I won't take care of your uncle, and I will resign."

Li Xiaoman looked at Jiang Yiyi deeply, and his liking for her rose to another level.

If she changed someone else, she would have hoped to get ten times the salary, but she was afraid that she would give her ten times the salary, and said that to resign, she had to say that Jiang Yiyi was really a very noble girl.

And her character is very lively and cute, and ambitious. If she is a good girl like her, if Wenbo doesn't like it, she is really too sorry for Yiyi's love of him.

She raised her eyebrows at her, her eyes were gentle, and her lips smiled with admiration, "Yiyi, look scared you, okay, I won't give you ten times the salary, but you still have to pay three times, you can't No matter how good it is, otherwise I will let others take care of my uncle, and I will also find someone who is smart, beautiful and lovely."

Jiang Yiyi listened to her last sentence and said something was wrong. She was shy in her face and said with carelessness: "Sister Xiaoman, what are you talking about? I won't tell you, I'm out."

When the words fell, Jiang Yiyi turned and left Li Xiaoman's office.

Li Xiaoman called Li Wenbo after she left her office and asked him to pick her up before Jiang Yiyi left work.

Li Wenbo asked why she wanted him to come to Jiang Yiyi, she said that Jiang Yiyi wanted to help her take care of Li Zhenhua, and then hung up the phone without giving Li Wenbo the opportunity to refuse.

She just hung up the phone with Li Wenbo, and the secretary Xiao Liu knocked on the door and pushed open the door of her office and walked in.

"Director Li, a lady named Aisha is looking for you."


Li Xiaoman is wondering who this Aisha is, a woman in a white long dress, long hair shawl, wearing sunglasses, gentle temperament, but made her completely stranger came in.

Although the woman’s face made her strange, her figure and temperament made her feel familiar. She intuitively knew the woman named Aisha in front of her.

The woman named Aisha is Xiaolongyi's "mummy".

After she entered Li Xiaoman's office, she sat straight on the sofa in the office with a smile.

Immediately she looked up at Li Xiaoman, smiling gently and gentlely, "Miss Li, wouldn't you welcome my uninvited?"

Li Xiaoman looked at the woman who was familiar with himself on the sofa, and smiled lightly. "The visitor is a guest. I will not be disappointed. I don’t know if Miss Aisha is going to be customized. Jewelry or something else? But I don’t think Miss Aisha is here to customize jewelry, but it’s like looking for me?”

Aisha saw Li Xiaoman say this, a cold color flashed in the eyes of her sunglasses. She didn't expect to see it in five years, she was much smarter than before, especially when she was wearing an unsightly Wear the breath, but this deep breath gives a sense of oppression.

The smile on her face was a little stiff, "Miss Li, you guessed it, I am not here to customize jewelry, I am here to tell you, you better be far away from my Si Hao, otherwise, you will regret it. "

"Your Si Hao?" Li Xiaoman's eyes narrowed when he heard Aisha's words. The clear eyes flashed with surprise, and she looked at her sharply, with a smile on her lips. A little cold, "Miss, did you take the wrong medicine without going out of your head? You inexplicably ran to my studio and asked my husband to be so affectionate and asked me to leave my husband. Which one of you?"

Aisha looked at Li Xiaoman with a gentle smile, but that smile was a bit fake, "Miss Li, I am not afraid to tell you, I am the woman who raised you outside with Si Hao, we already have a child, please leave Si Hao, he and I are a match made in heaven."

Hearing Aisha’s words, Li Xiaoman’s expression on Qingli’s face was dull, and her mood was not affected by her words at all. Because she believed her relatives very much, he would never carry her outside to raise a woman. .

The woman in front of me really didn't know where it came from. She even ran as her husband's little three. She was either a funny head or a melon seed, or else she was insane.

Sunflower seeds mean fools.

She narrowed her eyes and looked at the woman sitting on the sofa calmly, with a smile on her lips and lips, "Miss, is the current Xiao San as rampant as you? Is it a glorious Xiao San who admits shame?" ? Is it that your three views are so upside down that your brain has long hips?"

"You..." Aisha squeezed her hands tightly because of Li Xiaoman's words, her eyes under her oversized sunglasses stared at her fiercely, her expression angry, "Miss Li, do you believe that I am Si Hao outside? Woman?"

Speaking of which, Aisha sneered, "Hmph, you will regret it sooner or later."

Her words made Li Xiaoman think of Sophie. Sophie once said that to her. Is the woman in front of her Sophie?

If she was Sophie, then she knew what she knew from the moment she entered.

Her eyes narrowed, and her sharp eyes fell on Aisha's face, which was covered by sunglasses and scattered hair for most of her face, as if to see Sophie's shadow on her face. Stared at her.

Now she will not deny that she is not Sophie because the woman in front of her is different from Sophie's face.

She has been involved in the world for so long, and naturally her mind will not be as simple as five years ago.

Today's cosmetic techniques are very good, ugly girls become beautiful, it is not difficult to transform one person into another.

In addition to cosmetic surgery, cosmetic surgery in TV movies is no longer impossible. Makeup can change a person's appearance, let alone high-tech to change a person's appearance.

So now she suspects that the woman named Aisha is Sophie.

She is either a facelift or a facelift. She wears such big sunglasses to cover something.

Aisha saw Li Xiaoman's sharp eyes staring at her for a moment, her eyes flashing a little, and she stood sideways from the sofa and turned her face, said in a contemptuous tone: "Miss Li, I have said everything I should have said , If you are acquaintance, leave Si Hao as soon as possible, because Si Hao loves me more, otherwise, he will not have a son with me."

Li Xiaoman saw Aisha turned sideways, as if she saw her face, and she more and more determined that she was Sophie.

Since it is Sophie, all she said is fart. Is she really as stupid as Li Xiaoman was five years ago?

She didn’t expose Sophie, but looked at her calmly, smiled, and Qingli’s face was confident, “Miss Aisha, I’m just as true as you say, Si Hao is in love with someone. I will try my best to give her the best. If Si Haozhen loves you so much, and has a son with you, why doesn’t she straighten you up, and so wronged you as a shameless third?"

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

It's even more here today. Xuan Xuan is too busy recently. I hope the babies will understand that it will burst twice every week, and it burst yesterday, there is another ha~!


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