A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 243: Xiao Xiaolong received the certificate

Then he stretched out his long arms and pulled her into his arms, with thin lips attached to her ears, and his voice was low. "Just, we can take the opportunity to pass the world of two people. Do you want to eat me or eat first?"

"Eat first, I'll do it." Li Xiaoman's Qingli blushed slightly, raised his eyebrows at him, and then came out of his arms and turned to the kitchen.

Long Sihao narrowed his narrow eyes and gazed at her slender back, "Xiao Xiao, I want to eat you first."

When the words fell, he strode forward, and the white hand held her small hand, and with a little effort, she took her into his arms.

"Secret... Umm..."

Before Li Xiaoman had responded, Long Sihao's thin lips pressed down, clutching her lips tightly.

The fiery kiss burned between her lips and teeth like a fire.

She was infected and driven by his enthusiasm like a storm. Only a moment later, her slender hands wrapped around his neck and slightly lowered her jaw, responding enthusiastically to his kiss.

The two entered the bedroom with a kiss, and the clothes from the living room to the bedroom were scattered on the floor.

In the bedroom, the ambiguous breath spread in the room and did not disperse for a long time.

After breakfast the next day, Long Sihao didn't go to the company and wanted to take Li Xiaoman to continue the two-person world. Li Xiaoman said that he would take him to a place he liked the most, but he didn't tell him where he was going. .

Because Li Xiaoman doesn't want to let Long Sihao know where she is going to take him, she is driving today, and blindfolded Long Sihao sitting in the passenger seat.

Long Sihao, who was blindfolded, couldn't see anything naturally. After reaching out to touch Li Xiaoman's face, he leaned close to her, "Xiao Xiao, where are you going to take me?"

Li Xiaoman, who was driving slowly, raised her eyebrows and smiled at her with a mysterious expression, "You will know when you go, and you want to go there long ago."

After hearing this, Long Sihao was about to reach out and pull off the cloth covering his eyes, and Li Xiaoman immediately stopped him when he saw it.

"Si Hao, don't allow it to be pulled down, otherwise I won't take you, and I'll be here soon."

Listening to her, Long Sihao stopped her hand and smiled, "Xiao Xiao, you are more and more romantic."

"Isn't it romantic to stay with you for a long time?" Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and finished talking, and then didn't speak again. She didn't stop until she reached her destination.

She got off the car first, then went around to the front passenger seat and opened the door for Long Sihao. He smiled at him and said, "Okay, it's here."

When the words fell, she reached out and pulled off the cloth covering Long Sihao's eyes.

"Looking at the light again," Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked softly at Li Xiaoman. "Xiao Xiao, what medicine are you selling in the gourd?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled at him, "You will know when you get out of the car."

She then stretched her slender hand towards Long Sihao.

Upon seeing this, Long Sihao glanced at her mysteriously, then stretched out her big hand and held her small hand tightly, then got out of the car.

Li Xiaoman closed the door of the car and pulled him around and walked forward.

Long Sihao glanced at her curiously, and raised his eyes to the front.

The three words "civil affairs bureau" Huo Di reflected in his dark eyes.

He was stunned for a moment, stunned.

His narrow and long eyes looked at the three big characters in disbelief. The Civil Affairs Bureau, the mysterious place that his Xiao Xiao brought him turned out to be the Civil Affairs Bureau?

Li Xiaoman saw that he was standing still suddenly, her eyes kept staring at the three characters of the Civil Affairs Bureau. She raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at him with a smile. "

"Xiao Xiao..." Long Sihao withdrew his gaze, and looked at Li Xiaoman with unpretentious eyes. "Have you really decided?"

Li Xiaoman's clear water eyes gazed at him firmly, and nodded heavily, "Well, Si Hao, I decided, and I will never regret it."

Her firm eyes and firm expression made Long Sihao's heart moved. He waited for a long time on this day, and finally let him wait.

"Xiao Xiao." Suddenly, he hugged her into his arms and held it tightly, his long and narrow eyes moistened a little, "Thank you for letting me wait until today."

Li Xiaoman lifted his eyes and looked at him from his arms. The clear eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and the words were distressed, "Si Hao, sorry, let you wait so long."

Long Sihao's fair-skinned big hands gently held her small beautiful face, narrow narrow eyes gazed at her tightly, her eyes were affectionate, "Xiaoxiao, no matter how long I wait, it is important that I wait."

When the words fell, he lowered his head and turned to kiss her lips, then bent down to hug her sideways, her eyes softly glanced at her, and the bottom of her eyes was filled with a thick smile, "All the documents are brought together ?"

Li Xiaoman lifted the bag in her hand and squinted and smiled at him. "Relax, today I am determined to collect the certificate with you. Your documents and my documents are all brought together. "

Wen Yan said, Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly, his affectionate eyes fixed on her, and his thin lips bent, "Xiao Xiao, have you been planning for a long time?"

Li Xiaoman leaned his head in his arms, with a happy smile on the corner of his lips, "How long have you been."

If it wasn't for him to bring his ID with him anytime, anywhere, how could she easily find his ID and give him a surprise today and bring him here.

Since they went early and there were not many couples who received the permit today, it was less than half an hour after Long Sihao and Xiao Xiao entered. The two of them came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau hall with a red book.

It was so easy to receive the certificate this time. Long Sihao felt like he was dreaming and could not believe that he and his Xiao Xiao really received the certificate.

After sitting in the car, his narrow and long eyes were still staring at the red book in his hand. He mainly checked whether there was a missing seal on the marriage certificate, or whether he had written the wrong date of marriage, and whether he had known him. Xiao's name is wrong and so on.

In fact, he and Li Xiaoman's marriage certificate was checked carefully when he was in the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Li Xiaoman, who was sitting beside him, also stared at the marriage certificate in her hand for a long time.

But she stared at the photo of her and Long Sihao on the marriage certificate.

She and his face both have a hearty smile on the photo. The more she sees, the more she feels happy, and the more she sees, the more they match.

Suddenly, a hot voice behind her ear, Long Sihao's deep and clear voice passed into her ear.

"Xiaoxiao, don't look more and more and think that we are very married."

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman raised his eyes slightly, and met Long Sihao as if he had absorbed the bright light of the stars. The thick smiles and the indelible affection on her eyes infected her. , Moved her, shocked her.

Her eyes and brows were also dyed with a happy smile, leaned forward and plunged into his arms, her slender hands clasped his neck tightly, the clear eyes twinkling with tears glanced at him affectionately, pursing her lips, "Husband, you are mine."

Her "husband" made Long Sihao's heart move and rejoice.

His big white hand held her slender hand tightly, put a kiss on the lips, and immediately pressed against her forehead, gazing at her with affectionate and indulgent eyes, "Xiao Xiao, you will always be mine, What do you wish me to call you? Wife? Daughter-in-law? Lady? Child fucking? Darling? Darling? Mrs. Long? Madam? Housekeeper?"

"Hehe..." Li Xiaoman was amused by him, his soft eyes gazed tightly at his handsome and deceptive face, his clear eyes were full of smiles, "You can call whatever you want, as long as you like."

Long Sihao narrowly smiled at her, lowered her head and printed a kiss on her pink lips, bent her lips and smiled, "So called Xiao wife, or daughter-in-law?"

"Wife-in-law? Xiao-law-in-law? Little daughter-in-law?" Li Xiaoman pondered, and raised his eyebrows and smiled at him, "Yes, all passed, the husband can call whatever he wants, as long as the husband is happy."

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

My brother’s English name is allen, Xuan Xuan’s head was drawn. I wrote it wrong before, thank you for reminding me, kiss, love baby


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