A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 364: Snake bite, no dead body

Huo Yehong is also "fighting" psychological warfare. He used Li Xiaoman's life to threaten Long Sihao, and Long Sihao's life to threaten Li Xiaoman, but in the end he didn't threaten anyone.

After Long Sihao led Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan to leave for a while, Huo Yehong withdrew his gun.

After a deep sigh, he turned to look at Huo Chenfeng's tomb and met his eyes. "Ah! Chenfeng, you also saw that your son would not surname Huo. People pointed at him with a gun, and Dad never hurt them from beginning to end."

Huo Yan walked solemnly to Huo Yehong, looking at him with some guilt, "Master, I blame me, I was useless to let Miss Li take the gun."

Huo Yehong clasped his crutches in his hands, his eyes slightly twitching, and he smiled a little secretly, "It's not that you're useless, it's that you didn't expect Manman, a weak woman, to take the gun from your hand. You were just too careless for a while. "

Huo Yan bowed his forehead, "What will the master do next? Or do I have to force the younger lord to change his surname Huo? The old man, if I am talkative, you will only push the younger master farther and farther, and the second younger master, since he came back From now on, the whole person seems to have changed, and he will not kiss the master anymore."

When Huo Yan mentioned Huo Yunene, Huo Yehong's brow was deeply locked, and the old face was full of sadness, "Ah!"

He sighed heavily again, the eyes of those old elite eyes were so deep that he didn't know what he was thinking.

"They all grew up one by one, and they all took my old man as a bad guy."

Huo Yan looked at him with a complicated look, "Master, don't be angry if I tell the truth, this can't blame the young master and the second young master, it's the old man, you have something to do..."

Suddenly, Huo Yan continued with a tone of consolation: "Master, after so many years, the grievances between you and the Long family should also disappear, if the master knows that his grandfather is being taken by the master..."

Before Huo Yan finished, Huo Yehong looked at him with a cold eyebrow, and his voice was cold, "Huo Yan, what should I say, what should I say, don't you know? I and Long Tengtian's grievances have disappeared in my life. Nope."

As the words fell, Huo Yehong narrowed his eyes coldly, his expression gloomy, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I will never let Si Hao follow Long Tengtian's surname Dragon again, and I want the Dragon family to cut off his son."

Huo Yan looked at Huo Yehong with a stern expression and secretly sighed, but said nothing more.

Over the years, he also persuaded Huo Yehong more than once to let him pass Long Tengtian, but he couldn't even hear it.

Long Tengtian was tortured by him for so many years, even he couldn't pass it.

It seems that it is impossible for him to persuade him to let Long Tengtian go.

In fact, he also admired the dragon sky. He was tortured for more than 20 years, but he can still live to this day. It is also a miracle.

Water Heron

After returning to Shuilu Lake, Xiao Yanyan ate the hands of her dad than her own hands and then called Ling Dina and Ling Hanye to report her safety.

Li Xiaoman did not sleep all night last night. After lunch, he went back to the bedroom to take a shower and then went to bed.

Then Long Sihao, who came in, sat down beside the bed, staring at her with a staring gaze, "Xiao Xiao, is it sleepy?"

Li Xiaoman opened his eyes halfway and looked at him with a lazy tone, "Well, I didn't sleep last night."

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes and looked at her deeply, "I didn't sleep last night."

Li Xiaoman moved in, vacated a place for him, and watched him smile softly, "Come up and sleep together."

Long Sihao glanced at the position beside his eyes, reached out to lift the quilt, and after lying down, slender fingers swam restlessly along the curve of her waist.

"Wife-in-law, are you sure you can sleep without doing something?"

Li Xiaoman looked up at him and smiled softly, his slender hands caught his neck, "Yes! Without doing something with her husband, it is indeed impossible to sleep, exercise before bedtime is more conducive to sleep."

When the words fell, she hooked Long Sihao's neck with a force, and Long Sihao's body pressed against her, but she took the opportunity to turn over and press him.

