A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 393: Long Shao, tell the truth

Xiao Yanyan looked up at him and asked in a childish voice: "What is the difference between saying I like it and not saying it?"

Long Sihao looked down at her, and she smiled softly on her eyebrows, "If you like it, stay here with your mummy temporarily. If you don't like it, I will take you elsewhere, or you want to live Where, I will take you and your mummy."

Xiao Yanyan blinked Xiao Yanyan, "I want to live with Uncle Watch, I don't want to go anywhere."

Long Sihao still looked at her softly and spoiled her, his tone hardened a little, "No, Yanyan, you and your mum can live anywhere except your uncle's family."

"Why?" Xiao Yanyan raised her head and asked puzzled.

"I don't like it." Long Sihao answered very simply, still with an irresistible hardness in his tone.

Xiao Yanyan’s child also got upset, glared at Long Sihao, and got off the swing. "I won’t be here anymore. I’m going to see Mommy."

Looking at Xiao Yanyan who was about to leave, Long Sihaojun's eyebrows deepened, and her eyes narrowed slightly. She looked at her with a bit of loss, "Yanyan doesn't seem to like me very much."

Xiao Yanyan paused and turned around, seeing Long Sihao lost her face. She frowned, lowered her head, pursed her mouth and said, "I don't dislike handsome uncle."

Hearing her words, Long Sihao's narrow and long eyes were slightly smiled, and asked softly, "The reporters and policemen in the hotel are all arranged by you."

Xiao Yanyan looked up at him and generously admitted, "I asked Sister Yiyi to help me arrange it, and who let the handsome uncle bully you mom."

Long Sihao bent his lips and smiled, gazing softly at her, "I don't bully your mom, where did you come from..."

Long Sihao didn't say the word "you", he paused, walked to Xiao Yanyan, squatted down, and gazed at her tenderly, "Yanyan told her uncle truthfully, why is it to his uncle? Resentment?"

Xiao Yanyan glanced at him, and then she deflected her head slightly angrily, the old man with a small mouth pouting, "How can I have a grudge against my uncle?"

"Oh? Isn't it?" Long Sihao raised her eyebrows, narrow eyes squinted at her with a smile, her thin lips bent, "I remember that Yanyan liked me very much at first, and said I was like you Bad guy dad, why do you hate me all of a sudden? Does Yan Yan treat me as your bad guy dad?"

Xiao Yanyan seemed to have been taken care of, and her small eyebrows were tighter, her pink face shattered, her eyes burst into tears, and she was about to cry.

Upon seeing this, Long Sihao lowered his smile, and looked at her with distressed eyes, and asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Yanyan blinked her tearful eyes, and the tears immediately fell off, staring at Long Sihao with sad eyes, and the cherry-colored little lips pursed, but only the tears fell silent. .

Long Sihao was so distressed that he reached out and wiped her tears, her narrow, narrow eyes looked at her with guilt, "Yan Yan, do you know something?"

Xiao Yanyan kept silent, but her tears fell more and more fierce.

Long Sihao picked up her little girl, walked into the living room, sat on the sofa, wiped her tears, and said softly, "If Yan Yan feels wronged, just tell her uncle, don't hold back In my heart, eh?"

Xiao Yanyan blinked her tears, looked at Long Sihao in aggrieved manner, flattened her small mouth, sobbing and crying and asked, "Why are you leaving Mommy? Why haven't you seen Mommy for five years? Why not come Look at me? You made me have no bastard. You made me said to my classmates that they are wild children without bastard."

Hearing Xiao Yanyan's words, Long Sihao felt distressed and guilty.

He was sorry for their mother and daughter. He didn't do his duty as a father for a day. No wonder Xiao Yanyan resented him.

Now he understood why she looked at him with sad eyes, she must have known his relationship with her.

She was so smart at a young age, he had to say that Li Xiaoman gave him a good daughter.

He looked down at Xiao Yanyan with distressed eyes, and the expression on Junmei’s face was a little dignified. “Yanyan, I can tell you why you haven’t come to see your mummy in the past five years, but you must promise me that you must not tell Your mummy."

Xiao Yanyan raised her tears and looked at him, and asked with a small mouth, "Why can't you tell Mommy?"

Long Sihao's eyebrows deepened, and now he is ill, even if his Xiaoxiao knows he is ill.

But he just couldn't get through the hurdle in his heart, he never wanted to let his Xiaoxiao know that he was about to die.

He knew that his Xiao Xiao would be very sad when he knew it, but this matter had passed, and he hoped she would never know.

He looked down at Xiao Yanyan and said mildly: "Your mommy knows it will be heartache, I don't want her to know."

Xiao Yanyan looked at him puzzledly, stretched out her small hands and wiped the tears from the corner of her own eyes, and then came down from Long Sihao’s leg and sat straight on the sofa, hugging her little arms like an adult, Raised a small eyebrow, "Say, I will listen to you. As for whether I will tell Mommy, I will take care of it according to the reason you said."

Looking at Xiao Yanyan like an adult, Long Sihao looked at her more tenderly and spoiled her, "I was seriously ill five years ago..."

Xiao Yanyan's voice asked childishly: "What's wrong with handsome uncle?"

"Late stage of cancer." Long Sihao gazed at her with indulgent eyes, and said that the clouds were light and windy.

Xiao Yanyan's eyes widened, "What is the disease of advanced cancer?"

Long Sihao reached out her hand and gently touched her small head, and then roughly told Xiao Yanyan about his illness, and then told her something about him and Li Xiaoman five years ago.

Xiao Yanyan listens very seriously like listening to stories, and asks questions from time to time.


Yahong Hotel

After the reception, it was almost dark.

After Li Xiaoman, her assistant Jiang Yiyi, and Li Wenbo who stayed away gave away the guests, she glanced around the reception hall.

She didn't see Xiao Yanyan's figure, she frowned at Jiang Yiyi and asked, "Yiyi, where did Yanyan go? Why didn't you see anyone?"

Because she wanted to "entertain" the guests, she asked Jiang Yiyi to look at Xiao Yanyan.

She is very relieved of Jiang Yiyi. She and Jiang Yiyi have known each other for more than two years. In her studio, she has been taking care of her. She believes her very much.

Jiang Yiyi saw Li Xiaoman asking Xiao Yanyan, which opened the information Xiao Yanyan gave her to Li Xiaoman.

"Sister Xiaoman, Yanyan said to be with a handsome and handsome uncle, so you don't need to find her, Yanyan also said that you know the handsome uncle."

After reading the information, Li Xiaoman took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call to Xiao Yanyan, and sent Long Sihao and Xiao Yanyan to Honghuayuan, and Lori, who returned, just walked in.

"Miss Li, are everyone gone?"

Li Xiaoman looked at Lori who came to her, and the clear water eyes looked at him unexpectedly, "Lot, why haven't you..."

Lori knew what Li Xiaoman was going to ask and raised her eyebrows, "Miss Li, the president asked me to wait for you here, yes, Miss Yanyan was taken by the president first."

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Baby: Long Shao has told the truth, the next step is to "force" Xiao Xiao to admit that Long Shao and Yan Yan are going to act.


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