A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 488: You don’t even have an IQ

"We?" Long Sihao's narrow narrow eyes breathed a dangerous breath, his eyes staring at the strange woman in front of his eyes, "Who the **** are you?"

Her voice is very familiar, much like Sophie's voice, but her face makes him very strange, she plastic surgery? Or did she wear a highly artificial human skin mask?

Because he wanted to determine whether Xiaolong Yi was the son of Li Xiaoman and him, he looked calm, but his handsome face was not surprised, but his heart was not like this at the moment.

The woman behaved calmer than him. She glanced at him tenderly, then walked to the sofa and sat down, without returning to Long Sihao.

Xiao Longyi came out with the brewed coffee, and when the woman saw it, he asked him to give Long Sihao first.

Long Sihao didn't take the coffee Xiaolong Yi handed him, but instead looked at the woman sitting on the sofa with a chilling voice, "What is your purpose?"

The woman looked up at him deeply and pointed at Xiaolong Yi, "You have read the dna paternity test report. You are the biological father of Allen. I hope you can recognize him. He would like to recognize you as a father. , You recognize him, our family can be together."

Long Sihao narrowly looked at the strange face of the woman, a deep cold flash of cold eyes, thin lips tightened, "I don't know you, I can't have children with you. "

"How is it impossible?" The woman looked at him with raised eyebrows and a charming smile. "You have already read the paternity test report. Allen is indeed your son."

Long Sihao Junmei's face was cold and hard, and she looked at her coldly. "Even if allen is my son, you can't be his mummy."

Hearing Long Sihao's words, the woman stood up from the sofa again and let Xiaolong Yi go back to the room.

Xiao Longyi glanced at Long Sihao and returned to his own room.

After Xiao Longyi returned to her room, the woman looked up at Long Sihao, "If you don't believe allen is my son, I can do a paternity test with allen."

Long Sihao's narrow, narrowed eyes stared at the woman's strange face, and suddenly, he strode forward and took off her sunglasses.

Upon seeing this, the woman looked startled and immediately turned around, while Long Sihao was holding her wrist, and the other big hand pinched her jaw, forcing her to look up.

Just as he wanted to see the woman's face, someone suddenly flashed in behind him and attacked him from behind.

The person who came in was wearing a black trench coat, and it was the mysterious person who last appeared in the wedding photo studio threatening Li Xiaoman.

He flashed forward at a very fast speed, and a sharp foot swept from behind to Long Sihao with a strong wind.

The detected Long Sihao let go of the woman, and then sideways avoided the foot of the mysterious man.

The mysterious man is still wearing a ghost mask, so Long Sihao turned around and could not see what he looked like.

"It's you."

Long Sihao recognized at a glance that he was the mysterious man in black who had injured Li Xiaoman in the wedding photo studio last time.

His eyes were cold, and he started fighting with his mysterious man. He punched like a wind, sweeping very fast, but the mysterious man didn't fight back, but he didn't fight back.

He was forced by Long Sihao to the entrance of the living room. Seeing that Long Sihao's punch was about to hit him, he shot back.

But he doesn't seem to be Long Sihao's opponent. On several occasions, he was almost hit by Long Sihao.

Seeing that it was not Long Sihao's opponent, he took the opportunity to escape the door while running away from Long Sihao.

Upon seeing this, Long Sihao immediately chased him out. The mysterious man ran quickly from the corridor without taking the elevator.

Long Sihao just came out of the room, and the door behind him was closed.

He didn't go after the mysterious person again, because he knew that he might not be able to catch up, and he didn't go to ring the doorbell any more, but after looking at the closed door for a while, he left Honghuayuan Apartment.

After sitting in the car, he called Lowry and told him something.

Less than half an hour after he left Honghuayuan, the mysterious man who just wanted to attack him and ran away appeared in the apartment where Xiaolongyi was on the 19th floor.

After he rang the doorbell, the woman opened the door just now.

The mysterious man glanced at the woman who opened the door, and then walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa.

After the woman closed the door, she walked across the mysterious man wearing a ghost mask and sat down.

After she sat down, the mysterious man said coldly: "Today he received a file bag at the company, did you send it to him?"

The woman did not deny and admitted: "Yes!"

The mysterious man stared at her somberly, "What is inside the file bag?"

"Allen's photo and a paternity report confirming that he and allen are the father and son." The woman made no secrets and told the truth.

When the mysterious man heard the words, the look under the ghost mask changed, his eyes cold, and he suddenly leaned forward, and his slightly thin hands grabbed the woman's neck with a cold voice, "Are you crazy?" When I said that it was not suitable, you should not let him know that you and Long Yi existed. You would cause him doubts. He is Long Sihao, not an ordinary person. You are too impulsive."

The woman was suffocated by his pinch, she frowned tightly, her voice intermittently, "Let... let go..."

The mysterious man glanced at her coldly, before releasing his hand and sitting on the sofa.

The woman breathed in and out, and then looked at the mysterious person after calming down. "I wore a high-simulation human skin mask and makeup, and he couldn't recognize who I am."

The mysterious man looked at her with cold eyes, and his voice was cold, "You are too young to look at him, even if he does not know your face, he can hear your voice."

The woman listened to him saying that there was a trace of regret in her eyes, and looked at the mysterious man and said: "I intentionally hide my voice, Si Hao, he should not hear me."

The mysterious man gave him a cold look, his eyes narrowed, his whole body exuding a cold breath, "Why are you so impulsive?"

"I..." The woman looked at the mysterious man with a cold look, and said with some emotion: "I can't wait, I don't want to look at him and the **** Li Xiaoman's love and affection again, and then go on like this, I It’s going crazy. I’ve been waiting for him for five years. I don’t want to wait any longer. My patience has been worn away. Now I have the ace of allen in my hand, as long as I put this card I will definitely be able to grab Si Hao from Li Xiaoman's slut. Men like sons, and Si Hao must like him."

The mysterious man looked at the woman with contempt and smiled coldly, "Then you try, you see if he chooses your son or Li Xiaoman's daughter? You don't know him at all, nor do you know in his heart What is the most important thing in his eyes, he does not care whether it is a son or a daughter, he only cares about Li Xiaoman, as long as Li Xiaoman gave him, his son and daughter are the same, you use the attitude of ordinary men to measure him, I think you are really stunned by love. You don’t even have the minimum judgment and IQ."


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