Long Sihao's black eyes narrowed, and he narrowed his eyes at the charming woman who was pressed against him. His thin lips outlined a beautiful and attractive arc. "Wife-in-law wants to be on it today?"

Li Xiaoman's Qingli blushed slightly, did not return to him, but lowered her head and kissed his lips.

Long Sihao likes her initiative more and more, his eyes narrowed with a smile, a roll over again pressed her under him.

"Wife-in-law, let Weifu come to serve you."


It is unavoidable that Huo Yehong took Xiao Yanyan away again. Long Sihao specially asked Lowry to pick her up to school and protect her safety around the clock.

With Lori's all-weather protection, Li Xiaoman was naturally relieved. She didn't go to the studio for two days, but she would handle some of the studio's business in Long Sihao's study.

At this time she was in the study, Li Xue came in with a cup of honey citron tea.

Walking to the desk, she handed the cup of honey citron tea to Li Xiaoman and looked at her respectfully, "Young lady, honey citron tea."

Hearing the words "honey citron tea" again, Li Xiaoman's eyes flashed a different color, then he narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Xue, smiling and asked, "Why do you give me this again?"

Li Xue lowered the curtain slightly, "Did Mrs. Shao like to drink before? Now that Mrs. Shao is pregnant, drinking honey citron tea is great for the children of Mrs. Shao's stomach."

Li Xiaoman looked at her with a smile, took over the cup of honey citron tea, her pink lips lightened, "Thank you."

Li Xue slightly nodded, "Young lady, then I'm out."

Seeing Li Xue about to leave, Li Xiaoman shouted at her after placing the cup of honey citron tea on the desk.


Li Xue turned to look at her, "Is there anything else, Madam Young?"

Li Xiaoman looked at her calmly. Qingli's expression on her face was unfathomable. "I want to ask you a question."

Li Xue looked at Li Xiaoman respectfully and smiled slightly, "You still have any questions, Mrs. Young."

"Do you know where Chen Lan has gone?" Li Xiaoman fiddled with her own hair casually and seemed to ask her inadvertently.

Listening to her mentioning Chen Lan, Li Xue's eyes were slightly slack, his brow furrowed, and then he looked at Li Xiaoman and shook his head, "I don't know, she suddenly disappeared one day, how could Mrs. Young suddenly ask her?"

Li Xiaoman slightly lifted his lips, beautiful eyes looked at her with deep meaning, "I heard that she is dead, so ask if you know?"

Li Xue was startled and his eyes widened. "What? She...she's dead?"

She was very surprised to see her. Li Xiaoman gave her a deep look, her tone was plain, "I heard that you have a good relationship with her, don't you know nothing at all?"

Li Xue's hand on his side slightly closed, watching Li Xiaoman shake his head, "Young lady, I really don't know at all."

"Oh!" Li Xiaoman frowned, looked at her and asked, "Then you have such a good relationship with her, do you want to know how she died?"

Li Xue blinked uncomfortably, "She... how did she die?"

"He was bitten by hundreds of poisonous snakes, and no corpse was seen." Li Xiaoman smiled softly and said that the clouds were light and gentle.

"What?" Li Xue was shocked and scared because of her words. She squeezed her hands tightly and stepped back slightly. "How could she be bitten by a poisonous snake?"

"Because she scared me with fake snakes, Si Hao will let people throw her into the snake cave."

Li Xiaoman's sharp eyes have always been on Li Xue's body, drawing every expression of her into the eyes.

Five years ago, after the fake snake incident, Uncle Cheng led people to look for other pranks in the bedrooms of Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao, so Li Xue knew about the fake snake, and she also guessed it was Chen Lan did.

When she heard that Li Xiaoman said that Chen Lan was thrown into the Snake Cave by Long Sihao, she felt panic in her heart and her eyes were a little uneasy.

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

This chapter reveals the truth, don't tell the baby Xuan Xuan did not find it! Guess who is Long Tengtian?


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