Xiao Yanyan's eyes lit up, and she looked at her mummy with a smile, "Really? Can we leave?"

Li Xiaoman smiled and nodded Xiao Yanyan, "Of course it is true, we will go now."

When the words fell, she took Xiao Yanyan and turned to leave.

After being taken by Li Xiaoman for a few steps, Xiao Yanyan stopped and frowned, before turning to look at Long Sihao, who was still standing, flashing in the starry eyes After a trace of loss, "Handsome uncle, goodbye."

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly, gazing at Xiao Yanyan with deep eyes, and slightly raised his thin lips, "I will see you again."

Li Xiaoman, who turned his back on him, would say goodbye when he heard his sentence. His slender body shook slightly, and then pulled Xiao Yanyan down the stairs.

Lorry, who was responsible for sending them out of the villa, was waiting in the hall downstairs. When they saw them coming down, he stood up immediately and smiled at them, raising their eyebrows with smiles. Leave, where do you want to go, I will send you directly."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman turned his head and looked back, but did not see Long Sihao's figure. It seems that he did not intend to send her and Yanyan away.

Although she was sad and sad, she didn't show it on her face.

She calmly led Xiao Yanyan to Lorry, and smiled politely at him, "Lot, thank you."

Lorry raised her eyebrows, and Jun smiled into a line, "Miss Li, you're welcome, I'm acting as well. If you want to thank, thank President!"

When the words fell, he looked down at Xiao Yanyan and smiled and opened his arms, "Little, are you interested in riding your uncle as a horse?"

Xiao Yanyan blinked her small eyes, and before she could answer, Lowry bent down to hug her and let her ride on his shoulder.

"Little, sit tight, let's go."

Before Lori's words fell, she rushed out of the hall with Xiao Yanyan.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman's Qingli face appeared a little smile, but in a flash, the smile on her face dissipated.

After frowning at her eyebrows, she glanced behind her eyes and hesitated for a while before she left the hall.

At the moment when her slender figure disappeared in the hall, Long Sihaojun's figure appeared. He stood on the stairs of the second floor, his narrow and long eyes gazing tightly at the direction of Li Xiaoman's departure outside the hall. Eyes overflowed with reluctance.

He just let her go for a while, and he would pick them up again. If it were not for potential danger in the villa, he would never let them leave.

He stood at the stairs of the second floor for a long time and did not leave until the sound of Ji Yuqing came from behind him.

"Mr. Dragon..."

Upon hearing the sound, Long Sihao withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Ji Yuqing with an indifferent expression. When she saw her carrying the suitcase, there was no ripples on his handsome face, his thin lips were pursed, and Shen Sheng asked: "It's all done. ?"

"Well! It's all packed." Ji Yuqing raised his eyes and nodded to Long Sihao, and then quickly lowered his head. The curled eyelashes covered up the lost emotion in her bright eyes.

"I asked the housekeeper to arrange the driver and I will take you directly to the city hospital." Long Sihao's indifferent gaze stared at Ji Yuqing, and then passed her and strode forward to prepare for the third floor.

Ji Yuqing carried the suitcase in both hands, frowned, and wriggled his lips to ask Long Sihao what he wanted, but he couldn't courage.

Just when Long Sihao Junting's figure was about to disappear behind her, she put down her suitcase and finally found the courage to turn around and hurriedly called Long Sihao.

"Mr. Dragon..."

Hearing Ji Yuqing's voice behind him, Long Sihao paused and turned to look at her indifferently, with a strange tone of voice, "What's the matter?"

His rusty tone made Ji Yuqing's brows tighter. She squeezed her slender hands and summoned the courage to raise his eyes to meet his obscure narrow eyes, but because of his indifferent eyes, he quickly lowered his head.

"Mr. Long, I...Thank you, thank you and I have no relatives and no reason, help me for the past five years, without you, Ji Yuqing was no longer in this world five years ago, you are the benefactor of my life, I I will not forget your kindness to me, Mr. Long. Goodbye."

When the words fell, she looked down at Long Sihao's nod, before turning around and lifting the suitcase with her hands, walking downstairs step by step.

Goodbye, Mr. Long.

Mr. Long, I wish you happiness.

Tears slipped quietly in the corners of her eyes, moistening her pretty little face little by little.


Jinlai Community

Lorry parked the car outside the community, looked back and raised his eyebrows, Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan sitting in the back seat, squinted, "Miss Li, please, I will send you here, you yourself Shouldn't it be a problem to enter?"

After leaving the Water Heron Lake Villa, Li Xiaoman is now very sad and sad.

After hearing Lowry's words, she concealed her lost emotions, raised her eyes to him, and smiled her lips slightly, "Lot, no problem, Yanyan and I can go in by myself, thank you."

When the words fell, she was about to push the car door, and Lowry took the lead to get out of the car, and then the gentleman opened the back door of the car for them. Jun Xiao smiled at Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan in the car, "Miss Li, Little, please."

Li Xiaoman stared at Lowry and nodded, first got out of the car. Lowry stepped into the car after she got out of the car and took out Xiao Yanyan who was about to get off.

After placing her on the ground, he smirked at her, raised her eyebrows, and waved her hand, "Small, bye."

Xiao Yanyan didn't wave Lorry bye, but he tickled his little finger at him, watching him narrow his pure eyes, and his voice was tender and sweet, "Hold your head down."

"Do not be small, what do you look down?" Lori Rui squinted, curiously asked Xiao Yanyan, still lowering him as she said.

Seeing that it was too high to reach, Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows, "lower."

Lowry glanced at Xiao Yanyan with some doubt, narrowing her eyes and asking, "Scary, don't you want to grab my ear?"

Although he said so, he still lowered his head. What he did not expect was that Xiao Yanyan did not want to grab his ears after he lowered his head, but kissed him on his handsome face. A bite.

His handsome eyes narrowed tightly into a line, his eyes stared at Xiao Yanyan in surprise, completely ignorant, he never dreamed that this little one would even kiss him.

When did this little boy become so close to him? Why did she suddenly kiss him on the face?

Was he just dreaming?

He touched Xiao Yanyan's face and touched his face. To make sure that he was not dreaming, he pulled it hard. He almost burst into tears when he was in pain. He was really dreaming!

Did the sun come out west today? Why do you want to kiss him?

He rubbed his face, a little drooling.


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