A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 370: Handsome uncle, my daddy

After staring at the phone for a while, Li Xiaoman still gave up calling Han Jinxi. At first, she called Han Jinxi to make him find a way to take Yan Yan away, but after the incident, she did not want to involve Han Jinxi again. .

After all, the forces behind him and Long Sihao are not trivial. She doesn't want to have any conflict between them.

If there is a conflict, no matter who hurts, it is not the result she wants to see.

Although Han Jinxi people like this human loss, mouth a little spanking, but he and she no family, his five years helped her a lot of busy, small Yan Yan also because of his love, and it did not look down on and bullied others.

Because of his name "Daddy", her Yanyan was not said to be a wild child without a father.

And Long Sihao, she did not want him to suffer any harm, because he used to make her so happy and moving.

She leaned her pillow on her back, closed her eyes and thought about many things that had happened in the past five years, and she fell asleep when she was insomnia.

When she woke up, there was no figure of Xiao Yanyan beside her.


She glanced over a trace of panic, lifted the quilt, got out of bed, and hurried out of the bedroom in a suspender pajamas.

"Young lady..." Uncle Cheng, who was waiting outside the bedroom, saw her hurriedly ran out, and only wearing pajamas, he lowered his head.

Hearing Uncle Cheng's voice, Li Xiaoman stopped to stare at him standing at the door of the bedroom with his head down, and wondered, "Uncle Cheng, why are you here? Have you seen..."

Uncle Cheng knew what she was going to ask and immediately replied with a smile: "Mrs. Young, Miss Yanyan and Master."

The young master in his mouth naturally refers to Long Sihao.

Hearing that Xiao Yanyan and Long Sihao were together, Li Xiaoman's eyebrows flicked slightly, concealing his panic, and asked calmly, "Where are they now?"

Uncle Cheng Cheng still lowered his head and said respectfully: "Just in the villa, Miss Yanyan said she wanted to go around in the villa, and the young master was with her personally. By the way, young lady, the young master was afraid that you wouldn't see you after waking up Miss Yanyan will be worried. I specifically asked me to wait for you to get up and tell you that Miss Yanyan is with the young master so that you don’t have to worry."

It is said that Li Xiaoman's eyes narrowed Che Liang's moving eyes, and Long Sihao asked the housekeeper to tell her that Yanyan was with him outside the bedroom. It was definitely not to reassure her. It is the gentleman's heart in the heart of a villain.

This soulless man asked Li Xue to test her silver needle last night, and let Uncle Cheng wait here again today.

Although she knew that Long Sihao was intentional, she was not angry at all. She thought he was cute and very careful.

Even though he was deliberately angry with her, she believed his starting point was not to worry her.

She got a little smile on her eyes, raised her eyebrows to Uncle Cheng, and said softly: "Thank you, Uncle Cheng, I know, go busy!"

She then returned to the bedroom, washing and changing clothes.

In the garden of the backyard of the villa, a children’s paradise was specially built, at this time Xiao Yanyan and Long Sihao were here.

In early summer, the sky is clear and the sunlight is strong. The whole world is in a dazzling light. The various flowers planted in the garden are bright, lilies, bunches of red flowers, weigelas, serpentines, and amaranth , Pomegranate flowers, roses, acacia flowers, etc.

Especially the pomegranate flower, a fiery red piece, is like a fire burning on green leaves.

The floral fragrance is tangy, and the air is filled with a sweet smell.

In addition, there is a green lake in the amazing garden in the backyard. The water is as clear as a mirror. The lake is very quiet. It is like a satin-colored silk. A ray of sunlight shines on the lake and reflects on the same side. In the golden light mirror, there are occasional breezes blowing across the surface of the water, and there are layers of ripples.

The green lawn, the entire garden is surrounded by locust trees, and the green one gives a sense of elegance and tranquility.

At this time, Xiao Yanyan was sitting on the sky blue slide, while Long Sihao was sitting in a strange pure white European-style pavilion near her.

Pure white European round table, pure white semi-curved wicker chair.

Today, he is wearing a casual, white casual outfit, elegant temperament, beautiful, extraordinary, all exudes charming temperament.

Seeing that Xiao Yanyan was sweating on the slide, he narrowed his eyes slightly and gazed at her gently, his thin lips bent, "I have been playing with you for so long, you should tell me who your father is Is that right?"

Xiao Yanyan, who was sitting on the slide, spread her delicate arms and flew like a flight. She got up and sat on the swing next to the slide. Xiaomei raised her eyes lightly and said, "Uncle handsome, Come over and push me, I will tell you."

Hearing the words, Long Sihao put aside a cup of black coffee in his hand, stood up, walked behind her, and pushed gently, narrowly narrowing her eyes narrowly and gazing at her deeply, "Can you say it now? "

Xiao Yanyan raised her small face in pink and jade, twisted her head to look at him, blinked her small eyes, her voice was tender and sweet, "Uncle handsome, do you like my mummy?"

Long Sihao's hand motioned, squinting her eyes, her thin lips pursed, "answer my question first."

Seeing him not answering, Xiao Yanyan broke her pink face and pouted her mouth, "Uncle handsome, if you don't answer me, I won't answer."

Long Sihao saw that Xiao Yanyan asked him to answer first. He narrowed his eyes slightly, his deep eyes softened a little, and spit out two words in his thin lips, "Like."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows and smiled sweetly at him, but instead of answering his question, she continued to ask, "Then can you tell me what happened between you and my mummy?" ?"

She didn't ask her dear mommy last night, just wanted to ask Long Sihao today.

Early this morning, she got up before her dear mommy was awake, and then went directly to Long Sihao and said that he would let him walk with her in the villa, and then she told him that her daddy was Who.

But now, it seems obvious that Long Sihao was posed by her younger age.

Long Sihao went shopping with her, and also played, and she still didn't say who was her daddy.

Long Sihao saw that the little one in front of him was deliberately digressing the subject. He narrowed his narrow narrow eyes slightly, a light smile appeared on his beautiful face, and his voice was low and clear. He said unabashedly, "Your mommy is my fiancee ."

"Mummy is your fiancee?" Xiao Yanyan's eyes widened, her mouth widened in surprise, "Why didn't I hear Mommy say?"

Long Sihao heard Xiao Yanyan said that Li Xiaoman had never mentioned him. He narrowed his eyes narrowly. The lines on Junmei's face were a little bit cold, but in an instant he recovered his gentle expression.

Xiao Yanyan raised her small face and stared at him for a while, suddenly shining brightly, her voice tender and sweet, "Uncle handsome, don't you want to know who my father is? I think you are mine Daddy!"


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