A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 410: Long Shao, romantic apology

She took the initiative to get into Lowry's car, and Lowry gave her a thumbs up.

"Miss Yiyi, you are really sensible, and the most sensible girl I have ever seen. The more I look at you, the more beautiful I am."

Jiang Yiyi smiled politely and looked at Li Xiaoman through the window. She smiled, "Sister Xiaoman, Mr. You Luo sent me, you don't have to worry, you have to go and talk to Mr. Luo The CEO is dating! Sister Xiaoman, bye."

"Miss Li, hurry to the top floor, bye." Lori learned Jiang Yiyi's way, raised his eyebrows, and then started the engine to leave.

He drove a few meters forward and suddenly fell back, gazing at Li Xiaoman through the window and said, "Miss Li, I forgot to tell you something. When you called the president last night, the president happened to be The study room. As for the president’s mobile phone, it fell into the bedroom. The president returned to the bedroom at dawn, so the 100 missed calls you made were not received by the president."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman glanced at Lori and squeezed the room card in her hand. After Lori left, she turned and walked into the hotel, and then took the elevator directly to the top floor.

At the entrance of the presidential suite on the top floor, she aggressively inserted the room card and went straight to the bedroom.

When she pushed open the bedroom door, she was startled.

Her eyes were filled with red, and the entire luxurious bedroom was filled with roses.

The bed| is covered with rose petals, and the floor under the bed is filled with bunches of roses, each with a hundred red roses, for a total of one hundred bunches.

Li Xiaoman's eyes widened, standing in shock at the door of the bedroom, forgetting to step in.

Long Sihao in the bedroom saw her stupidly standing at the door of the bedroom and wouldn't come in. He narrowed his eyes slightly, smiled with a lip, reached out and picked up a large bunch of roses and walked to Li Xiaoman. The narrow, narrow eyes gazed at her tightly , "Xiao Xiao, I didn't receive your call last night. I'm sorry. One hundred missed calls and one hundred ten thousand roses. Each one represents my apology for you."

Hearing his words, Li Xiaoman recovered from the shock of seeing the red roses on the floor, staring down at the man holding a large bouquet of roses and apologizing to her. The clear eyes crossed a touch of motion and apologized Do you need to be so romantic?

One hundred missed calls, one hundred and ten thousand roses, each of which represents my apology for you. This sentence inadvertently touched the softest place in her heart.

Didn't he go off very angry last night?

He even apologized to her in reverse, which surprised and surprised her.

Isn't he angry with her?

In fact, she should apologize.

But every time he apologized to her first.

Her eyes were red, and the corners of her eyes were getting wet. "Aren't you angry with me?"

Long Sihao's dark eyes looked at her deeply, her thin lips lightly ticked, "Who said not to be angry?"

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman looked back at him with his misty eyes, "Since he is angry, why are he still preparing these?"

Long Sihao looked at her with red eyes, his eyes softened. He was not really angry last night. He just wanted her to be nervous. Her performance last night made him very satisfied.

"Xiao Xiao, I am angry and I want to apologize to you are two different things. This is not a conflict. I apologized to you. Is it your turn now?"

Li Xiaoman frowned deeply, took the bouquet of roses from his hand, and then returned it to him, lowering his eyes, "I'm sorry."

Long Sihao didn't take the rose, the squint narrowed a bit, Junmei's face was dissatisfied, "Xiao Xiao, do you think it's okay to be sorry?"

Li Xiaoman frowned, raising his eyes, "What do you want?"

Taking hold of her, Long Sihao bent his thin lips, "Xiao Xiao, can I do whatever I want?"

Not waiting for Li Xiaoman to say no, Long Sihao suddenly hugged her sideways and laid it flat on the bed full of rose petals.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman gazed at him tightly, "Dragon Sihao, don't tell me, the purpose of you letting me come here is again."

It wasn’t that she had to think about that thing, but now the thing that Long Sihao would do the most with her alone was that thing, and his act of holding her to bed made her think of that layer more easily. go with.

Long Sihao leaned down and narrowed his eyes to Li Xiaoman, his eyes were tender and tender, his eyes were full of smiles, and his thin lips outlined a playful arc, "Since I know what I want to do? Why come?"

Before she could answer, his thin lips were attached to her ears, and he spit out a hot breath, biting her earlobe playfully, and his voice was low and hoarse, "Xiaoxiao, do you miss me too? "

There was a rush of heat behind the ears, and Li Xiaoman shrunk his neck, looking very uncomfortable, and Qingli's little blush came behind the ear.

His proximity will always make her as sensitive as an electric shock.

If she stays with him again, she suspects that she will become a female gangster|rogue, maybe one day she will think about those things in his head like him all day, then she really is a woman|female.

She lowered her eyes and spit out two words in her pink lips, "No."

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes, slender fingers traced her lips, and a slightly thick fingertip with a current rubbing her attractive lips|petals, narrow eyes gazed at her with burning eyes, "Xiao Xiao , Is it really good to speak up?"

Li Xiaoman turned his head, not looking at his burning eyes that seemed to be able to fire, "What do you want me to do here besides apologizing to me?"

Long Sihao gazed at her with a gentle smile, "What about you? What is the main purpose of your coming to the appointment?"

Not waiting for Li Xiaoman's answer, Long Sihao lowered his head and printed a kiss on her tempting lips, then straightened up, and then took out a delicate rose-red box from the hand-made expensive trouser pocket.

Looking at the box he took out, Li Xiaoman had some familiar eyes. She sat up, and her doubtful eyes fell on the rose red box in his hand.

Long Sihao's narrow eyes full of smiles spoiled her, and took out the 12-carat pink diamond necklace from the rose red box.

Li Xiaoman looked at the necklace in his hand, his eyes flashed with surprise, and he couldn't help but think of the scene where he proposed to her on one knee on the feast floor five years ago.

The corners of her eyes were moistened again, and she looked up at Long Sihao with a complex emotion, "Why is this necklace where are you?"

She remembers that she was designed five years ago, and that necklace was left in this hotel. After that, she came back to find it, but she couldn't find it.

After sitting beside her, Long Sihao gently put the necklace on her, and with **** gently picked up the hard-to-reach 12-carat pink diamond, and her dark eyes looked at her tightly, " Five years ago, you left here, I let Lowry find it, Xiao Xiao, forgive me for not returning the necklace five years ago, because I need it to accompany me in these five years, just as you are there Same with me."

He had thought about it five years ago. If he died during the treatment, he would let Lowry return the necklace to her after his death.

Moreover, he had made his will five years ago. After his death, all his property belonged to her.

During the five years of treatment, he fell into severe coma again and again. He thought he would never see her again. When he was desperate, a miracle happened, his condition was better, and all the physical indicators were restored. Once normal, he was ascertaining to his attending doctor that the most authoritative cancer expert in the United States would not relapse and his life would be no longer in danger before returning to China to find her.


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