But the woman's figure made her a little familiar.

Li Xiaoman looked at the woman wearing the mask, Qingli's face with a smile on her face, "Hello, I live upstairs, I have received your kindness, this is too expensive, I can't take it."

When the words fell, Li Xiaoman handed the senior nutritional products in her hand to the woman who was wearing the mask.

The woman wearing the mask glanced at the nutrients Li Xiaoman handed back to her, but did not take it, but looked down at Xiao Longyi, beckoning him something.

Xiaolongyi received his mother's eyes, scowled Xiaojian's eyebrows, and raised her eyes to Li Xiaoman, "Auntie, my mommy asks you to take it. She is now making a mask and it is not convenient for you to talk to you, so... …"

After hearing it, Li Xiaoman glanced at the woman with the mask, and then handed the high-level nutritional products to Xiaolong Yi, saying gently: "This is really too expensive, I can't accept it."

As soon as her words fell, the woman suddenly took nutrients from her hands, then pulled Xiao Longyi into the room, and slammed the door shut.

Li Xiaoman, who was locked outside the door, froze and reached for the doorbell, but the person in the room didn't mean to close the door. No matter how she pressed the doorbell, she didn't open the door.

She stood outside the door for a while before returning. There was a big doubt in her heart. Gllen’s mum seemed to be very unwilling to see her.

What is she thinking about?

Why is gllen so much like Si Hao?

Who is that woman, and what is the relationship between her and her Si Hao?

She still didn't believe that her Sihao would have children with other women, but she couldn't explain why gllen would be like her Sihao.

What is the problem?

After the woman saw Li Xiaoman leave in the cat's eyes, a flash of light flashed in those eyes, and then she grabbed Xiao Longyi's hand and turned and entered the living room.

She let go of Xiao Longyi's hand and went to the bathroom.

Xiaolong Yi put the nutrients brought back by Li Xiaoman on the coffee table in the living room.

He stood on the spot and took out the mini-monitor his mom gave him. He frowned tightly and lowered his head. He didn’t do what his mom said. He might have to suffer one. Stunned.

When the woman who had washed her face came out, her eyes fell on the monitor on Xiaolong Yi's hand.

Her eyes narrowed, and she stepped forward immediately, her light brown eyes narrowed tightly, pointing at the monitor on Xiao Longyi's hand and asking, "Why is this still in your hands? Didn't you do what I said?"

Xiaolong Yi raised his head and looked at his mother's unpleasant gaze indifferently. The cherry-colored little lips pursed lightly and spit out two words, "No."

"You..." As soon as the woman heard him say no, she rushed to the top of her head with anger. She raised her hand to slap in the face to Xiaolong Yi, but when she saw him standing still, she put her hand back again and was disappointed. And glared at him angry.

"Gllen, why don't you do what Mummy said? Why don't you put the monitor in the bedroom of the woman and your daddy? Why did you bring that woman here? You know she knows Mummy, have seen Mummy, you brought her here, did you mean it on purpose?"

After the woman finished speaking, he looked at him angrily for a while, and then he said, "You have to reflect on where you are wrong. Mommy does it for your own good. Everyone else has a daddy. You don’t want to have it. Does Daddy hurt? Mummy is helping you get Daddy back."

When the words fell, the woman turned and walked to her own bedroom.

Xiao Longyi saw her walking towards the bedroom and raised her head, her narrow, narrow eyes looked at her tightly, "Am I really your biological son?"

When the woman heard his question, there was a flash of panic in those light brown eyes, and then she narrowed her eyes and looked at him sharply, "What do you mean by asking? Of course you are my biological son."

Xiaolong twitched her bristle-eyed Xiaojian eyebrow, "If I were your own son, you would not scold me."

The woman heard the words and squeezed her hands tightly. A pair of light brown eyes stared tightly at Xiaolong Yi. She hadn't touched Xiaolong before, but he had never asked her this question. What happened to him now? How could he suspect that he is not her son?

Is it too heavy for her to slap him today?

It's because he saw Li Xiaoman more recently that he would...

Xiao Longyi is young, but she is very smart and keen, she always knows, so sometimes she will be jealous.

When she was jealous, she would deal with him.

Then she stepped forward, squatted down, grabbed his small arm, and her face changed from the cold anger just now into a sad and distressed look.

She frowned at him with a distressed look, "Gllen, let mommy look at your face."

Xiao Longyi's narrow and narrow eyes gazed at the front, his eyes somewhat apathetic, and his little hands hanging down beside him slightly squeezed.

The woman saw that he was apathetic to her. She narrowed her eyes tightly and suddenly embraced Xiao Longyi in her arms again.

She said with a crying voice, "Gllen, I'm sorry! Mommy will hit you today because she is too angry. Mommy admits to you wrong, Mommy is wrong, Mommy promises not to hit you again, you must Don’t leave mommy, mommy is now only your relative, if you leave mommy, mommy can’t live, gllen, even if mommy is not right, mommy is working hard to raise you so big Ah! Your father left us. Mommy didn't throw you away after birth. Mommy still loves you no matter how you hit you."

After listening to the woman's words, Xiaolong Yi's expression on his face was calm, but the little brow furrowed tighter.

After a long time, his cherry-colored lips slightly pursed, spit out words that could not hear any tone, "I did not say to leave."

The woman heard the words and was very happy. She smiled and kissed Xiaolongyi on the untouched area of ​​her forehead. She said softly, "Gllen, you are really a good son of Mummy. You are so filial, Mummy promises not to fight again. is you."

As the words fell, the woman took Xiaolong Yi to sit on the sofa.

Just sitting down, the woman's cell phone on the coffee table rang.

"Gllen, Mummy answered the phone."

The woman looked at Xiao Longyi, and then picked up her phone.

When answering the phone, the woman stood up and walked away.

After answering the phone, she glanced at Xiao Longyi with delight, "Gllen, your daddy is back, go out and see your daddy."

The woman said, pulling Xiaolong Yi sitting on the sofa and walking outside the door.

The elevator is just outside the door, and there is only one household on each floor of this high-end apartment.

The woman pulled Xiao Longyi and stood at the elevator door. After explaining him a few words, she pressed the elevator and asked him to wait outside the elevator.

Immediately the woman returned to the room, concealed the door, and looked out from the crack in the door.

Long Sihao, who came back from the company to Honghuayuan, was in the elevator at this time, and the elevator stopped when it reached the 19th floor.

As soon as the elevator door opened, he saw Xiao Longyi standing outside the elevator, but Xiao Longyi just stood and did not enter the elevator.


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