A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 376: Unbelief, there are ghosts in the world

For the next two days, Long Sihao was very trustworthy and didn't touch her anymore. Only when she was holding her to sleep at night, she would kiss her, but they only kissed until the end.

In the past two days, except for the meal time, the rest of the time was sleeping, and Xiao Yanyan was also very clever to not bother her.

Although she slept for two days, she became more and more confused. By the third day, her mental state had not recovered.

Seeing this, Long Sihao felt very distressed in his heart, and some regretted that he had "tossed" her for a long time.

He leaned over and attached thin lips to her ears, and asked distressedly, "Xiaoxiao, are you still tired?"

The sleepy Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes, and looked at him in a trance, then closed his eyes again, and said weakly, "Don't disturb me."

Seeing that she still seemed tired, Long Sihao didn't bother her to rest anymore, and left the bedroom with a kiss on her lips.

Xiao Yanyan stood outside the bedroom. When he came out, she narrowed her eyes like a star and asked, "Uncle handsome, is mommy up?"

Long Sihao looked at Xiao Yanyan with a smile, his voice was soft, "Not yet, Yanyan, your mum is still sleeping, don't bother her. Do you know?"

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan looked at the bedroom door, then raised her small face, raised her eyebrows and stared at Long Sihao for a long time before asking: "Uncle handsome, do you sleep with mommy every day?" "

Hearing this, Long Sihao narrowed his eyes narrowly, his eyes softly gazed at Xiao Yanyan, and with a lip smile, he generously admitted, "Of course."

Seeing the handsome uncle in front of him admits that Xiao Yanyan frowned and narrowed her small eyes, and asked in a childish voice: "Did that handsome uncle and mommy roll the sheets every day? Handsome uncle, even if they live together before marriage. And it’s unethical to roll sheets every day."

Long Sihao twitched his lips because of Xiao Yanyan's words, and was about to ask her who taught her these words, and his phone rang.

The phone call was from Su Yi. Generally, there was nothing particularly important and important. Su Yi wouldn't call him, so after receiving Su Yi's call, Long Sihao's expression became dignified.

He looked down at Xiao Yanyan, his eyes soft, "Yanyan, uncle has something to leave for a while, and will come back soon, can't be with you for the time being, you can play by yourself first, I can come back and play with you, is it okay? "

"Well! Yes." Xiao Yanyan looked at Long Sihao and nodded, and smiled at him sweetly. "Uncle Handsome, let's get busy first. I will wait for Uncle to come back."

Since Li Xiaoman was sleeping for the past two days, Long Sihao played with Xiao Yanyan, and their feelings were much better than before.

Xiao Yanyan naturally loves Long Sihao, the "handsome uncle" that brings her intimacy.

After Long Sihao left the villa, Xiao Yanyan played in her own bedroom.

And Li Xiaoman slept alone in the bedroom until the three suns had not risen.


In a daze, she heard a familiar voice again.

This voice was actually Li Sufang's.


The round bed|Li Xiaoman on the bed is confusingly calling her mother, but it seems like she is having a nightmare.

"Manman... Manman... Why don't you listen to your mother? Why give birth to Long Sihao? Why don't you avenge your mother? Unfilial daughter, you unfilial daughter, I have raised you for so many years, unfilial daughter... ...Unfilial daughter...unfilial daughter..."

Li Xiaoman's ear has been echoing Li Sufang's voice accusing her of being an unfilial daughter, while lying on the round bed | She has been swinging her head left and right, and said in a confused voice: "No... Mom, I Not filial daughter, I am not...I am not...Mom...I am not..."

"You are an unfilial daughter. You gave birth to Long Sihao's daughter as an unfilial daughter. Yanyan is Long Sihao's daughter. I'm going to kill her."

"No... mom... don't... don't..."


Li Xiaoman's face panicked, shouting no, suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

At this time, she was sweating heavily. She raised her hand and wiped the sweat on her forehead, recalling the words that Li Sufang had just heard in her dream.

She sat on the bed| for a while. After stabilizing her mind, she was about to get out of bed, and Li Sufang's voice rang again.

"Manman...unfilial daughter...unfilial daughter...unfilial daughter..."

Because Li Sufang just said she was going to kill Xiao Yanyan, Li Xiaoman was a little more awake than she was when she was awakened. When she heard Li Sufang's voice again, she was taken aback by the small one and looked up at the big luxury bedroom.

But after a few laps, she found nothing like five years ago.

Now she is still sober, so I don't believe that she has auditory hallucinations, but she really heard Li Sufang's voice.

But Li Sufang had been... five years ago... How could he still come to talk to her?

Why didn't Li Sufang's voice appear a few days ago, but appeared today?

She does not believe that there are ghosts in this world.

But how to explain Li Sufang's voice in the bedroom without any reason?

While she was in doubt, the bedroom door was pushed open, and a maid came in with cleaning utensils.

When Li Xiaoman woke up and was sitting on the bed|, there was a trace of surprise in the maid's eyes, but only a moment later, the trace of surprise disappeared.

She looked at Li Xiaoman respectfully and said, "Young lady, I'm here to clean the room."

Before waiting for Li Xiaoman to speak, she knelt on the ground and began to wipe the ground.

Looking at the maid on the floor, Li Xiaoman felt a little familiar. Her clear water narrowed her eyes and looked at her carefully.

The maid on her knees is ordinary, very popular and petite.

Seeing her kneeling on the floor and wiping the floor properly, Li Xiaoman slowly got out of bed, preparing to take a shower in the bathroom, and Xiao Yanyan walked in.

"Huh! Mommy, are you awake?"

When Xiao Yanyan came in, the maid, who had wiped the floor properly, paused and looked up at Xiao Yanyan before continuing to wipe.

Her small movements naturally fell into Li Xiaoman's eyes. There was nothing abnormal about her behavior, but Li Xiaoman felt something was wrong.

No one will clean the room at this time. This is one of them.

The second is that the maid wiped the floor almost all in one place.

The third is that the more she looks at her, the more familiar she becomes.

Xiao Yanyan came in to see her dear mommy staring at the maid on the ground. She took a small step to her dear mommy, raised her pink face, and provoked Xiaomei asked, "Mommy, why are you always looking at the wiping sister?"

The maid who knelt on the ground and wiped the floor heard Xiao Yanyan's words, looked up at Li Xiaoman, then quickly lowered her head again, and the movement of wiping the ground accelerated a little.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman narrowed his clear water eyes, and looked sharply at the maid who wiped the floor and asked, "What's your name?"


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