A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 416: The truth of amnesia and kidnapping

Immediately she raised her eyes and looked at Lorry dimly. "Lot, can you tell me about the kidnapping?"

Lorry couldn’t seem to remember her when she saw her eyebrows deep, and he frowned deeply. “Miss Li, I don’t know much about the kidnapping. I heard from the president that the kidnapping was not The accident was planned by someone behind them. They actually wanted to kidnap the president, and you will be kidnapped because you saw that the president was kidnapped and tried to rescue the president. As a result, those kidnappers even missed Li. ."

After hearing Lowry say this, Li Xiaoman tried hard to think about the situation at that time, but still couldn't remember.

Seeing that she couldn’t remember, Lowry continued: “That kidnapping, the kidnappers not only kidnapped you and the president, but also kidnapped Huo Yunene, but later Huo Yunene was rescued, Miss Li and you and the president were taken by those kidnappers. Into a wood, Miss Li, you should be about eleven years old? There are two kidnappers and beasts wanting to violent you, the president’s hands and feet were tied, because to save you, you can only hit with your body The two kidnappers were beaten and kicked by them..."

Hearing the words "fighting and kicking", Li Xiaoman suddenly flashed in his mind, and a blurry picture appeared.

The two men in ghost masks kept hitting a teenager with both hands and feet tied. A girl about eleven years old rushed over and lay on the teenager, crying and begging the two kidnappers.

The girl asked for a long time before the two kidnappers temporarily spared them.

Lori saw her in deep thought, and looked at her and continued: "Miss Li, after the kidnappers received the ransom, they only let you go, but not the president. They were going to use oil to burn the president. You saved it. President, and Miss Li, you will be frightened and lose a small part of your memory. It should be because Miss Li saw you kidnapped by the explosive oil tank."

After listening to Lowry, Li Xiaoman was completely shocked and could not recover for a long time. She did not expect such a life and death incident between her and Long Sihao.

Her tearful eyes narrowed down at Lowry, and she asked hoarsely, "Lote, do you know who planned the kidnapping?"

"This one……"

Lowry frowned. They found that this matter was related to Li Xuehe, but there was no definitive evidence.

Immediately he raised his eyebrows and said: "Miss Li, this matter is still under investigation, and you can't even remember Miss Li, as long as you don't forget the president now, I must follow Miss Li, you said, the president has loved you for a long time, especially six years ago, the president was very sad when he knew that you were going to marry Huo Yunene. After you married Huo Yunene, the President has been silently paying attention Your life, Huo Yunene is not good to you, the president knows, but you and Huo Yunene have been married for a year, the president has not appeared to disturb your life, because the president knows that you love Huo Yunene, you are waiting for him He changed his mind, so the president gave you a year."

Lori's words shocked Li Xiaoman. Her tear-filled eyes glanced at him in surprise. "I and Huo Yunene have been married for a year. Has he been paying attention to me?"

Luo Rui looked at Li Xiaoman and nodded, said to her: "Miss Li, you must have been surprised that on the wedding anniversary of Huo Yunene, you were almost ruined by the drug, why did the president appear in time?"

Li Xiaoman looked at him again with tears in her eyes, she was really strange about this matter, why did Long Sihao appear so timely to save her?

Lorry nodded when she saw her, and said, "Miss Li, that's because the president has been paying attention to you, so that you can appear on the day of your wedding with Huo Yunene after you are drugged. The president knows that it is you On the first anniversary of the marriage with Huo Yunene, I also know that Huo Yunene has asked you to meet at the Dihua International Hotel. Miss Li you can't think of it. The president was watching you in a corner of the revolving restaurant where you are. ."

Hearing this, Li Xiaoman burst into tears again, the fool, watching her sitting with other men, he must have been heartbroken.

She could imagine his sad and lost eyes and lonely and painful expression at that time.

Seeing her cry again, Lowry took a tissue and handed it to her, saying, "The president saw Huo Yunene take you into a presidential suite and left, feeling that something was wrong, guessing that Miss Li might have Dangerous, so you can save Miss Li in time, but I didn’t know that the president has been paying attention to Miss Li, I know it afterwards, and the president’s attention to you before was all personal, so I was the first in the hotel that day. See you Miss Li once."

After hearing Lowry say this, Li Xiaoman remembered that she was drugged by Leiyang in the hotel five years ago. After drinking too much, she accidentally vomited behind Long Sihao. Lowry rushed in and pointed at her and asked you You who you are, at the time, he also said that she couldn't even afford to lose one-third of a button of their president's suit.

Now she recalls what happened five years ago, and she still has a fresh memory.

Long Sihao has been silently paying attention to everything about her.

He loved her silently, and until now, her heart was already choppy and moving.

Lori glanced at the charming Li Xiaoman for a while, and then worked harder, trying to persuade her to promise to marry their president at one time.

After a while, he said again: "Miss Li, since there are many things you don't know, you know them now, and I will tell you everything else you don't know."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman raised her eyes and looked at her, crying and asked, "Is there anything else I don't know?"

Lorui looked at her and raised her eyebrows, "Miss Li, you don't know much. You uncle borrowed 300,000 from you five years ago. The president gave Miss Lin the right to give Miss Li your good girlfriend Lin Momo. There is no black gold card with an upper limit, one is for Miss Li, your good girlfriend, Miss Lin, and the other is for Miss Li, but the president knows that you will not want Miss Li, so she gave Miss Lin, let Miss Lin lent you in her own name when you needed the money, and only then would you want Miss Li..."

Lowry was determined to finish it all at once, then paused and continued: "The apartment at Honghuayuan is actually not a friend of mine. That apartment was bought by the president for Miss Li because you are afraid of Li Miss, you don’t want to live, so the president told me to be my friend, and the president bought a total of two apartments. The president is to prevent Miss Li from having a place to stay when you drive him away. Pay attention to you, but now the entire Honghuayuan is the president. To be precise, it is Miss Li. Honghuayuan is now Miss Li’s private property. This was Miss Li’s five years ago. Well, it’s just that Miss Li you don’t know, the purpose of the president doing this, I think Miss Li, you know very well, the president is hoping that after he really leaves this world, you can have enough security for your future life..."


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