A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 434: Guilt, I'm so stupid

When the words fell, he opened the kitchen door and brought the food to the dining room.

Li Xiaoman went out afterwards, and she felt that what Long Sihao just said was definitely more than that.

He thinks that Xiao Yanyan has a sister, so he won't bother them.

He is definitely playing this wishful thinking.

He is thinking about it all day now, is he going to make up for the lost five years?

After dinner, Xiao Yanyan had to report to school the next day, and she went to bed early. As for the illegitimate child, she was thrown out of Jiu Xiaoyun.

Long Sihao was very pleased to see Li Xiaoman teach their baby daughter to be so obedient and sensible.

After returning to the bedroom, he saw that Li Xiaoman, who came out of the shower, was wiping his hair with a dry towel. He immediately strode forward, took the dry towel in her hand, and wiped it gently for her.

Sitting on the bed|Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at Long Sihao gently, his clear eyes overflowed with happy smiles.

They returned to the happiest time five years ago.

After he dried her hair for her, her slender hands clasped his waist tightly, her small face leaned lightly on his chest, and the happy smile on her lips widened. Minute.

After Long Sihao put down the dry towel in his hand, he looked down at the little woman who held him tightly, and his eyes were tender and affectionate, "Xiao Xiao, what made you so gentle?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at him, raising his eyebrows slightly, "Aren't I gentle before?"

Long Sihao sat down and hugged her on his lap, and faced him in a cross|seated posture.

His thin lips curled up, "Of course you used to be gentle, but now you are gentler."

Li Xiaoman stretched out one hand to hook his neck, while the other hand restlessly drew a small circle on his muscular chest, and gazed at him softly, with a soft tone, "Then you... like ?"

At this moment, she was like a provocative goblin. The charming eyes and eyebrows brought Long Sihao's efforts to start surging again, gazing at her eyes obsessed and burning.

But compared to Papa Papa, he now has one more important thing to do, and he has not forgotten what she said this morning.

His big white hands embraced her slim waist and narrowed her eyes narrowly, her scorching eyes squinted at her deeply, "Xiao Xiao, you said this morning that I would wait until I come back and tell me why you want to move back to the water heron Go to the lake, can I speak now?"

When he saw him, Li Xiaoman smiled with a soft lip and didn’t want to hide him. He raised an eyebrow and said, “Because I want to go back and find out the truth.”

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes narrowly, gazing at her more and more deeply, "What is the truth?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at him deeply, asking as if he didn't know anything: "Si Hao, you never told me where have you been in the past five years?"

Although Lowry had already told her, Long Sihao never told the truth, she had to let him speak tonight.

Long Sihao looked at her deeply, Jun frowned, responding: "Xiao Xiao, why did you suddenly ask about this again?"

Li Xiaoman's bright eyes gazed at him tightly, "I just want to know, if you don't say tonight, go to sleep outside, and, what is the real reason you separated from me five years ago?"

"Xiaoxiao..." Long Sihao's deep, deep eyes looked at her closely, and a picture of embarrassment flitted across the picturesque eyebrows, and he didn't know what to say to her, because he didn't want her to know that he was sick.

Seeing him stop talking, Li Xiaoman looked at him sharply and asked, "What are you?"

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes and looked at her affectionately, "The previous things have passed, and you have forgiven me. We have started again, so don't mention the past again, okay? I know the past I’m wrong, I shouldn’t say so many things that hurt you, and I shouldn’t let go. I shouldn’t be separated from you for five years. I... Um..."

Li Xiaoman didn't wait for him to finish his speech. His thin fingers against his thin lips touched his thin lips, and the eyes looked at him deeply, "Si Hao, as you said, the previous things have passed, I don't I will blame you again, so you don’t have to hide from me for some things."

There was something in her words, and Long Sihao naturally heard it. His tight narrow eyes looked at her deeply, thinking about the change in her attitude towards him in the past two days, and the fact that she let Lowry come here.

Lowry must have said something to her, and the sentence she just had proved what she already knew.

He gazed at her deeply, "Xiao Xiao, do you know what?"

Li Xiaoman did not deny it and responded: "Yes! Your Lott helped to sell you. I know almost everything I should know or should not know, so Si Hao, do you really think there is still something to hide from me now? Is it necessary? The two should be honest with each other, Si Hao, you should know more than I do, because you know how to hurt a person, how to love a person, how to maintain a relationship, actually in love On the road, you are my enlightenment teacher, you taught me how to love someone, so Si Hao, don’t hide me anymore."

"Xiao Xiao..." Long Sihao looked at her lightly and moved her arms, closing her arms tightly, "I didn't mean to lie to you, I just didn't want you to worry about me."

The eyes of Li Xiaoman, who was hugged in his arms, were a little wet, and his eyes were in tears, and he choked: "Si Hao, have you ever thought about it, just in case...in case you are in the process of receiving treatment again Wake up, you... what do you do when you let me know? Do you want me to be hurt?"

Seeing her wet eyes, Long Sihao's eyes overflowed with distress, he knew she would be heartache when she knew the truth, **** Lowry, it seemed that he was itchy.

He wanted to beat Lori at the same time, he was also grateful to him. If it were not for him, his Xiaoxiao might not start with her again so quickly.

But in exchange for her heartache at the cost of restarting, he would rather use a more difficult way.

He gazed at her, his eyes overflowed with guilt and apology, "Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry! I didn't know how long I could live at the time, and I might die at any time. I don't want you to worry about me, let alone see you. Holding me to death, so..."

Li Xiaoman took his words, and the tears came down, "So you will make a big fuss about the fact that Huo Yunene and I were framed, saying that I killed your daughter and tell me Those sad words make me hate you and give up on you, are you okay to leave alone?"

Squinting her eyes and tears like rain, Long Sihaojun's eyebrows were deep, and he was very distressed. Now he really wanted to strangle Lori, which hurt her Xiaoxiao so sad.

His long narrow eyes were moistened for a while, and his framing fingers lightly wiped the corners of her eyes. Her distressed and guilty eyes fixed on her. "Xiao Xiao, forgive me. If I leave, you hate me more than I love you." Hello, then you will forget me soon, I just hope that I am no longer in this world, you can live a happier life, and will not be sad because of my scumbag leaving."

"Si Hao..." The tears in Li Xiaoman's eyes drowned, staring at Long Si Hao, both heartbroken and angry.

He was so sick, how could he hide her?

What if she hadn’t lived in the past five years, in case she heard today that he had left this world?

The pain that separated him from yin and yang made her desperate even more than he hurt her.

She was in his arms, tears were falling like rain, and the powder fist thumped his muscular chest, "Si Hao, you are really too much, how can you hide me? No matter why you are You shouldn’t hide from me for any purpose. When I knew that you were ill and died, I didn’t stay by your side. Do you know how uncomfortable I am, how painful I am and how much I hate myself is not careful enough? You sleep in the same bed, I didn't even find you sick, I'm really stupid."


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