A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 441: Will you, imitate handwriting?

Upon seeing this, Xiao Yanyan looked up at her and raised her eyebrows, her voice was immature. It’s so hard for you to catch up with my dad! If I were Sister Dina, I wouldn’t do it. I think Sister Dina was right, as long as Sister Dina took me Trapped here, dad might come here to find me! So sister Dina you can see my dad, and by the way, get in touch with dad."

Ling Dina heard the words and looked at Xiao Yanyan, her eyes a little surprised and puzzled, "Little cute, are you helping me? Is Li Xiaoman your mother?"

Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows and smiled sweetly at Ling Dina. "It's a fake replacement."

Ling Dina narrowed her eyes and looked at her curiously, "Why are you helping me?"

"How can I help you, I just told the truth, sister Dina, would you imitate someone else's handwriting?"

Ling Dina's brown eyes blinked, and she looked at her unclearly, "It's not so good, why do you ask like this?"

Xiao Yanyan took Ling Dina, walked to the sofa in the hall and sat down, and put her small school bag on the coffee table, took out a small workbook and a small pencil.

Then she lifted her small face and squinted at Ling Dina, "Sister Dina, I will write three words today, each word fifty times, please trouble you! Sister Dina, my handwriting is so imitation, Remember to imitate it!"

When the words fell, Xiao Yanyan handed her small workbook and pencil to Ling Dina.

Looking at what she handed over, Ling Dina was dumbfounded. "Little cute, do you ask me to do your homework?"

Xiao Yanyan frowned, frowning and asked, "Sister Dina, is it a big problem?"

Ling Dina saw her frown and frown, her heart softened, and she said truthfully: "Not big."

Xiao Yanyan's eyes lit up, "That's no problem, sister Dina, you are so nice, thank you so much."

When the words fell, she plucked her small mouth and put it on Ling Dina's beautiful face. "Bao" kissed Ling Dina with a sweet and cute smile on her face, and her voice was sweet and soft. "Dina Sister, please, you work hard!"

The sweet and lovely Xiaoyanyan who smiled, Ling Dina couldn't bear to refuse, and some appointments took over her small workbook and pencil.

A single word has been written in the small workbook. She lay on the coffee table and imitated Xiao Yanyan's handwriting. After she finished the pen, she frowned slightly. How could she feel like being teased?

She seems to have been fooled by this little cutie.

Xiao Yanyan saw that Ling Dina was seriously imitating her handwriting and helped her with her homework. Her cherry-colored lips slightly aroused a bit, and the star-like eyes were stained with a smile with a black belly. .

There are three reasons why she willingly followed Ling Dina to come here.

First, someone helped her with her homework, and she was very free from the sight of her relatives and moms.

If she goes back, her mommy will definitely let her do her homework.

However, she still has the bottom line, she will not give all the homework to others to write for her.

If it is a word that she can write, she feels that there is no need to write it dozens more times before she will give it to others for help.

Don't look at her small, she is lazy and lazy, she will still learn seriously what she should learn.

Second, she can take the opportunity to help her dear mommy "solve" Ling Dina, her rival to her dear dad.

Third, she knew that her dear dad wanted to live a two-person world with her dear mommy, so she sent a good heart to complete them.

Ling Hanye, who came in later, saw that his sister was doing homework for Xiaoyanyan, and Xiaoyanyan took the ipad out of the small schoolbag and played. He slightly pulled the corner of his lip. What he said just now Heard it.

This little girl fooled his younger sister, which would also allow his younger sister to do her homework. He had to say that this little girl was as smart as her old son Long Shao.

And it's unbeatable.

There is such a cute, clever, and black-bellied daughter. At this moment, he is envious of the dead dragon Sihao and envious of the dead dragon Sihao.

It is not easy for him and Li Xiaoman to meet again and start again.

And he...

A deep loss and sadness flashed through his brown eyes.

Lin Momo's dead woman has been playing missing for five years, and he still can't find her.

At the last New York Jewellery Show, he thought she had finally appeared, and only after he chased out did he realize that he was wrong.

No woman has ever let him remember for so long, she is the first one. Covering his sadness and loneliness, he strode forward and sat down next to Xiao Yanyan.

He narrowed his eyes, squinted at the game she was playing, and smiled, "Yanyan little potmate, since you are here, consider this place your own home."

Xiao Yanyan, who was playing the game, looked up and blinked at him, and smiled sweetly at him, "Thank you uncle handsomely."

The sweet and lovely Xiaoyanyan smirking, Ling Hanye became more jealous of the dead dragon Sihao.

He really wants to have a lovely daughter!

The smile in his brown eyes deepened, "Yanyan little potmate, call me Uncle Ling."

Xiao Yanyan looked at him politely and nodded, "Well! Uncle Ling."

"Yanyan Xiaopanyou, you are so cute." Ling Hanye looked at Xiaoyanyan the more she liked it, and couldn't help reaching out to touch her little head.

Ling Dina, who helped Xiao Yanyan with her homework, looked up and saw her brother Ling Hanye gently touching Xiao Yanyan's head. The handsome and evil face had a smile similar to that of a loving father. She narrowed her eyes in wonder.

"Brother, did you take the wrong medicine? Do you know what you look like now? Live like a loving father."

Ling Dina said this because her brother's impression was an unruly and evil-looking man. In short, her brother and father were inseparable.

She always thought that her brother had no plans to marry and have children in her life.

Because of her brother's uncertain heart, she had never seen which woman his brother had a crush on.

Her brother has always been surrounded by peach blossoms, and women who want to climb onto her brother's bed are like Jiang Zhili.

Ling Hanye twitched her lower lip slightly because of his sister Ling Dina's words, "Love father? Am I so old?"


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